imaginepageant Report post Posted July 25, 2011 On 7/22/2011 at 9:28 AM, angelamaria said: So I'm trying to put together an imp (or decant) pack for a friend, who is not into BPAL but is into Harry Potter. We've never actually met in person (not yet!) so I have no idea what type of scents she prefers, what she smells like, etc--what I'm looking to collect for her would be scents that are evocative of the series (or parts of the series), but also possibly good for someone new to BPAL. So they don't have to be all universal crowd-pleasers, but maybe one or two, at least. I actually went through this entire thread a couple of weeks ago and put every blend suggested for every aspect of Harry Potter into a spreadsheet... I've been meaning to organize it and post it here but I just haven't had time. (New house, lots of cleaning and painting, sigh.) I'll try to get that up soon for you! In the meantime, I have to suggest No. 93 Engine - to me, the scent of Dumbledore's office. It's so warm and comforting, which immediately makes me think of Dumbledore, plus the steampunk aspect reminds me of all the little gadgets and gizmos he always had scattered around. If your friend is a Dumbledore fan (like I am!), I'd definitely say get some No. 93 Engine for her. Share this post Link to post
angelamaria Report post Posted July 25, 2011 On 7/25/2011 at 2:08 PM, imaginepageant said: On 7/22/2011 at 9:28 AM, angelamaria said: So I'm trying to put together an imp (or decant) pack for a friend, who is not into BPAL but is into Harry Potter. We've never actually met in person (not yet!) so I have no idea what type of scents she prefers, what she smells like, etc--what I'm looking to collect for her would be scents that are evocative of the series (or parts of the series), but also possibly good for someone new to BPAL. So they don't have to be all universal crowd-pleasers, but maybe one or two, at least. I actually went through this entire thread a couple of weeks ago and put every blend suggested for every aspect of Harry Potter into a spreadsheet... I've been meaning to organize it and post it here but I just haven't had time. (New house, lots of cleaning and painting, sigh.) I'll try to get that up soon for you! In the meantime, I have to suggest No. 93 Engine - to me, the scent of Dumbledore's office. It's so warm and comforting, which immediately makes me think of Dumbledore, plus the steampunk aspect reminds me of all the little gadgets and gizmos he always had scattered around. If your friend is a Dumbledore fan (like I am!), I'd definitely say get some No. 93 Engine for her. Oh fabulous! I would love to see that list And maybe take some for myself No. 93 Engine is interesting--I'll definitely try to get my hands on one myself! Share this post Link to post
Silvertree Report post Posted July 25, 2011 I think the Godfather Death scents from Marchen wouldn't be too much of a stretch for the Hallows: Godfather Death: Olibanum, elemi, Bulgarian rose, yew, and oppoponax. Thy Godfather's Present: A bruised purple bundle of herbs with hyssop and life-everlasting. The Lights of Men's Lives: The wax and smoke of millions upon millions of candles illuminating the walls of Death's shadowy cave: some tall, straight, and strong, blazing with the fire of life, others dim and guttering. Share this post Link to post
eoifemacbeth Report post Posted July 26, 2011 On 7/25/2011 at 6:46 AM, angelamaria said: Haha I'm feeling a bit worried that there will be too many wolfy scents though! Too... too many wolfy scents? I'm sorry, that doesn't compute *hugs bottles of wolfy scents close* Share this post Link to post
