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A negatively charged scent. Ambergris, Spanish Moss, oakmoss and three electric mints.

Cathode was my first freebie imp from the Lab, and I'm so glad I got a sample of this; I would never have tried it on my own. Wet and in the bottle, this has a strong and lovely mint smell, with a touch of earth. On me, it smells exactly like the old plantations along the Mississippi that I visited on vacation a year or so ago. Must be the Spanish Moss, although I can still smell the mint. I adore this scent, and it was also one of the first full-sized bottles I bought.

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Ugh, something about this one reminds me distinctly of All Saint's which similarly did not work for me. I think it's the combination of oakmoss with the mints, It comes off as a really weird smell on my skin. Sort of like someone sprayed tile cleaner on an old musky carpet. Geez, definitely not for me, I'll try to find this imp a better home.

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In the bottle: Mint. Strong, aromatic mint and a lot of freshness, though sometimes "fresh" smells soapy to me; this does not.


Wet: Mint still, and the freshness resolves itself into green grass and lemon. This is a cold scent, which I would have expected from the name, but it's nice because I don't usually like cold or aquatic scents - again, they go soapy on me.


Drydown: Okay, this is very strange. The mint turns menthol-ish and the green grass turns kind of tobacco-ish and the lemon all but disappears. It's sort of a spicy men's cologne scent - but you know what? This is the exact scent of the cologne my, um, dead great uncle used to wear. What it is with me and BPAL scents smelling like my dead relatives?!


Anyway, it's got very pleasant associations, and it doesn't smell overwhelmingly masculine on me. I can see wearing this for nostalgia, or when I'm having sinus issues - the minty-menthol smell really clears my head. *g*


Really, really dry drydown: There we go. Most men's cologne turns sweet on me after a time. Now it smells like spicy, sugary vanilla. Hee.

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I really like the idea of this oil - electricity! - but the reality on me isn't very good. This is a very watery scent on me, but it makes me think of water that's been tinted blue, like you might see in a fountain or (sorry) on a miniature golf course. This scent just smells very synthetic to me, a synthetic blue-green. I don't get any mint at all. It smells like men's cologne to me - like a marine men's cologne - but I really don't care for it. Off to swaps!

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In the bottle: Minty!


Wet, on my skin: Pleasantly sharp and minty; I really liked it and foolishly dabbed more behind my ears.


Memo to self: Never do that again.


Because next, we have the drydown: Slowly, the mint disappeared, to be replaced with something oppressive and headache-inducing, which began to increase in strength. At this point, I went to wash it off. Didn't work.


Dry: Now it's making me sick to my stomach, and I've got a strange metallic taste in my mouth that appears to be connected to the smell. Ugh! I washed it off again and it didn't work! Plus, I smell like an old lady's house.


Three freaking hours and two washes later, I can still smell it. Every time I get a whiff, my tummy flips over. How come the scents I love don't have this kind of lasting power?


Conclusion: Anybody want this?

Edited by harmonyfb

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you know, with the mosses and the ambergris, I'd expect this to be minty and earthy. Instead this is super light and almost a little soapy! A very cooooool mint. I'd love to wear this in the summertime. A possible springtime purchase to carry me through the hottest months of the year.



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Cathode is not at all like I expected. I was worried it would turn earthy and musty on my skin, but instead is light and crisp.


Palmolive soap and mint.


I really like this scent, it's light, fun and refreshing. the mintiness isn't as overpowering as I expected either!


Very pretty springtime scent!

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I put off reviewing this because it's hard to describe. It has great lasting power. Throughout the day , I smell the following:


Sharp herbs.


A new-mown hay field.


Sharp, peppery spices.


Soft, sweet spices.


A moldy hay field.


These scents aren't linear - I never know what I'll get during the dry-down.


I never smelled mint.


Don't think I'll repurchase, but who knows - this is intriguing.

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The mint really stood out here, right from the imp. As it dried I got a soft sweetness that I recognized from LitA, must be the ambergris. Overall a very nice scent, but mint just isn't for me. In my mind, its forever tied to toothpaste!

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Juniper? Ozone? There's definitely an alcoholic tinge to this, and the ozone bite is very...ozoney.


Overall, it's not for me. The alcoholic tinge never goes away, and it's pure alchohol, not something I want to smell like.



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Thanks, lab!


Cathode is fresh and clean smelling without being aquatic or linen based. I don't get mints, oddly enough, but its an herbal unoffensive scent. Husband likes to wear it, and he has mentioned a 5 ml in his future.

