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Harlot v2

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Sniffed: Colourless oil. Rose! Lovely fresh, girlish tea rose, with maybe some soft green and woody notes below?


Wet: Darn. This goes sharp on me, the way that Rose Red does - it's plasticky/slick.  It almost has a fruity nuance, too.There's also a spicy note that smells like clove. Actually this reminds me more of Red Rose, the Lupercalia scent. I think the clove is partly what's giving the woody note. 


Dry: I think there may be the fir note as well, and something almost foody - I think this has tonka too. It reminds me GREATLY of Red Rose - the clove note is definitely identical. But the rose note is slightly different here, more like Rose Red as said, slightly sharp and chemically.


Summary: The clove doesn't amp and the fir, if it's here (I think it is but I'm not as sure about it as I am the clove), is much lighter, so this works better on me than Rose Red - but it's still far too rich with the tonka, and I really just hate clove. Very strong throw and longevity.

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GAH. On me, this is ROSE, rose rose, and a hint of peach, and on the drydown just an edge of clove.


But the rose is big, voluptuous, and ... did I say big already? ;)

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This is all rose all the time on me. I'm not getting anything else here. It's a pure red rose for me, unfortunately without much depth.

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Wet, this is a flood of roses and nothing else; you need to wait for the drydown to truly appreciate the depth and sensuality it has. After a couple of minutes some really gorgeous elements emerge; there must be tonka in here because I can sense that rich, warm and almost nutty quality, and I'm guessing some dark resins as well because as it keeps drying down something sticky and sweet but also dark, and definitely not sugar, emerges as well (my skin tends to amp sweeter notes), along with something earthy and spicy that must be clove, which actually behaves on me this time around and doesn't take over everything else. Possibly a hint of some sort of musk in here too. This is not your innocent blushing pink rose, this is a velvety, voluptous crimson rose doused in sensual resins and oils, like the Cleopatra or Salome of roses. If you're into dark and smutty stuff like I am, I'd say this definitely qualifies as a dark and smutty floral, so give it a try.

Edited by Invidiana

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Shriekingly high-pitched, instantly headache-inducing cheap perfume stank. Oh god, I can't believe I'm putting this on me. This smells like drugstore perfume when you discover it packed away in a box in the attic and it has gone over from heat and a decade of disuse. Something in here is powdery. There are probably florals. I have no idea, but this is one of the worst things I've ever tried. I don't think even a cheap whore would wear this, because I don't think you could actually get sex while smelling of it. It would drive all the boys from the yard.

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Harlot v2 - This is the same rose that's in the released version, but there's a lot more of it, and no cinnamon. Instead of cinnamon, there is a small dose of another spice... clove perhaps? If there's anything else in this, I don't smell it because the rose overwhelms it. It's a lovely rose, and smells phenomenal on my skin. I like this much better than the released version!

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Released Harlot is in my top three for least favorite bpals ever (soapy, bitter rose, something rotten, and with the added delight of a major burning reaction to the cinnamon). Harlot v2, thankfully, isn't that bad on me. I'm not getting any spice or burning from this. All I can smell here is a perfumey red rose. It's a bit sharp, dry, and cheap-drugstore-floral-perfume, but not something that I need to scrub off immediately. Just a simple rose perfume.

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