angelamaria Report post Posted July 26, 2011 On 7/26/2011 at 3:00 AM, Eoife Macbeth said: On 7/25/2011 at 6:46 AM, angelamaria said: Haha I'm feeling a bit worried that there will be too many wolfy scents though! Too... too many wolfy scents? I'm sorry, that doesn't compute *hugs bottles of wolfy scents close* Well, I hope she doesn't have exactly the same tastes that I do, then! Usually darker scents are a no go for me--tried out WILF and it wasn't for me but it's a good 50/50 chance she will like what y'all like Share this post Link to post
rhetoricians Report post Posted July 26, 2011 I just wore Liz to see HP 7.2 - I pretended it was probably how Hermione smelled after the battle of Hogwarts! Share this post Link to post
imaginepageant Report post Posted July 26, 2011 (edited) All right, here we go! Every blend suggested for every aspect of Harry Potter, up until this post... plus some of my own I've just thrown in now. GENERAL MISCELLANEOUS Anathema (Death Eaters) Arcana Asphodel Bewitched Black Forest Blue Moon Boomslang Dormouse, The Dragon's Blood Dragon's Hide Feeding the Dead (Deathday party) Ghost, The Hecate Hellcat Incantation Jack Jack Jester (Weasley's Wizard Wheezes) Les Fleurs du Mal London Magus Mandrake Mania Midnight Mass Miskatonic University Obsidian Widow, The Ouija Penny Dreadful Poisoned Apple Pumpkin Queen Punkie Night Red Lantern Red Queen, The Selkie Serpent's Kiss Serpents With Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues (Parseltongue) Snake Charmer (Parselmouths) Snake Oil Theodosius, the Legerdemain Thirteen '07 Troll Unicorn, The Yew Trees Yvaine POTIONS Apothecary, The Belladonna Bezoar Black Hellebore Boomslang Mandrake Wolfsbane MAGICAL ITEMS Archangel Winter (The Mirror of Erised) Godfather Death (The Deathly Hallows) Great Sword of War, The (The sword of Gryffindor) Hand of Glory House of Mirrors (The Mirror of Erised) Lady of Shalott, The (The Mirror of Erised) Lights of Men's Lives, The (The Deathly Hallows) Phoenix Steamworks (Golden Snitch) Sea of Glass (The Mirror of Erised) Shrunken Heads Spirits of the Dead (The veil) Thy Godfather's Present (The Deathly Hallows) Veil (The veil, the invisibility cloak) Veils of Mist (The veil, the invisibility cloak) White Light (Pensieve memories, the Deluminator) MAGICAL CREATURES Bony Moon (Thestrals) Brown Jenkins (Mrs. Norris) Buggre Alle this Bible, The (Mrs. Norris) Cheshire Cat (Crookshanks) Chimera Coiled Serpent, The (Nagini) Crossroads (Mrs. Norris) Cthulhu (The giant squid) Faiza, the Black Mamba (Nagini) Fang (The Two-Headed Goat) Gunpowder (Thestrals) Hellcat (Crookshanks, Mrs. Norris) Humbug (Mrs. Norris) Ivanushka (Crookshanks) Obsidian Widow, The (Mrs. Norris) Red Phoenix (Fawkes) Sarah (Inferi) Seance (Mrs. Norris) Shroud (Thestrals) Smiling Spider, The (Aragog) Squirting Cucumber (Bubotubers) Sunbird (Fawkes) Zombi (Inferi) MAGICAL RACES Bakeneko (Animagus) Danse Macabre (Dementors) Elf (House-elves) Goblin (Goblins) Greed (Goblins) Lycaon (Animagus) Oblivion (dementors) Robin Goodfellow (Centaurs) Selkie (Animagus) Shroud (Dementors) Szepasszony (Veela) Tanuki (Animagus) White Rabbit (House-elves) PLACES HOGWARTS Apothecary, The (Potions class, Snape's storage room, Dumbledore's office) Carfax Abbey (The library) Hell-Gate of Ireland, The (Battle of Hogwarts) Lurid Library, The (The library) Miskatonic University No. 93 Engine (Dumbledore's office) Phoenix Steamworks (Potions class) Pumpkin Patch blends (Hagrid's pumpkin patch) Queen Alice (The Great Hall) Second of Three Spirits (The Great Hall) Tintagel (The Great Hall) Trick or Treat (The Great Hall) Undertow (The lake) HOGSMEADE Grog (Butterbeer) Hellcat (Butterbeer) La Befana (Honeydukes) Miskatonic