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minty to start but i do get the ambergris in this as well...maybe some

herbally goodness....this doesn't last too long on me but it

is a very interesting scent indeed....

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Dear my peppermint essential oil,

Hey. We need to talk.

Please don't look like that. This is important.

We've had a really good time together. I've enjoyed putting you in my massage oil and lotion, and waving you under my nose when I need a little oomph. But.. it's over.

NO! No, it's not you, it's me.

Ok, well... it's a girl. Her name is Beth. She's a genius.

NO, it's not her. It's... cathode.

It's fresh, like you, and tingly like you. It clears my sinuses up like you used to do, and it perks me right up.

What's it got that you don't have, you ask? Well there's this wonderful cool green planty undertone beneath the mint for a start. It's cool, outdoorsy, and plain delicious.

And... well... you know how you always complained that I wouldn't wear you out of the house? You're too overpowering, you know that. Cathode though, is sweet and soft enough to wear anywhere, and smell amazing without being in your face. I really think this could be love.

You understand, don't you? And maybe we can be friends... hang out sometime, you know?

Don't cry... please don't...

I really have to go... cathode and I are going to have some dinner. I'll... always remember you.





ETA: Looks like I've had to go crawling back to my peppermint essential oil. The boy stole my imp of Cathode and has claimed it as his own. And it smelled great on me, but it smells AMAZING on him. Unfair... but I shouldn't complain as it's just another excuse to nuzzle into his neck all evening. :P

Edited by Spring Snow

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Cathode: I can barely pick out a hint of mint.


On: Ohh, lovely floral, with enough mint to give it an edge. Wonderful!


Dry: Sadly, this dried down to a dusty "meh" scent on me. It did smell very mossy, but it turns out I don't want to smell like moss. It was so wonderful wet that the drydown was a disappointment.

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The mints here are just like the mints in Tulzcha (or is it the other way around...) but stronger, sharper, and darker, although (oddly), *not* metallic-smelling or fresh...


Evil Toothpaste, indeed :P

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I don't get much mint in this at all. It's more of an impression of coolness to the scent, rather than any specific type of mint.

I mostly get mosses and a hint of ozone, which is alright by me. This is like Bayou, without the stagnant water and rotting flower effect.


This is a scent I'd wear to the gym to stave off sweaty smelliness. It's a cool and light scent, but very long lasting. Kudos to the Lab. Another winner!


edited because I'm a comma whore and my grammar leaves much to be desired

Edited by Fleurdelys

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I got this as a frimp.


At first it was quite minty, but it dried into a cool, unisex (fairly masculine) aquatic. I couldn't really distinguish any individual notes ( my palate is completely unsophisticated.)


Quite pleasant, but not me at all.

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Well, that does it: the lab is psychic. For my past three orders, I've been putting an imp of this in, taking it out, putting it in (and shaking it all about) and ultimately deciding to wait (since there are so many gorgeous LEs to try!). I got this as a frimp in my Yule order, and I'm so glad that I'll be able to finally try it.


In the bottle: I can't tell. I spilled a bit of Follow Me Boy in the pocket of my coat, so now the paper tag smells like that. From what I can tell, it's green. Not "green" like plants, but green like the color. There's a sweetness and mild muskiness, and a faint tang of mint.


Wet: One of the reasons I've been afraid of this one is the ambergris. I'm a scent newbie--the idea of wearing whale vomit sounds awful. But there's no vomit to be heard from, whale or otherwise. Cathode is sweet, sweet, sweet, brightly green and slightly minty, with a wonderful cool soapiness in all the best ways. It reminds me a little of the smell of a hot guy after he's gotten ready for the day: slightly musky, minty from toothpaste and very discriminately cologned.


Dry: It hasn't begun to fade yet, and there's a lovely sort of waft to it. I only dabbed a bit on my arm, but I can smell the pretty green color as I type. It's not really an arm-stuck-to-the-nose kind of scent as it is an if-my-arm-were-a-hot-guy-I'd-hit-that kind of scent. The mint is slowly amping (amping? most people complain of fading, but not on me just yet) and there's this wonderfully complex green (like grass this time) smell coming up behind it.


Overall, Cathode is devastatingly handsome. I want to find a guy and slather. On me, it's still really good, and maybe I'll wear it to attract said guy.

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Frimp luvn'! Thanks to all who have frimped the heck out me, you know who you are(cuz I can't keep up), so this for you! :D


In the bottle: a softly mossy mint with a hint of electric ozone?


Wet: mossy mint with ozone.


