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Heliotrope, grave soil, and blood.

Pale yellow oil. Surprisingly sweet and soft, and sort of golden and bright - definitely a strong heliotrope note shining through. I get a bit of powder or dust, but not any actual soil or dirt. There's something soapy which I fear is Dragon's Blood.

Instantly more powdery and soapy - definitely some dragon's blood, and something else, like an amber, that's going straight to intense baby powder. Also, now there is a sort of sour or tangy note, I think that evil type of rose from the Miller's Daughter, The Empress, and Clarimonde. *shudder* An extremely effeminate blend. Not feminine, but fake-feminine, over-the-top, too-girly - and the mysterious sweetness only heightens that effect.

Such horribly strong throw of overwhelming sour, floral powder and soapy-air freshener dragon's blood. Egads. Still not a trace of actual blood or soil to be found. The has got to be some amber AND orris in here and I know what that horrible sweetness is - WISTERIA, ugh. And the orris, too. All overwhelm that initial heliotrope that was so lovely in the imp. Off to sink... and of course, it won't come off.

:ack: Edited by Shollin

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Gentle, purple, vanilla-ish heliotrope :) Very shy blend. Doesn't really want to come out and play on my skin. Pretty, but not really a keeper for me. I'll try it again before I send it to the swaps, though.

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This is an eerie dark floral along the lines of Midnight. I was a little worried about the grave soil, but no dirt shows up on me; it's probably a background note that tempers the heliotrope and blood accord to keep them from getting cloyingly sweet. The way the blood accord turns to a berry-spice scent on me adds an edge to this blend; definitely not a pansy floral, but more of an evil garden waiting to eat you alive :twisted:

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In the bottle: FLOWER! Guess that the particular kind is heliotrope. Very sweet and ethereal.


Wet: The same flower, but fuller. A slight copper tang. Very subtle and complex.


Dry: Very ethereal and wafting flowers. Beautiful. Sophisticated. Elegant. Too good to be true. A vision - but captured within scent. AMAZING.


A while later: This fades to a barely-there scent that is so close to "normal" that it took me a moment to realize that that is NOT the smell of my skin. It is slightly more unearthly, with a sophisticated edge. Cool and clear. I thing the "grave soil" is what grounded it to smell more "human". LOVE it.

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I wore this Monday with a beautiful vintage piece from the 40's. Man I felt awesome! I was floating around with my head in the clouds all day.


My impression of this is sweet flowers drenched in cream then covered in sugar. Like if you ate a sugared pansy with a dollop of buttercream frosting. I can't really say this is a baby powder smell. Just really creamy with a color impression of opaque white or medium soft pink.


So, I'm more of an earthy, dirty, honey drenched wonton type of scent person. I'll wear this on days I feel like "playing pious". hahahahaa.. No one would question my character with this wafting around me! ;)

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In the bottle - A very sweet heliotrope scent


Wet on me - A sweet almost resinous floral from the heliotrope


Dry on me - The soil begins to come through and then it all fades


Overall - Much prettier than I expected and I really like the heliotrope wet, but it just disappears on my skin

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Heliotrope, heliotrope, heliotrope...

So much of it, I smell nothing else...

It's sweet, very very sweet... I don't smell any dirt or dragon blood, not in the imp, nor in the wet stage...

We'll see how it turns later on... but so far, it's definitely not a winner for me...

Too much heliotrope for my taste...

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