University (The Three Broomsticks) Schrodinger's Cat (Honeydukes) Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener (Butterbeer) THE BURROW Lawn Gnome Witch's Garden, The 12 GRIMMAULD PLACE Chilling Cellar, The Forbidding Foyer, The Horreur Sympathetique HOUSES GRYFFINDOR Great Sword of War, The Lion, The Tintagel HUFFLEPUFF Badger Determination Enraged Groundhog Musk Lawn Gnome Milk Moon Pumpkin I '08 Sundew RAVENCLAW Clio Crow Moon Dee Raven, The Raven Moon SLYTHERIN Bow & Crown of Conquest, The Coiled Serpent, The Les Infortunes de la Vertu Serpent's Kiss Snake Oil CHARACTERS ABERFORTH DUMBLEDORE Nonae Caprotina Two-Headed Goat, The ALBUS DUMBLEDORE Aureus Mr. Nancy No. 93 Engine Odin ALECTO CARROW Alecto Bloodlust Nemesis The Coiled Serpent BARTY CROUCH, JR. Antony BELLATRIX LESTRANGE Bewitched Black Annis Black Tower Blood Countess Bloodlust Bloody Sword, The Death on a Pale Horse Destroying Angel Fallen Faustus Giallo Harlot Hecate Hell's Belle Incantation Khandita Les Fleurs du Mal Lilith Malediction Mania Medea Nahemoth Oblivion Raven, The Scales of Deprivation, The Snake Charmer Tell-Tale Heart, The Ultraviolet DAPHNE GREENGRASS Bewitched DOLORES UMBRIDGE Jailbait London Sticky Pillowcase DRACO MALFOY Dorian Whitechapel FENRIR GREYBACK Iago Loup Garou Lycaon FRED & GEORGE WEASLEY Jester Tweedledee & Tweedledum GINNY WEASLEY Desdemona Hermia Maiden Ophelia Pepper Witch's Garden, The GODRIC GRYFFINDOR Great Sword of War, The Soldier, The HARRY POTTER Blinding Glory of Love Bonfire Night Snake Charmer Tristran HELENA RAVENCLAW Helena Phantom Queen Nyx Persephone HELGA HUFFLEPUFF Cordelia Eos Katharina HERMIONE GRANGER Arcana Brisingamen Clio Defututa Eve Harvest Moon '05 L'Ecole des Filles Leo 2007 Licwiglunga Little Sparrow, The Liz Miskatonic University Ochosi Queen Alice Sagittarius 2007 Saint-Germain The Ghost JAMES POTTER Wolf's Heart KATIE BELL Bewitched Squirting Cucumber LILY POTTER Black Lily Blinding Glory of Love Cordelia Tiger Lily Yemaya LUCIUS MALFOY Dorian Ice Prince Lear Les Infortunes de la Vertu Nero Whitechapel LUNA LOVEGOOD Absinthe Alice Antique Lace Black Opal Budding Moon Chesire Moon Eve Fae Hairy Toad Lily Iambe Joyful Moon Kindly Moon Lady on the Grey, The Luna Negra Lurid Maiden Moon Rose Ouija Raven Moon Singing Moon Strawberry Moon '09 White Moon MILLICENT BULSTRODE De Sade Dragon's Hide Hellfire Quincy Morris MINERVA MCGONAGALL Arcana Arkham Bewitched Carlin Glasgow Red Queen, The Selkie The School-House Vinland MOLLY WEASLEY Antique Lace Arcana Cockaigne Dana O' Shee Drink Me Jack Knave of Hearts, The Lion, The London March Hare Milk Moon White Rabbit MUNDUNGUS FLETCHER Centzon Totochtin Fairy Wine Greed NARCISSA MALFOY Le Serpent qui Danse Marquise de Merteuil NYMPHADORA TONKS Amsterdam Arcana Bewitched Boomslang Coyote Croquet Dana O' Shee Dragon's Milk Eos Phatasm Pumpkin Queen Punkie Night Swank Tweedledee PEEVES Imp PETER PETTIGREW Envy POPPY POMFREY Candy Butcher, The REMUS LUPIN Aziraphale Fenris Wolf Lycaon WILF Wolfsbane RON WEASLEY A Howl in the Darkness Bogle Gelt Glasgow The Lion The Ring Tin Phoenix White Light ROWENA RAVENCLAW Aeval Clio Host of the Air, The Raven, The Sea of Glass RUBEUS HAGRID Bonfire Night Doc Constantine Dragon's Hide Dragon's Musk SALAZAR SLYTHERIN Hades Pride Scales of Deprivation, The Serpent's Kiss SEVERUS SNAPE Apothecary, The Asphodel Aziraphale Bat Black Annis Black Tower, The Casanova Chant d'Automne Contract of Theophilius of Adana, The Dee Doc Constantine Dracul Hellfire Hexennact Horreur Sympathetique Ichabod Crane Laudanum Les Infortunes de la Vertu Malediction November Old Moon Perversion Robotic Scarab, The Saturnalia Severin Shivering Boy, The Sin There's a Certain Slant of Light Winter of our Discontent, The SIRIUS BLACK Crowley Dracul Magus SYBILL TRELAWNEY Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller TEDDY LUPIN Werepuppy TOM RIDDLE A Countenance Foreboding Evil Whitechapel VIKTOR KRUM Lurid VOLDEMORT Bloodlust Bluebeard Bow & Crown of Conquest, The Darkness Fallen Faustus Malediction Malice Wrath Edited July 26, 2011 by imaginepageant Share this post Link to post
