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Bonfire Night Atmospheric Spray

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Guy Fawkes, Guy;
Stick him up on high!
Hang him on a lamp post
And there let him die!
Guy, Guy, Guy!
Poke Him in the eye!
Put him on the fire,
And there let him die!
Burn his body from his head:
Then you'll say
Guy Fawkes is dead!
Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Beer, woodsmoke, tar, and treacle.

I'm surprised at how much I love this as a room scent. The perfume is awful on me (gritty, overpowering woodsmoke, stale beer, and burnt sugar). I think that I like the Bonfire Night room spray even more than I like Gooey Pillowcase, though. This strikes me as being slightly foodie, but not overwhelming. The staying power is just as wonderful as the other room sprays that I've tried. It lasts for about six hours if I spray it into the air, and lasts for days on linens or pillows.

It smells like standing next to a campfire with damp wood, but none of the suffocating smokiness. It has a sweet, incensey sort of smokiness. It keeps making me think of a sweet sandalwood incense. The sugary aspect smells of toasted marshmallows drizzled with a hazelnut syrup.

My boy loves smoky scents, but I usually can't stand them, and we both love this spray :P. I'm glad to have a large decant of this, and wish I'd purchased a full bottle when I had the chance.

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I have the perfume as well, but the room spray seems much sweeter to me.


Sweet, smoky, and lovely but not used very much at my house because the Samhain has me in its clutches!!

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At the beginning it's a really smoky and woodsy scent, but as it dries down, I get more of the sweetness. This is really nice. But we're not so into smoky scents, and I have *PLENTY* of room sprays from decant circles, so I'm thinking I'll let this one go.

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Ever since discovering BPAL the idea of a bonfire scent fascinated me, so I started stalking the recs thread and the sales page in hope of finding the perfect one.

Bonfire Night seemed like the most promising (back before I accepted that my skin will turn caramel and normal sugar into cloying burnt sugar, so treacle & co are out of the question) but I could't find even a tiny partial and had almost given up when I stumbled acoss a bottle of the spray at a reasonable price and went for it because, really, for all I love them smoke and fires are more something that I like to smell than something that I want to smell like.


Boy, am I glad that I took this leap! My first experiance with the Lab's spary was a complete success :joy:

This is the most yummy smoke, sweet but not heavily foody, and mostly it makes me think of a beautiful forest, the kind with centiries old trees that make you feel really small and part of something much bigger than yourself at the same time.

Great staying power, and none of that obnoxious "I just covered the stale cigarette smoke and the ferret smell with with a thon of air freshener! Doesn't my house smell good???" feeling I usually get from these spays. I :heart: Bpal, I do.

Edited by inkaddict

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