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Red bush tea, vanilla, white peach, golden amber, mandarin, lotus root, and myrrh.


Wow, this is beautiful! It starts off as a very strong, slightly sweet musky resin. However, within a matter of seconds after initial application its intensity lessens and the peach's sweetness blooms a bit more. The final dry down is a gorgeous mixture of the white peach and golden amber with maybe a hint of myrrh. To me, this is a blend that is both playful and sexy -- I can see myself wearing this both out on a date or just hanging around with my friends. I'm definitely going to need at least one bottle of this!

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I sure wish I got amber, spicy tea and resins. All I get from wet to dry is a 70's Avon floral that's been sitting in the closet for 20 years. :huh?: This is extremey strong and offensive on me, and as others have noted, kind of dry. I just about went straight to bottle purchase, as the notes sounded wonderful. So glad I didn't now. I've yet to find a luper that is working for me. Sigh.

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I was oddly and pleasantly surprised by this blend. It's a fruity, soft feminine amber blend. On wet, I definitely get more of the mandarin and peach on wet. But it dries to a slightly more floral, less fruit amber.


Very pretty, very delicate, ultra feminine. Hmm. I like it better than I thought I would.

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Overwhelming spice that gave me a migraine... which is so sad, because I usually love spicy blends. No vanilla, no peach, no amber - just spice spice spice amping to beat hell.


Gonna go cry now :cry:

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Wet: Perfumey! I mean that in the best possible way. Spicy sweetness, a suggestion of fruit, a resinous base. If I huff, I can pick out the gentle mandarin and rooibos tea, which seems so spicy I wouldn't be surprised if there was a sprinkle of cinnamon here. It's rather dry, thank goodness (I expected peach to turn things really syrupy!) and the myrrh comes out more than either the amber or vanilla. Yessss. Wet, Unveiled is all going according to plan. :twisted:


Dry: When it first starts to dry down, the peach comes out and fills in the gap left by the fading mandarin. The rooibos note is great: spicy, a bit herbal, almost woody, definitely reminiscent of a cup of fine tea. It's sweetened more by the distinctive touch of lotus root than by anything else, and the myrrh is lovely, crumbling and heated. After some time, the raw softness of fresh amber comes out, but not enough of it to go powdery. Vanilla lurks around the edges, behaving as a proper vanilla should: smoothing out edges beautifully, without taking over the spotlight. After about half an hour, this fades down to a really soft perfume, a gentle not-too-dry but not-too-creamy golden scent, glowing with warmth: an idealized "skin scent" that seems like it's radiating from your pores. This doesn't have much throw, but it's still definitively present over an hour after application. (I'm sure it'll last longer than that, I'm just too impatient to wait another hour to give a more accurate impression of lasting power.)


Overall: A very well balanced perfume. Exquisitely feminine and soft, yet not powdery. It's quite distinctive in the earlier stages, and then ultimately fades and settles down into a sheer but fancy skin scent. I really do like the way this smells, but I don't feel like I can pull it off. It doesn't feel like me... I don't feel like enough of a "grown woman" for it, if you know what I mean. I'm not saying it's an "old lady" scent by any means, just that for whatever reason, Unveiled strikes me as a scent for a woman who has things all figured out and feels supremely comfortable in her own skin.

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I bought this in a swap and i am soo glad i did! It starts out like a big cup of peach tea. the dy down is pretty simular, but i do get a hint of more spices. But for the most part its light and lady-like. I do get a strange after smell with this one though but im thinking that its just my wierd hormones today. :lol:

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Well, this is a bit of a surprise. Blends with fruit in them tend to go to "juice" on my skin. Not here! I can smell the peach and mandarin making this blend sweet, but it doesn't go to juice on me. I think it may be the tea, amber and myrrh keeping them in check. This turns into quite the alluring warm blend on me. The amber doesn't go powdery on me, but rather lends a cool golden tone to the scent. The vanilla isn't very noticeable on me, rather, it provides a bit of creaminess to the peach and mandarin. Overall, I'm quite pleased. I like this one a lot more than I thought I was going to!

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I thought I was going to love this on. The wet stage is all peach and tea and loveliness. But then it dries to kind of an odd, dry scent which weirdly reminds me of how Bakeneko dries down on me too. I don't know - this was a disappointment.

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Anything with vanilla or amber is usually a "go" for me, so here's hopin'.


In the imp: Getting a scent memory. There's something ylang-ylang-ish. I think it's the peach, lotus and vanilla making an accord.


Wet: Ylang ylang, which is not a listed note. I think the peach is faking me out, as the longer it sits, the more peach I smell. In fact, all I'm getting is peach with a little amber and vanilla. No mandarin, no redbush (rooibos), no myrrh. Oh wait, here comes some mandarin. Brightens the whole thing up, takes it out of too-sweet territory, where it was hovering.


Dry: OH WOW. The redbush has kicked in and adds a bright clover honey-ish note. Oh, I'm in love! Lively but not busy, sweet but not cloying.


Verdict: First winner. Partial for sure.

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Imp: This is very sweet and clear. Mostly what I assume is the tea and the peach.


Wet: Same thing. Soft and sweet and clear.


Dry: It's opened up a little, but it's still not doing much for me. Eh.

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With all the positive reviews of this, I couldn't wait to try it.


On my skin, it's extreme perfume, very floral. Something's odd, and I don't know what it is. Perhaps the tea. There are no individual notes, just a LOUD floral mishmash. Someone upthread mentioned Avon perfume, and it does smell like a department store perfume.


Sadly, this is not for me.