angelamaria Report post Posted July 26, 2011 Weee!! Thanks so much You're fabulous! Share this post Link to post
Silvertree Report post Posted July 26, 2011 Wow, that's a great list! I might argue that since Ivanushka is about a man transformed into a stag, that would be a better scent for James Potter/Prongs/Harry's Patronus. Maybe Parliament of Monsters for Hagrid or his charges? And there is actually a SakuraCon scent called Giant Squid! Finally, since I love the Marauders: Hellhound on My Trail could work for Sirius/Padfoot; Wulric the Wolfman for Lupin/Moony; Rat or The Rat King for Peter Pettigrew/Wormtail. Share this post Link to post
lookingglass Report post Posted July 29, 2011 Brilliant, IP! Thank you!!! Share this post Link to post
calivianya Report post Posted July 29, 2011 Well, we certainly are an interesting group of people. I love how the longest scent lists per character are for Bellatrix Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, and Severus Snape. Shows what we care about. *makes a note to try out all the Snape recommendations ASAP* Share this post Link to post
imaginepageant Report post Posted July 29, 2011 (edited) On 7/29/2011 at 5:58 AM, calivianya said: Well, we certainly are an interesting group of people. I love how the longest scent lists per character are for Bellatrix Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, and Severus Snape. Shows what we care about. That cracked me up, too, especially in comparison to how many there are for Harry himself - and that there were none for Ron until I brought it up a few weeks ago! I was a bit saddened to find there weren't many suggestions for Dumbledore, who is my favorite character. No. 93 Engine is, so far, my favorite blend for him, but I'd love to try more. Anyone have any other ideas for Dumbledore? ETA: I love that Aureus was recommended for him, too, because it's such a sexy scent to me, and I've always said that I would be all over a younger Dumbledore, despite his proclivities. Edited July 29, 2011 by imaginepageant Share this post Link to post
invisible iris Report post Posted July 29, 2011 (edited) On 7/29/2011 at 6:42 PM, imaginepageant said: I was a bit saddened to find there weren't many suggestions for Dumbledore, who is my favorite character. No. 93 Engine is, so far, my favorite blend for him, but I'd love to try more. Anyone have any other ideas for Dumbledore? ETA: I love that Aureus was recommended for him, too, because it's such a sexy scent to me, and I've always said that I would be all over a younger Dumbledore, despite his proclivities. Hm.. It's hard to argue with No. 93 Engine, but I like the idea of Philologus for Dumbledore too. It suits his warmer, more serious moments, I think. eta: Plus, on a man? I can report that Philologus is very nice. Edited July 29, 2011 by invisible iris Share this post Link to post
