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BPAL Madness!

Blood Moon is live at BPAL and BPTP! MVJBA update, too!

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Your humble narrator is falling asleep sitting up. Lilith is 13 days old, and it feels like we haven't slept in 13 years!


Meanwhile, back at the ranch... Blood Moon 2008 is live!




In October, the crop harvest has past, and all hands turn to the Hunt: the third and final harvest before winter. Blood Moon shines over huntsmen as they ride over reaped grain in pursuit of their prey.


In Christian mythology, Blood Moon may have a darker significance:


"And I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood; and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind." -- Revelation 6:12-13


The feral scent of the heat of the chase, deep woods, undulating musks, brushed by forest flora, swirled in the incense of <i>the anointed cherub that covereth</i>, and touched by blood-dimmed lunar oils.





The Blood Moon tee is up at Black Phoenix Trading Post! It will be live until 18 September 2008!


The MVJBA has also posted an update! Sorry to send you guys on an Easter Egg hunt for the MVJBA details, but I can't type anymore -- my face is about to smack down on the keyboard. Hard.



I want to clarify before I faceplant...


The Mother Shub popcorn scent sold out. The MVJBA packs now come with the Miskatonic Valley Junior Baseball Association's Dog Days of Summer scent: a languid and loathsome blend of dead wildflowers and smoky, sun-baked grass under a hot, humid blanket of summer gloom.




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