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Three ambers representing common gold, astral gold, and elementary gold, with verbena, angelica, and heliotrope that has been purified by frankincense and Gum Arabic.

I received gold phoenix and a purchase from someone on the forum so it is a fairly well aged scent. On initially opening the bottle the verbena comes through very strongly. Indeed it almost seems like a single note perfume I can smell nothing but the verbena.

On application the verbena is very strong. Within a few minutes a very faint floral note begins to slip through. Oddly there is a faint metallic note, which I would almost think was my subconscious putting it there considering the name of the scent but no there really is a very faint metallic fragrance for a brief time.

The verbena and floral hover strongly for quite awhile close to 1/2 hour, and then a powdery amber begins to slip through. Gradually the amber strengthens and evens up with the verbena as the floral gradually fades back.

This fragrance did not have really long staying power but then again I applied very lightly as amber tends to linger on me one of the many reasons why I love it so. Fortunately, I am also very fond of verbena I quite like this fragrance it reminds me of meditating with incense in a garden I used to have. I will be really sorry when this runs out I'm glad that I got it in late spring as this is the perfect time of year to where it.

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In the bottle - It smells like a hair dressers; soap, hairspray and a hint of electronic heat


Wet on me - Quite like Perversion as a sweet fruity tobacco with and undertone of leather


Dry on me - A warm reddish amber with a pencil shavings undercurrent


Overall - My favourite was the wet stages, but the dry down didn't grab me

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Golden liquid in the vial...At first sniff, it's shiny metallic notes with light florals and incense. But then the medicinal tartness of lemon verbena comes in, clashing with the metals. Evil verbena. All I can do is wait it out. Later it morphs back into a baby-powdery, floral/incense. Pass.

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Can't resist gold. Can't resist alchemy. I just hope the verbena behaves.

Wet on skin: Hi, verbena. High-pitched, narrow, piercing lemon verbena, with a vague sense of something golden behind it. After a minute, I get a light graininess from the frankincense. Very light -- as usual, where there is verbena, there's mostly just verbena.

After 10 minutes, the ambers start to step out from behind verbena's cool lemon drape and warm things up. Now this is starting to smell pretty. Very pretty. Glittering, but resinous. Yay, this is what I wanted!

After that, I get just a little fruity, almost cherry-vanilla floral of heliotrope coming into the blend. A light, nice touch. I'm also not getting a lot of verbena now. The lingering verbena is soft. Double yay!

Almost two hours later, I smell more of the frank in the mix again, and something I like that I don't recognize. Angelica or gum arabic? It's soft, rooty, and intriguing. I love this.

Gold Phoenix turned out much better than I thought it would when I first applied it. I finally found something with verbena in it that can relax the verbena!

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