mxtine Report post Posted July 29, 2011 (edited) Imaginepageant, I you for that list!!! Truly... On 7/26/2011 at 3:32 PM, Silvertree said: Wow, that's a great list! I might argue that since Ivanushka is about a man transformed into a stag, that would be a better scent for James Potter/Prongs/Harry's Patronus. Maybe Parliament of Monsters for Hagrid or his charges? And there is actually a SakuraCon scent called Giant Squid! Finally, since I love the Marauders: Hellhound on My Trail could work for Sirius/Padfoot; Wulric the Wolfman for Lupin/Moony; Rat or The Rat King for Peter Pettigrew/Wormtail. I was thinking Ivanushka for James and Harry Potter as well, and Hellhound on My Trail for Padfoot/Sirius Black. Dorian is most definitely a Malfoy scent. I'll always think of Snape when I wear Hexennact '05 , and I wanted to add Black Forest for The Forbidden Forest. a matter of fact, I'm wearing Ivanushka and Black Forest today. Oooh!!! Banshee Beat for Dementors! Edited July 29, 2011 by mxtine Share this post Link to post
Aldercy Report post Posted July 29, 2011 (edited) I'm so glad this thread has been resurrected! It's always been one of my favorite places on the forum. On 7/29/2011 at 6:42 PM, imaginepageant said: On 7/29/2011 at 5:58 AM, calivianya said: Well, we certainly are an interesting group of people. I love how the longest scent lists per character are for Bellatrix Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, and Severus Snape. Shows what we care about. That cracked me up, too, especially in comparison to how many there are for Harry himself - and that there were none for Ron until I brought it up a few weeks ago! I was a bit saddened to find there weren't many suggestions for Dumbledore, who is my favorite character. No. 93 Engine is, so far, my favorite blend for him, but I'd love to try more. Anyone have any other ideas for Dumbledore? ETA: I love that Aureus was recommended for him, too, because it's such a sexy scent to me, and I've always said that I would be all over a younger Dumbledore, despite his proclivities. Dumbledore... let's see... I totally agree with No. 93 Engine, Aureus and Odin (this last speaks to his extreme power and his more warlike moments). Ded Moroz (Golden amber, white amber, redwood, teak, rosewood, sage, tree moss and snow) reminds me most distinctly of Dumbledore. To me, it's a warm but distant scent that has a sort of wise, stately sadness to it. It's gentle but solid. Something about it makes me think of silvery robes and golden books. Croquet (Pink lime, pink grapefruit, white nectarine, wild rose, sage, woody patchouli, bergamot and hedgehog musk) brings to mind the silly Dumbledore, the Dumbledore of the early books. The Dumbledore who eats Every Flavor Beans and walks around humming to himself, wearing purple hats and joking about chamberpots and stuff. There's a certain English ridiculousness to that scent, in my mind. P.S. Regarding poor, neglected Ron: I agree with the suggestions of The Lion and A Howl in the Darkness (the description sounds pretty animalistic and dark, but I remember it being "happier" and a little lighter than expected). While the description for The Ring actually sounds really perfect and appropriate, I find that scent so feminine and traditionally "pretty" on me that I have a hard time thinking of it for Ron. Other suggestions: I know it was put forth for Harry, but I really love Tristran for Ron (Dust on your trousers, mud on your boots, and stars in your eyes: redwood, tonka bean, white sandalwood, lemon peel, patchouli, rosewood, coriander, and crushed mint). I haven't actually tested this one, but I just feel like dusty trousers, redwood, tonka, lemon, patchouli and mint all scream Ron. That's the best scent I could think of for him. March Hare and Huesos de Santo also kind of make me think of him-- they're strong, humorous, foody, "orange" scents to me (ever since Snape referred to "[Harry] and his orange friend" in Potter Puppet Pals, I think of Ron as "orange"). Edited August 12, 2011 by Aldercy Share this post Link to post