Dry Down: The mint goes, and I get a peppery herbal that is electric. WOW! how does Beth do it? It is electricity in a bottle of oil. :P This is amazing. Not my favorite scent on me, nor do I think it is the best Beth has ever done. But, the creation of an electric scent, I am in awe.


30 minutes: I think I would like some for a summer scent. It is clean and cool, and ozoney. It is a peppery ozoney herbal which gives the impression of chill. Not a good scent for me right now when it is cold where I am at and my fingers are a little numb. :D


Conclusion: I think I will try it again when the weather is really warm and decide on a bigger bottle then. Til then, I am enjoying my imp very much.


Rating 1-5 on my skin this is a 4.

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I ordered this in my first order of imps from the lab, considering it one that i was branching out on. Mostly i was choosing the more earthy, spicey, woody scents, but this one sounded very intriguing and i didn't want to get too many similar scents.


I'm just learning how to identify notes so i probably don't really know what i'm talking about yet. But i will say that it smells exciting and unique in the bottle - very bright and minty. It's minty on my skin for a short time before it dries down, but then after ten minutes or less it settles into a smell i'm unsure about. I'm leaning toward it being the ambergris, but it could be the mosses. I'm struggling like mad to place it - i think perhaps it reminds me of many men's colognes? And i love many traditionally masculine scents (not that ambergris is always masculine by any means, but i suspect it's a common note in men's scents?), but i'm not sure this one works on me. I can't stop smelling my hand every other minute trying to place it, and to judge whether i enjoy it. I'm leaning toward no, which is too bad because i think this could be a really fantastic scent on someone else perhaps.


I'm keeping it around though - gotta try it different times and see what my chemistry does to it then.


ADDED Jan. 30:


I take back my previous doubt about this one. I love it. It's minty in the bottle and maybe for a few seconds wet, but then the mint goes away and it's mossy and resinous. An extremely unique scent to my nose. It also lasts a lot longer on my skin than most other scents i've tried so far.

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Wet: Sweet biting mint.


Dry: A light bright scent of air with a light sweet mint over it, more mint candy than mint off the bush or Altoids mint. Soft and far less icky than I imagined, but otherwise unremarkable.

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Holy mint blast, Batman! This was really strong when I first put it on... enough so that Kettu was waving the scent away from her on the other side of the room. This possibly has more throw than any other scent I've ever tried. There was an earthy undertone, but the mint was very much front and centre. The combination was kind of like sucking on an Altoid while gardening.


But the initial mint onslaught, like most aggressive top notes, fades down after a while, and the other notes begin to come out more. There's a dry, earthy mossiness underneath it all, and at one point during the drydown, thebalance between the two makes it a perfectly cool, clean, dry herbal that would be great during the hot days of summer for making you feel fresh.


Unfortunately, as it settles in further, that balance is lost. The mosses become dominant and the mint begins to smell like a jarring off-note in an otherwise dust-earth-moss type of scent. It's still not bad, exactly -- it just seems a bit disjointed.


I'm glad I got the chance to try it, but it's not really me.


Grade: C+

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My coworker got this as a frimp (yes, I've corrupted her too)... just from the desc, I would never have ordered this. Moss notes are usually horrid, and mint..well... Nuclear Winter was a big flop, so something with mint as a prime constituent probably wouldn't fly either.


I tried it.


In the bottle, it's sort of clear-sweet, and I do pick up the mint somewhat. It's sharp, but not painful.


Wet: It shares some qualities with Mad Hatter, which is probably the mint (pennyroyal) note. It isn't quite like MH, it's more floral, but they do resemble each other. Mostly, it's mint, with some sort of sweet light resin underneath (the ambergris?) that makes it seem floralish without actually being like that.


Dry: Pretty much the same as wet, although a bit less minty overall (the mint is fugitive and vanishes after about 30-40m).


Final: I love this. It's in my top 25, although I think Mad Hatter edges it out for the mintlike spot in my top ten. It's what I'd classify as a "business" scent; you can wear it without sitting in a pool of stank (there are some oils even that I like that are too much to wear to work), and I really enjoy the gentle sweetness of it. Throw is moderate, and lighter in quality than a close-in scent. I'll probably pick up a bottle, or at least be sure to keep an imp on hand.

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I'm not sure what ambergris smells like, but Cathode is definitely mossy and minty (mmm!). How unique and lovely! Pale green... sea green. A little bit later the mint has backed off a bit and there's some kind of floral note coming through. Oh, too bad I have to give this up in a swap... well I suppose I could put this on my wishlist again haha although I'm not sure when I'd wear this if I did get it again, maybe to relax and/or clear my thoughts when I'm about to do some schoolwork.

Edited by Shollin

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