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Lick It Like You Mean It

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Every holiday season should be full of lewd suggestions and filthy double entendres, right? Lick it in earnest! Lick it with vigor! Peppermint candy cane with an extra jolt of sugar.

2008's take on the Lick it series, is more vanilla sugar with mint, rather than the other way around. Don't get me wrong, I love the Lick it series, but I love the mint explosion more than anything. Edited by Shollin

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I love the Lick It family. And it's one of the few scents that my husband can tolerate on me, so I pick up an imp every year. They've all been very true to description, just with varying degrees of the mint, sugar, and vanilla. So, in comparison, LILYMI is more mint, especially on first application. On dry down, it's still not as sweet and creamy as LIA, but still awesome. :)

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Very minty at first- a bit of creaminess- sadly there is a musk in the dry down that my skin turns to pencil shavings!! :umm:

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In the Imp (ITI): Strong peppermint candy cane and a touch of vanilla.


Wet: The peppermint candy cane is so strong here. While I get vanilla, poor vanilla is sitting in the back of the scent classroom, too afraid to disturb the powerful litany of the dominant note.


Dry: Thick, gooey vanilla with flecks of peppermint candy gently folded it. It smells delicious!

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(Yep, still testing my way through these years later. :) )


More vanilla and less mint in the bottle, which is how it goes on. Very brief burn, only a moment, and then there's an odd top sour note — the musk, I guess. Fortunately it vanishes in less than a minute. Dries as a nice balance of vanilla and peppermint, with some of the burn returning. More like the original Lick It than my favorite, Lick It Again. I love this series.

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