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Flower Moon is blooming at BPAL & BPTP!

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Flower Moon is live at BPAL and BPTP!



April, too, marks the apex of the year's fertility, expresses the reawakening of the sexuality of the Earth and her inhabitants, and May's full moon celebrates both the fecundity of the creatures and flora of this world and the vibrancy, rejuvenation and life-affirming energy of Spring. Flower Moon embodies the unrestrained bliss, energy and color of the season: a bouquet of vivid, sexy blooms, coated in thick, golden honey... wisteria, swamp jasmine, honeysuckle, daffodil, rhododendron, phlox, and a mix of California wildflowers.



Trading Post presents a lovely, petal-dappled phoenix tee by Jennifer Williamson! --




Lemony yellow and white shimmer inks on black tee!



And in the spirit of springtime flora, there are some new additions to the Garden at Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab!



…their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter. The tree’s bark is grey and cork-like, and the fruit, when ripe, is bright yellow, comely and sweet-scented.


After their success in tempting Adam and Eve to the knowledge of sin, Satan and his cronies celebrated by partaking of the Apple:


There stood

A Grove hard by, sprung up with this thir change,

His will who reigns above, to aggravate

Thir penance, laden with Fruit like that

Which grew in Paradise, the bait of Eve

Us'd by the Tempter: on that prospect strange

Thir earnest eyes they fix'd, imagining

For one forbidden Tree a multitude

Now ris'n, to work them furder woe or shame;

Yet parcht with scalding thurst and hunger fierce,

Though to delude them sent, could not abstain,

But on they rould in heaps, and up the Trees

Climbing, sat thicker then the snakie locks

That curld Megæra: greedily they pluck'd

The Frutage fair to sight, like that which grew

Neer that bituminous Lake where Sodom flam'd;

This more delusive, not the touch, but taste

Deceav'd; they fondly thinking to allay

Thir appetite with gust, instead of Fruit

Chewd bitter Ashes, which th' offended taste

With spattering noise rejected: oft they assayd,

Hunger and thirst constraining, drugd as oft,

With hatefullest disrelish writh'd thir jaws

With soot and cinders fill'd; so oft they fell

Into the same illusion, not as Man

Whom they triumph'd once lapst. Thus were they plagu'd

And worn with Famin, long and ceasless hiss,

Till thir lost shape, permitted, they resum'd,

Yearly enjoynd, some say, to undergo

This annual humbling certain number'd days,

To dash thir pride, and joy for Man seduc't.


Native to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, this fruit turns to ashes when plucked as a sign of God’s displeasure.




The Tree of Poisons. Every aspect of this tree is toxic, from the narcotic, lethal fumes that it emits, to its oozing, poisonous sap.


A deceptively tranquil scent: heady fruits, dry bark, and deep green leaves, enveloped by a dark and sinister murk.




Thence the winds bore me, blowing fierce and fell,

Across the fish-abounding ocean swell

A nine-days’ space: and on the tenth we reached

The land where the Lotus-eaters dwell,


Who fed on flowery food: there landed we

And drew us water, and by the sea

By the swift ships taking our midday meal

We drank and ate bread in sufficiency.


Then of my crew I sent to bring me word,

Exploring inland, what they saw or heard

Of dwellers on the acres, choosing out

Twain, and as a herald with them for the third.


And straightway going forth, anigh they drew

The Lotus-eaters; who against our crew

Devised not hurt, but gave them of the fruit

To taste upon the lotus-trees that grew.


But whoso of them once began to eat

The lotus-fruit, that is as honey sweet,

Had no will longer in him to return

Or bring back tidings, but desired to fleet


His days among the lotus-eating men,

Eating the lotus, nor return again.

Howbeit I drove them weeping to the ships,

And to the ships’ hold haled and bound them then


Under the benches: but I bade anon

My fellows to the swift ships get them gone

In haste, that none might of the lotus-fruit

Eat, and forget the way he went upon.


Honey-sweet and soporific.




After these things, surveying the entrances of the north, above the mountains, I perceived seven mountains replete with pure nard, odoriferous trees, cinnamon and papyrus.


From there I passed on above the summits of those mountains to some distance eastwards, and went over the Erythraean sea. And when I was advanced far beyond it, I passed along above the angel Zateel, and arrived at the garden of righteousness.


In this garden I beheld, among other trees, some which were numerous and large, and which flourished there.


