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BPAL Madness!

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Unholy mist congealing into soft, white flesh, with black marble, remnants of liturgical incense, wolf's fur, and black flecks of froth.

In the imp: I smell NONE of those notes. It smells damp and sweet.

Wet: Again, none of this. It's sweet, and smells a little of violets. What is it with me smelling violets when no violets are listed! In a short bit, it smells decayed. It fits the theme, but I'm not sure I want to smell like that. o_O

Dry: It remains close to the wet phase, with a sort of sourness to it, like soured milk--very faint, but there.

Verdict: I find this very disturbing. I don't like it. It's not quite wash-off, but it's close; it raises the hair on the back of my neck.

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Oh Sarah, you do smell like cold marble and undead flesh!


It's a slight clean sort of floral with a core that doesn't smell clean, if that makes sense. I get soft, almost floral, aquatic around something a little more earthy that does make me think of rot and dirt.

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I don't get ozone here, but I do get a light musk smell, accompanied by something a little... musty? It smells... old. Not in an old lady way or anything like that. But there is a definite sense of something aged, and a little decrepit. There does seem to be a floral vibe deep underneath somewhere, but it's not predominant. I'm left feeling... unsettled.

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It surprises me that some of these vamp's are airy and aquatic. Sarah is another that has that vibe. Damp, wet, ozone alongside incense and foam. The incense is lovely, but somehow the way it mingles with this underlying sweetness, just does not bode well with me.

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This is absolutely beautiful! Wore it for Hallowe'en last night. I have been on the hunt for something that evokes memories of a rain-storm and this one fit the bill. Reminded me of a feminine version of Nyarlathotep. The best part was that it worked really well with my chemistry. I was afraid of the ozone as I hadn't tried it before and was worried it would turn soapy, but it didn't! Not only did it smell like a rain-storm, it also actually felt cold, if that makes sense. Smells exactly like the description, although I'm still lousy at identifying individual notes. The ozone and lithurgical incense stood out for me. Probably froth as well. I've ordered a 5ml of Countess Dolingen Of Gratz and hopefully it'll be better than this or just as good.

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This was a last minute "may as well" decant. I didn't expect great things from it, but it is surprisingly lovely.


Fresh on my skin it's very much a high ozone-y floral. Makes me sneeze. After it warms up it goes sweet but not powdery. It then swing back & forth between high-end lady perfume and something sweet & gentle. This would be a good scent for a wedding or a fancy night out. Since I don't have many of those I'll keep the decant but *probably* not get a bottle.



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I don't know what I was expecting from this, but it is my surprise favorite of the vamp ladies :wub2: Maybe it's skin musk? That does really well on my skin and a clean, fresh, feminine sweetness is there too. Yup, like MeiLin said, "damp and sweet". Win!

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Oooooh, this really is a cold, abandoned Gothic church which at the same time has a very "touchable" feeling; I believe that's the white mist congealing into flesh note, which probably has something to do with white musk or skin musk, both of which I love :D . It's a beautiful clash of cold stone and warm flesh, dark and light, life and death. Sarah is a very mysterious and come-hither blend, another one that's going to make him want to come just a *little* bit closer to see what exactly that perfume is. For those of you afraid it might smell too much like Sunday Mass, fear not; the liturgical incense is just a faded memory in the background and doesn't invade your nostrils.

Edited by Invidiana

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Sarah is the :heart: of my life, and one of my favorite BPAL scents. Why more people haven't tried it is absolutely beyond me. It's crisp, musky, and soft, like white fur dusted with church incense. I have yet to come across another blend quite like it, and it is very wolf, as well as deep and complex. I can't pick out individual notes, but I have no issue with that. This smells a lot more like a sexy vampire to me than SGA ever has (sorry Mr. Gaiman!)

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Wet: Super cologney. Resisting the urge to scrub this off.


Dydown: Hello Ozone! As it dries further, Sarah develops into this gorgeous musky ozone


Dry: Sweet, musky floral with tinges of clean ozone. It occasionally waffle back to the cologney scent, but not as overpowering as when I first applied it.


Overall: Very different than most of what I own, so it may be spared the axe. Definitely a sophisticated, vampy scent.

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I got an empty of this in a recent order with just enough to be able to do a skin test. In the bottle, I think I'm getting a fur sort of note, with an aquatic note (the black froth?) and a stone note. On my skin, it's an odd combination of that fur, aquatic and stone notes. We'll see waht this does, but I'm not having an initial good feeling about this. Ends up being this furry stone ozone, a really funky scent on me that's really sour. Not for me.

Edited by Venneh

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Evokes serious coldness. It's cologney musk, stone and green aquatic slime (like on damp marble perhaps). There is a hint of fur musk (though not as strong as the nearly overpowering skin musk), but not as much as I'd like. Still, it's cold, feminine and biting. Appropriate. Interesting and I'm glad I finally got my hands on a decant.

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Bottle: Ethereal aquatic, with underlying cool greenery.


Wet: Pale florals and soft aquatic. If mist could be distilled, it might smell like this.


Drydown: As she dries, the green notes bell out, and a hint of musk and stone peep out from the mists. The musk grows warm, and furry (like a feminine Rat Speakers), and then calms down again.


Dry: Reminds me of Danube a bit, but a muskier older sister who has a thing for marble.


Overall: Unfortunately, Sarah makes me sneeze. She is lovely, but she will have to go live elsewhere.

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