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Saint Germain

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I can't really describe the fragrance beyond that it's very citrusy and has elderflower (it's an elderflower liquor- http://www.stgermain.fr/). I was hoping to find a BPAL that comes close to the liquor's fragrance. Has anyone else drank it & have an idea of a BPAL that would come close?

Or have a rec for a citrusy elderflower BPAL?


Thanks! :P

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Wow. I've never tried that, but now I'm going to have to hunt it down. If I have any suggestions after trying it I'll be sure to let you know!



In the meantime, maybe this from their website might help others think of recs?

"Neither peach nor pear, lychee nor citrus, the sublime taste of St-Germain hints at each of these and yet none of them exactly. It is a flavor as subtle and delicate as it is captivating."

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