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White Chocolate and Sugared Violets

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White chocolate and sugared violets.


In the bottle - A musky hint of a surprisingly green violet note

Wet on me - Sweet, sugar crystal coated violets with a hint of cocoa in the background

Dry on me - Soft, sweet hazy violets

Overall - Very pretty sugared violets, but weirdly no appreciable chocolate

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Got an imp of this in a swap and was very excited to try it. I had never tried ANY of the Box of Chocolate blends, oddly enough, but I love Beth's chocolate and cocoa notes.


IN THE IMP: Sugary sweet light violet. I am not getting what I think of as a "chocolate" note per se, but that could be because white chocolate is simply different from the usual chocolate or cocoa.


Dabbed on wrist.


WET: It smells almost exactly the same on my skin as it does in the imp and that's not a bad thing. It's really lovely, super nice. Just sweetness (but not cloying nauseating sweetness, pure light sugar candied sweetness) and candied violets. I have never eaten candied violets but I imagine this is the olfactory equivalent of what they'd taste like.


DRYDOWN: Light, delicate, sweet violets. Sorry for the department of redundancy department. Consciously I am not getting ANY chocolate vibe from this but it is more than possible that the white chocolate is simply part of what I am sniffing as "sweet sweet sweetness."


OVERALL: I really, really like this. I don't think I'd buy a full bottle but would not turn down more imps. I think it would make a GREAT BPTP bath oil or bubble bath -- that I'd buy. Light and delicate and subtle. It's something I'd wear when I feel like singing "I Enjoy Being A Girl" (what, you don't go around singing that?) ... I sometimes read posts from people asking for suggestions of a scent to buy for a tween/teen girl they want to get into BPAL and now that I've smelled this, I would definitely post next time and suggest looking for this.


On a scale of 1-5, a 4.

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This is a glorious chocolatey violety bottle of goodness. My bottle is so potent that the closed bottle makes my entire box of oils smell like a delicious violet truffle.


It's creamy goodness that smells exactly the same in the bottle, wet, & dry on me. It smells exactly like candied violets taste mixed with bpals chocolate note with a little extra sweetness.


On me, the scent is quite different than faith, which smells more like French violet "mints."

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Faith + white chocolate! First the white chocolate hits my nose. It's like a rich chocolate liqueur. Then I catch the violet. Two notes that go together perfectly. White and purple. Love it.

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The sugared violets are definitely the strongest note on me! I won't complain, because I love sugared violets :lol:

I'm not actually getting the chocolate, except perhaps as a creaminess in the background of the scent.


A very pretty blend, if a little heavy on the floral.

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i've been dying to try this for years and finally got my hands on a bottle. i am not really a foody-scent person, but i love violet, and i thought white chocolate might be a bit more like the chocolate lush scents (which i can wear.) this seems like rich chocolate with hints of violet. probably too chocolaty for my blood, but i am going to see how this smells after a few hours. luckily, this chocolate actually works on me, even if i am not super keen to smell like food. foody scents often go plasticky or just weird with my skin chemistry, and this does not. it's very true to it's description, though i wish the violet were stronger and the chocolate were a little less bitter and less realistic. however, i think on the rare occasions when i do want to smell like chocolate, this is what i'd be picking up. :)


ETA: finally after a half an hour the violet becomes stronger and the chocolate is less bitter. it's like faith with a soft white chocolate, which i like a lot. i sold off my faith bottle and this is a nice replacement.

Edited by theseagrows

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