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Milk Chocolate, Coconut, Cardamom, Rum, and Ginger Truffle

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Milk chocolate, coconut, cardamom, rum, and ginger truffle.

In the bottle: An incredibly decadent dessert.

Immediately after application: Chocolate with a definite kick of ginger, surprisingly little rum. Some cardamom as well.

Warming up: Chocolate and spices. Or more accurately, spices and chocolate. The chocolate is definitely secondary. I'm not getting ANY rum or coconut. Much less foody than I expected honestly. Not necessarily bad, just interesting to note. I like the spice blend in this.

Fading: Chocolatey spices. No rum or coconut to be found.

Disappointing. It had great potential from the sound of the notes but it just wasn't meant to be.

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Hmmm... usually I'm quite tolerant of foody scents, but this one is a little too wonky. I got my imp in a forum sale so it's aged a few months, btw.


So I'm definitely getting the milk chocolate vibe off of this, but it's overwhelmed by what can only be cardamom. As somebody who's quite allergic to cinnamon, spices like these really turn me off.


I was really hoping I'd get some ginger off of this, but I only detected it while the blend was still wet on my skin. Also, no rum to be found, but I'm noticing my chemistry has a tendency to slurp rum right out of any mix.


This is a truffle I wouldn't want to eat, so I don't really want to smell like it either. Sad day. This was the first "box of chocolates" I was able to track down, and it just doesn't suit my tastes.


In summary:


In the imp: really does smell like a truffle, though it has some "odd" ingredients that I'd be worried I was allergic to.


Wet: somewhat like a truffle. The ginger participates for a few minutes and that's fun.


Dry: A weird amalgamation of stale milk chocolate and very strong cardamom. It makes me feel uneasy and a bit sick to my stomach. This is coming from a girl who doesn't mind smelling like a chocolate bar - just not like this. :(



Color: Tan

Mood: Off-Kilter

Rating: 1/5

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In the Imp: Very yummy chocolate with the warm spice of ginger in the background.


Wet: Woohoo, that chocolate is GOOD. Smells exactly like the real deal. The cardamom and ginger are there but not overwhelming at all, instead giving this a very soothing, spiced tea feel. It's not my thing, but I wouldn't mind at all smelling it on someone else with that kind of calmly welcoming personality.


Dry: The spices come out more strongly now to contend with the chocolate, but they're nice and nothing is singeing my nostrils. The milky, creamy aspect is present and prevents the other notes from going sharp.


Overall: Spot on smells like its name (save for the coconut being elusive to me). Really feels like chai tea mixed with chocolate. Very, very pleasant. It's one of those scents where I couldn't see anyone but someone kind-hearted wearing it, which I would say is a compliment. :)

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In the bottle: Chocolate, with just a hint of ginger and cardamom. No coconut, no rum.


On skin, wet: The cardamom gets stronger, in fact a bit too strong--it has that faintly sopay undertone of biting directly into a cardamom pod. The chocolate is already starting to turn to cocoa powder on me.


On skin, dry: Cocoa powder with that slightly soapy cardamom undertone. No more ginger, definitely no coconut. Disappointing.


After an hour: Cocoa powder with just a faint hint of spices. Too similar to other things I have, and that sopay period is unhappy-making. Room scent.

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I tested this a while ago and I remember on me it was all ginger truffle and cardamom. It may have had a little rum mixed in there too. I didn't get any chocolate or coconut at all. It had decent throw but only lasted aboout 30 minutes tops on my skin. I had to let it go because all that strong ginger wasn't really a love for me.

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In the bottle, this is all chocolate and rum. Yummy!



Wet on skin: The cardamom comes out strongly, with a kick of ginger as well. Very spicy, very little sweetness, and no chocolate, coconut, or rum.



Dry: I still can't really identify the coconut, however there is a distinct nuttiness to the scent. It's sweetened up a lot, though I still can't really pick out the chocolate. It's really well blended, the spice isn't smacking me in the face anymore. It's very smooth and mellow, sweet, nutty, and a bit spicy. All in all I quite like it and will enjoy wearing it this fall!

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