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Driving Test

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Is a driving test the same as sitting any other exam?


I don't know, but I certainly fail far more driving tests than I've ever failed written exams! :P The first time I was too nervous and my driving was slightly erratic as a result, with my playing it too safe leading to a fail, and the second time I was too confident and sat chatting to the examiner instead of focussing on the road, as well as blowing my nerves to small pieces when things went slightly wobbly...


I have attempt number 3 at a driving test coming up next week, and one (hopefully) final lesson tomorrow afternoon...


Can you recommend scents to inspire cool, calm, collected focus?? I have a fairly large choice of LE/GC bottles 'n' imps so I hope that I already have something appropriate in my collection. It's a little late to ask now, but should I wear the scent I intend to wear for my test on my lesson tomorrow?


Thanks in advance!

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Maybe Succor or Safari? Or perhaps your favorite scent, possibly it could work as a security blanket or something.

Good luck (I failed my driving test twice as well...third time was the charm for me so hopefully the same will be true for you)!

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Something with citurs or mint is supposed to keep you focused. Schrodinger's Cat contains both, but that blend really depends on your skin chemistry (as well it would). I find Ultraviolet very calming and orienting, the same with Cathode. Chesire Cat has the double benefit of calming chamomile and focusing grapefruit (I believe grapefruit is recommended as a study scent for students).


Best of luck with your exam, and hopefully third time's a charm!

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Thanks for your kind thoughts, heartlily and paperrose


Maybe Succor or Safari? Or perhaps your favorite scent, possibly it could work as a security blanket or something.


I don't have either of those Panaceas, but using a favourite scent to relax with is a good shout. I'm fickle enough that I don't have a clear favourite, but will go through my bottles and pick something that I love out. Maybe Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo or Morocco or Australian Copperhead. thanks!


Something with citurs or mint is supposed to keep you focused. Schrodinger's Cat contains both, but that blend really depends on your skin chemistry (as well it would). I find Ultraviolet very calming and orienting, the same with Cathode. Chesire Cat has the double benefit of calming chamomile and focusing grapefruit (I believe grapefruit is recommended as a study scent for students).


I don't think Schrodinger's Cat or Cathode worked particularly well on me, so I don't have either around. I don't have Ultraviolet to hand either, but I might be able to dig out an imp of Cheshire Cat - need to check!


Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo verges on citrussy and always cheers me up, so that's looking like an option. I also have some citrussy Aizen Myoo, or Lick It One More Time for the mint. Thanks for the suggestions!

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I was wearing the Conjure Bag versions of Blockbuster and High John the Conqueror when I took my driving test a few months back.


I passed, then immediately after, got into a fight with my (normally placid) husband that was scary-bad, probably the worst in our entire relationship.


So, er, I'm not sure if I could recommend them or not...

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I'm not sure what I would recommend - I think that your response to certain notes can be really personal even when they're recommended for particular uses in aromatherapy. But in case you haven't poked around Recs in a while, you can review the discussions on calming & relaxing scents for ideas on those & recs for studying, learning and exams that could help you focus (you may have already found that one).


I think whatever makes you feel confident is probably your best bet, as long as it's not something that also makes you so cozy and sleepy that you won't be alert and together for your lessons and test. And maybe use a light hand if you decide on something that's on the sexy or heady side, in case you have a driving examiner with a sensitive nose.

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Thanks, everyone for the advice.


In the end, I threw a few favourite imps in my film cannister last night and on the train en route to my driving test I just dabbed multiple things at random - Snow White, Australian Copperhead and Morocco in different spots on hands and wrists.


On the test itself my driving was fairly shambolic, although I did stay calm and collected even after I made stupid errors all along the way. I didn't really notice what perfume I was wearing because I was too focused on what was happening but I like to think that the nice smells helped me feel comfortable enough to not panic unduly. Well, that and the fact that this was my third attempt.


When my test was over, I had totted up 14 minor faults and no majors. Which is just enough to still count as a pass! :P The examiner said those stock words - "I'm glad to tell you that you've passed your test" - and I just looked at him and said "You're kidding, right?!" So yay for third time's the charm!

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