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Some thing like Eau de Love

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My mom loved a perfume called Eau de Love that was very popular in the late 60's, early 70's. I've done some google searches, and all I can come up with is that it started out with a light citrus scent followed by light florals. Does anyone remember this perfume? I'd love to find a BPAL that is similar.

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My mom loved a perfume called Eau de Love that was very popular in the late 60's, early 70's. I've done some google searches, and all I can come up with is that it started out with a light citrus scent followed by light florals. Does anyone remember this perfume? I'd love to find a BPAL that is similar.


Never smelled it, BUT, light citrus and white floral suggestions: Phantasm and Zephyr in Bewitching Brews, Forbidden Fruit, Lolita and Muse from Love Potions, Cordelia from Illyria, and Santa Eularia des Riu from Wanderlust might all have similarities. I'd say of all of them Zephyr is probably the lightest and sweetest, and Muse and Phantasm are probably the headiest/most citrusy, with the rest of them sort of ranging inbetween.

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Thanks, that gives me a place to start. My mom never has worn perfume since this one was discontinued, but always raved about how great it was. So, it'd be great if I could find something she loved. :P

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Bumping this in case someone else remembers it to help Suzie ... and me!


I had forgotten how much I adored Eau de Love but can't quite put my nose-finger on the scent. I'd love to try it again ...


I can say, from having tried all of the scents suggested below and not liking any of them, that it's unlikely any of them are a match though well-intentioned suggestions. Two very broad categories with no specific notes listed will be a tough match without someone who has actually smelled the scent.


I'll see what I can do to track it down, meanwhile. But thanks for the sensory memory explosion!


(I remember the radio ad was something like this ... a geeky-sounding guy with a New York accent saying "Oh de flowers, oh de trees, oh de smell of Eau De Love")

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