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Krampusumzüge Atmosphere Spray

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Dirt-spattered rags, rusted chains, and dry switches against a backdrop of black fir and snow.

Straight up from the bottle, this smells sweet, piney, and just a hint of that first bit of leather - the airy topnote, without the thrum of the deeper, animalistic hide notes. The 'dirt, rags, and metal' are subtle, so this isn't spiked with vetiver or loaded up with dirt like Graveyard Dirt's note.

Spritzed, this is a very cool, only slightly menacing pine scent, and dries towards being more of single, sweet spruce/pine aroma with a detectable but not overpowering burst of leather. The leather deepens as it dries in the air.

What I'm left with is a very nice, Yuletide scent, that is mostly a cool, crisp pine with a whisper of playful menace.

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The label art on the bottle is adorable!

Sniffing the sprayer, I get the leather mixed with some sort of cool, fresh note.

Sprayed it's crisp, snowey pine and leather. My nose can't detect dirt but to me this is what I think Narnia smelled like when Lucy came out of the wardrobe into it for the first time. It lingers all over my house and I can't wait till this mixes in with the smell of our Christmas tree we are getting tomorrow.

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This is a light pine/snow scent that has a touch of the "rags, chains and switches." It's very Yule-y and slightly sinister, but still yummy. Don't be confused if your label says Bath Oil, it's definitely atmospheric spray! ;)

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This room spray is my new favorite home fragrance. It smells just like snow and a hint of Christmas trees to me. It's a simple, crisp, clean smell that I just love <3. It makes me feel like I'm in a pine forest in winter or that I at least have a real Christmas tree in my house. Sooo pretty. :wub2:

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Strongest notes to me are fir and snow. This is light and very fresh, and very similar in feel to a traditional air freshener with the fir note. It is of course 10,000 times more long lasting than a traditional air freshener, and smells more life like and realistic. Really nice, middle of the road holiday scent.

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This is my absolute favorite linen spray now.


It's piney without being overwhelming, and has a slight metallic edge and old, homey earthy-ness to it. It makes me think of soldiers tromping through a cold wintery forest, then resting in a little wooden house, dirt floor, warm fire, sidearms resting against the wall in the background.


Just absolutely gorgeous!

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Piney, frosty, metallic. This smells masculine. You get the fresh snow, the pine and fir, and just a tad of metal. Very wintery.

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