Their fragrance was agreeable and powerful, and their appearance both varied and elegant. The tree of knowledge also was there, of which if any one eats, he becomes endowed with great wisdom.


It was like a species of the tamarind tree, bearing fruit which


resembled grapes extremely fine; and its fragrance extended to a considerable distance.


I exclaimed, How beautiful is this tree, and how delightful is its appearance!


Then holy Raphael, an angel who was with me, answered and said, This is the tree of knowledge, of which your ancient father and your aged mother ate, who were before you; and who, obtaining knowledge, their eyes being opened, and knowing themselves to be naked, were expelled from the garden.


Whiffs of cinnamon bark, almond, and spikenard surround a perfect fruit, whose scent is akin to a tamarind, with the grace of a fine grape, as warm and rich as a fresh fig, glistening red like pomegranate seeds, and as crisp as an apple.




Travelers have told us of a plant, which they assert grows in Central Africa and also in South America, that is not contented with myriad of larger insects which it catches and consumes, but its voracity extends to making even humans its prey. This marvelous vegetable Minotaur is represented as having a short, thick trunk, from the top of which radiate giant spines, narrow and flexible but of extraordinary tenaciousness, the edges of which are armed with barbs, or dagger-like teeth. Instead of growing upright, or at an inclined angle from the trunk, these spines lay their outer ends upon the ground, and so gracefully are they distributed that the trunk resembles an easy couch with green drapery around it. The unfortunate traveler, ignorant of the monstrous creation which lies in his way, and curious to examine the strange plant, or to rest himself upon its inviting stalk approaches without a suspicion of his certain doom. The moment his feet are set within the circle of the horrid spines, they rise up, like gigantic serpents, and entwine themselves about him until he is drawn upon the stump, when they speedily drive their daggers into his body and thus complete the massacre. The body is crushed until every drop of blood is squeezed out of it and becomes absorbed by the gore-loving plant, when the dry carcass is thrown out and the horrid trap set again.


Barbed, sanguinary greenery, fleshy and sharp.




A massive tree that held, in its lowest boughs, a nest of bare-breasted men and women. The souls sprawled within the Zieba Tree’s branches were trapped in reverie, lost for all eternity in their fantasies.


A dreamlike, listless scent, misty and hazed, with wisps of white sandalwood, eddying musks the colors of eventide, shimmering pale resins, davana, lemon blossom, orange blossom, and white peach.




The world is in the midst of massive upheaval, and to help keep the uncertainty, fear, and fretting at bay, we present a new type of Chaos Theory that melds the comfort and harmony of the familiar with a injection of jolly tumult...



You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star. - Friedrich Nietzsche


A new take on Chaos!


For this series, we decided to try a different type of chaotic experimentation. Each CT:5 scent has a base of one of the following scents, in wildly varying proportions:





Snake Oil


From these bases comes a new series of flowing, fragrant fractals that emanate from these four roots. Random combinations of oils have been added to every individual bottle, resulting in a truly unique blend that retains some of the tone, essence, and soul of the original.


This is an exercise in the joy of chance and uncertainty! Each is a one-of-a-kind, utterly random combination of scents, the composition of which is based on whim, mood and gut instinct.


Most common allergens have been omitted from the experiment. No pennyroyal, no nuts, no cinnamon, no cassia. Regardless, if you have any sensitivities, please do not participate in Chaos Theory. The contents of the oils are not recorded [that's the whole point!] and we will not be able to answer questions about specific bottles of CT:5 or guarantee that an allergen is not present in your order.


By purchasing CT:5, you agree to absolve Black Phoenix of any responsibility related to an allergic reaction to one of the oils in this series.


Please make a responsible choice, and use caution and discretion when ordering. This is intended to be a fun, exciting project. Please bear in mind that all Black Phoenix oils are made in an environment that contains nuts, both literally and figuratively.


The Chaos blends were created by m‘self, Doc Constantine, and Mister Teddy from Black Phoenix Trading Post, so you get an extra dollop of chaos! We hope that you enjoy these scents as much as we enjoyed creating them!



The Dorian Series



The O Series



The Penitence Series



The Snake Oil Series


A portion of all the proceeds from CT:5 will go to United Way.




Flower Moon will be live until March 13th, and CT:5 will be live until April 15th!



Until next time, ladies and gents!

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