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I'm editing this post because I tried Unveiled again and...complete change of heart. It's beautiful. At first it seems like a tea-dominant floral but then...the drydown. All of a sudden the warmth of the vanilla, amber and myrrh emerges with an equally warm and soft background of light peach and citrust and gently spiced tea. This has redeemed itself and is going on my bottle list.

Edited by Invidiana

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I like this one a lot!


In the decant it's a soft, warm blend of fruit and florals.


Wet, the peach comes out first, the same fresh peach that I get from Belle Vinu, with perhaps just a hint of mandarin. Bit by bit, the florals come out more, giving this (to me) a real springtime scent.


Dry, this is even warmer, and lighter, but it still has a good throw, and seems to last well. The blend of fruit and flowers melds and mellows over times, to balance nicely.

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At first this was waaaay too perfume-y for my tastes, but oh after it dries!! :wub2: It becomes this lovely, drool worthy softly spiced tea. It's not fruity to me, but does almost go into that territory. It's very beautiful. Soft, warm, inviting.


The only downside is my skin seems to drink it up, so it's faded pretty badly. At first it did have a wicked throw, but now... I'm going to have to reapply, methinks, which is okay. :)

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In the imp: Tea, peach, and mandarin jump right out.


Wet: The tea note is rather obvious, but amber and myrrh are keeping the fruits and the vanilla from sweetening the blend too much so. The mandarin is the most obvious of the fruit notes. And there's a hint of bubblegum sweet from the lotus root (I'm always worried about this tendency of lotus anything on my skin).


Dry: Well, so far so good with the lotus. Overall, this is a nice tea scent, with some fruits steeped in it for a few moments. The myrrh provides spice, the amber a grounding so that the scent doesn't waft away, and the vanilla smooths the sharpness of the tannins.


It's a very quiet tea scent, but I have tea scents I adore already. However, I will keep my decant. This is very much a skin scent and sadly, it seems as though my skin just eats it up.

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Red tea and golden amber with vanilla peaches. The myrrh sits quietly in the background alongside mandarin and lotus root giving depth & spice. This is truly a beautiful scent. It's soft, golden, sweet and sticks really close to the skin.

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Well, I thought I was going to love this one, but sadly, this one just doesn't work for me. I starts of really perfumey and I'm not really fond of that. The perfumey edge does fade quickly and I initially thought everything was going to fade but I was left with a spicy tea with something soapy behind it. Very odd. It's not *bad*, but it's not *me*.

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bottle: amber and peach, this sort of reminds me of tamora but with a bit of tea.


wet: beautiful! spicy sweet tea and peach with an amber backdrop. so pretty!


dry: spicy floral tea. no peach to speak of just a beautiful bright tea scent. probably my favorite tea scent from bpal yet.

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Very "perfumey" smelled to me. I just mean that it's well blended so that I really just get "flowers" and "fruits" as first impressions. It goes on very sweet, and some spiciness opens up, which is pleasant. Over time it fades down to a crisp brightness-- I'm guessing primarily the lotus and peach. Pretty, but not really me

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In the imp all I can smell is tea, mhyrr and lotus. It's sweet yet has a light insence quality. It's not fruity in the imp at all...


Oh me it's a wonderful giant vanilla peach dipped in gently warmed red tea. It's lovely! A slight spicy quality which is almost like carnation. Perhaps it's the mhyrr or lotus? I can never figure out exactly what those notes smell like!


Drying down to a light and ethereal fruit tea... a steamy and wafting cup for sure. It's warmed up significantly on my skin. As I am typing I get lots of little sniffs of it. It's like I have a cup of fruit tea right next to me, but I dont! Definatley great throw on this one.


I get absolutely no vanilla from this blend, but I do think that somewhere it must ground it and give it that gentle and creamy quality. It definatley tames the fruits and the lotus. And I am sure it stops me from getting a fruit overdose headache.


This is lovely, but I can't see myself wearing it that often. Not like I slather myself in other blends lol. I think an imp would do for those rare occassions I need to smell like the finest cuppa money can buy ;)

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I just bit the bullet and went strait to a bottle with this one. DOH! I'll learn my lesson yet.


In the bottle- fruity and peachy... really love it so far!


Wet- smells kind of like a soft floral peachy. smells like something from my childhood. i cannot quite place it though. I am not a floral person, but this is really nice.


drydown- Its getting this wierd sharpness to it. It just smells "white" as in like white musk, or white tea, but a tiny bit spicey... and its getting perfumy. I can't smell any individual notes now, just its getting perfumeier as the minutes wear on. WTF is happening to you? I liked you up until now.



later- ugh. perfume. as a couple other people mentioned Avon crap perfume. But not to be all negative- a crisp bright perfume?



yes. its official, I hate my skin chemistry. :rantrave: It turns so many things on me to a cheap drugstore perfume. While this did go sharp/perfume I didn't have to wash it off cause it wasn't that bad. I don't like it on me. I have a whole bottle of it. Perhaps I should mosey on over to the scent lockets and try to salvage this otherwise nice smelling scent.

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This scent is so well blended that I'm really having trouble picking out individual notes! The synesthetic effect is a dark orangey red, probably due to the rooibos. It's a warm spicy scent that is a little fruity without being foody. It's a little "dry" due to the amber. Overall I really enjoy it! ^_^

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These are all notes I really love so I had high hopes for this but, Unveiled is just sort of...meh. I've noticed most of the Shunga scents are usually just Ok or average on me. It's not that they're bad but none of them really impress me all that much (except Men Ringing Bells with Penises which I loved).


Unveiled is just average. It's pretty but doesn't jump out of the crowd.


At first this is sweet mandarin in the bottle. On my skin I smell a strong, fruity tea note. As it dries I get more amber mixed with soft peach, tea, and lotus (which add a hint of perfuminess to it).


Pretty...but forgettable. :zzz:

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