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Bergamot and French lavender.

I was so sure I reviewed this already, but apparently not. Pontia on me was straight up herby lavender. The bergamot came out after a bit and added a bit of depth, but overall the lavender was BY FAR the dominant note here. I actually really enjoyed it. You have to LOVE lavender to wear this, but if you do, you won't be disappointed. Unfortunately, my skin ate this scent so that after an hour it was completely gone! Edited by crebbsgirl

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Solid French lavender note hits me first. Herbal, stringent. And...that's it. No Earl Grey/bergamot to be found. This is pretty much SN Lavender for me. That's not a bad thing, come bedtime. This will make a fine addition to my collection of lavender-based sleepytime aids.

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