Ravenclaw79 Report post Posted August 2, 2011 Did anyone mention Dungeon Crawl? It's what I wore to the last two midnight movie showings, 'cause I'd imagine it smells a bit like Hogwarts. Share this post Link to post
mermaidsdream Report post Posted January 24, 2014 (I originally posted this in the BPAL chatter forum, and realized I'd put it in the wrong spot about 5 min after I'd posted it. I apologize profusely for the double posting. I've already reported the other one for removal). So I'm doing a Harry Potter swap, and I would love to introduce someone new to BPAL. I'm racking my brain for scents I may have imps of that would fall under the Harry Potter theme. Possibly "Potions"? I have Wolfsbane, Troll ("... in the Dungeon; thought you should know"), aaaaand .... not sure what else cus I'm waaay too tired Thoughts? Ideas? I did find some oils on Etsy that are specifically HP themed, and I have some imps of those on the way, but again, want to see what I can dig up out of current BPAL offerings Share this post Link to post
Zii Report post Posted January 24, 2014 I think the Rappuchini's Garden scents would be fun to play with. You could whip up a cool 'potions ingredients' sort of tester with those. Share this post Link to post
Aviatrix Report post Posted January 24, 2014 I'll second Rappaccini's Garden! Also, Arcana and Magus would both be slightly Potter-themed, I think. Share this post Link to post
MiasmaResonance Report post Posted January 24, 2014 Not a potion, but maybe you could get away with Grog as Butterbeer or something like that? I'm going to think about more things and post them later! Share this post Link to post
joyfulgirl Report post Posted January 24, 2014 thieves rosin and vial of holy water from the RPG line could be fun too! and maybe mage and good/evil from the RPG line too? Share this post Link to post
leira Report post Posted January 24, 2014 I found this thread for you if you'd like to peruse it? Looking for any Harry Potter like scent recommendations please Share this post Link to post
mermaidsdream Report post Posted January 24, 2014 On 1/24/2014 at 10:29 PM, leira said: I found this thread for you if you'd like to peruse it? Looking for any Harry Potter like scent recommendations please Aha! I knew there had to be a thread somewhere! I tried a forum search for "Harry Potter" and didn't come up with anything (well, came up with stuff that didn't quite fit what I was looking for). Thank you all for the Rappaccini's Garden recommendations! I think that's exactly the direction I was looking for, since my swap partner mentioned Potions specifically. Share this post Link to post
kajacana Report post Posted January 25, 2014 Gryffindor - The Lion Slytherin - Snake Oil Hufflepuff - This one is tough... there's no badger scent... what about Satyr or something animalistic like that? Could potentially be badgery... Ravenclaw - The Raven or Night-Raven (yes, I know technically Ravenclaw's animal is an eagle, but there are no eagle scents in the GC that I know of!) Share this post Link to post
keylionpie Report post Posted July 29, 2015 (edited) Can't think of anything more random to put in a "Random BPAL-related thoughts" section, but mods please feel free to move the post if this is in the wrong area! Essentially, I'm writing a fair bit of fanfiction lately. Was looking to you guys, who may have read the books/seen the movies, to tell me what you think your favourite Harry Potter characters may smell like BPAL-wise. (And if not all the time, perhaps at fancy functions, like the Yule Ball) Indulge me. <3 Edited July 29, 2015 by keylionpie Share this post Link to post