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Sagittarius 2007

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Mutable Fire: the essence of striving.
Sage, clove, dandelion, balm of gilead, fig, and chamomile.

In bottle: Smooth, almost buttery (not salty, though) chamomile. (I was thinking it smells a bit like body butter, could that be the balm of gilead?) A very clean scent, one I would love in soap. It has a fringe of sharpness to it as well; I think that's the sage I'm smelling. No clove or fig yet. :P

Wet: The sage picks up immediately, though still heavily chamomile. It's got a punch, but even so, it's difficult for me to feel fire with this. It's more like a purifier that gets you so clean, it burns. After a couple of minutes it begins to sweeten ever so slightly.

Dry: Within ten minutes, it's almost completely disappeared save for a gentle, "clean" smell. It would be great for scenting lotion or soap, particularly for those who like to be subtle with their smellies. On my bare skin, though, this seems to have little throw and little lasting power. Edited by likie

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Hmm...I'm getting herbal, almost weedy (probably the dandelion) which I rather fancy. Clean, clean, clean in an open field kind of way. The clove is mildly spicy, the chamomile seems to be the unifying thread so far.

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In the bottle it's pure dandelion, which I love. As a little girl, that was my absolute favorite flower (to the extent that my father wouldn't even weed the dandelions from the yard because I'd sob if he did). Once it goes on and starts to dry, the clove comes out which makes me very happy since my second favorite flower as a girl was carnation. I get just a touch of sage and I can't isolate any of the other notes, though there's something sweet in the background holding this all together.


Overall, this is a very soft, clean scent that smells like springtime to me, much more so than any of the usual floral spring-y scents.

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Like all of the zodiac blends so far, this is a beautiful scent. I haven't tried every single one, but I kind of regret skipping over a few, because there hasn't been a zodiac blend yet that I didn't like.


I can't identify all of the individual components of this, but they all come out in turn, as it morphs. (And morph it does!)


Initially, this is a very light, clean herbal scent. I think it's almost all chamomile and dandelion that I'm smelling. The dandelion here is soft and lightly floral, like a freshly picked blossom. It's a little green, but not at all weedy or grassy. The more I sniff it, I can actually feel the soft, almost furry petals of a dandelion pressed against my nose (memories of playing outside as a kid). This first stage has great throw, but it's fragrant and light, like opening a bag of fresh herbs.


As it dries, the other notes begin to emerge. I can definitely catch the sage, and after about 10 minutes, the clove comes into full bloom. The clove combines with the sage here to make a very smooth, fuzzy spice. It's not overpowering, sharp, or bitter. I can't really pick out the fig, but it adds a lightly fruity sweetness to the entire blend. All of the notes are in excellent balance.


At first, I thought maybe this is not quite in character for me. But once it morphs into what seems to be the final drydown, for my skin, this is wonderful. It's soft, sweet, fuzzy, and fragrant. Not spicy, nor herbal, nor floral. Just a lovely blend of the three qualities. As someone else mentioned, this would be a great blend for spring. I had my reservations at first, but I think this is a definite keeper. It's very comforting and uplifting.


Throw is still very nice. Wear life is on the short side of average.

Edited by naeelah

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when i first sniffed sagittarius in the bottle my initial thought was, "dandelion, yay!" there is something a little thicker and richer smelling- the fig, i think. on me it's all bright, happy, green and yellow dandelion with a hint of sweetness. surprisingly i don't get any sage. this satisfies my need for a straight-up dandelion scent- i'm so glad i caved and ordered it!

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I really wanted to like this. I love all the separate bits that comprise the blend. But dandelion and sage (together) do really odd things on my skin and it's not nice. It's sour and peppery and I can't get round it.


I'll give it one more go in a few days but, for now, it looks as though this one is going on the sale/swap list.

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this is the only zodiac oil i've gotten, and it's my sun sign.

first sniff from the bottle is fresh yet soft - florally, but it is the dandelion - so: springy and happy. it smells exactly like a fresh grassy meadow, full of dandelions and sunlight. on my skin it goes a bit soapy at first, but does calm down, and soften. i think i can detect a faint figginess, and the chamomile, which i love. this is a friendly, innocent scent. very much for daytime, and sunshine. i can't say i smell the sage, and i wish i could smell the clove more. all in all though, this is uplifting and light, and i'm pleased.

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In the bottle and on wet: Single note dandelion. As though I had just walked out into my front yard, plucked one that's in full bloom, and sniffed. Juicy-crisp green stem and bright yellow flower that leaves a pollen spot on the tip of your nose. Dry down: the juicy green recedes, a warmer slightly powdery aura surrounds the dandelion flower that is still at the center of it. If you came back to your plucked flower later in the day after it was wilted and beginning to dry, you might smell this.


Sage? Hmmm, not specifically. Where is the clove? I dunno what BoG should smell like. Fig? No. Chamomile? Not identifiably. I'm thinking the sage and chamomile might be combining to add that soft powdery aura that floats just underneath the dandelion in the later stage. There could also be the barest touch of clove mingling with that. But none of those notes are there on their own, I don't say "oh hello clove!" Mostly it's dandelion, on my skin. I find myself drawn by this one even though I typically don't care for floral scents at all.

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Like AliBabble, this is my first Zodiac scent, bought because it's my sun sign as well. I must say, it's not what I expected for Sagittarius.


I am unfamiliar with most of the notes listed for this scent, but i'm picking up a tiny bit of what must be the clove in the initial nose and when it's wet on my skin. in the drydown, it's turning into a smell not unlike suntan oil. there's some kind of coconutty smell there, that, while not unpleasant, may not be something i dig wearing. I smell like a hotel pool!


It is super springlike--seems like an air sign rather than fire.

i may put it away until the weather warms up again and give it another test then.


Oh wait--now it's been on my skin a little longer and the clove and sage are definitely coming out. It smells like a springtime Christmas, if that makes any sense. Very soft--it's different for me, but i think i like it!

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Oh. Oh, my oh my! This is so fitting for a Sagittarius blend. (My moon sign!)


WET: This smells just like the yellowest, brightest part of a dandelion.


DRY: This starts out with dandelion: bright, yellow, herbal. It smells fresh as if I have just smeared the bloom of a dandelion across my skin, leaving a yellow streak. Just behind the dandelion there's a decadent, resinous sweetness that makes me wonder if it's the balm of Gilead and the fig combining to support the dandelion. The clove is light but present and I can only barely smell the sage, though I think it lends a nice touch to this.


The dandelion and balm of Gilead are so interesting and unique here. I was not certain of how I'd like this because, well, a weed? However, this is amazing and I am so glad that I gave it a chance. I think it has to be one of my three favorite zodiacs so far this year. It is simultaneously warm and fiery, yet more muted and gentle than the other fire signs. I feel optimistic and calm when I wear this.

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I love this scent so much. And so does my Sagittarius! He's very picky so I was relieved when he liked sniffing this on me, and he didn't immediately open a box of Claritin.


Dandelion, sage and chamomile are three of my favorite "I wish these were in more blends" scents. They are so amazing wherever they occur -- so fresh, green, crisp and herbal. They don't last very long on my skin but I just want to keep pouring it on so I can always be rubbing my face in that downy golden-white dandelion fluff; the soft leathery sage leaves; and the delicate buds of chamomile.


Beneath this incredible trio of the most beautifully sunny, herbal fresh green scents is the sweetness of fig and the warmth of clove, united by balm of gilead -- which I can't specifically pinpoint but I know I like it. Without those other elements it might be too fleeting and too green, but the other notes weave in strands of darker, golden aromas and hold them together.


Sweet, warm, but also green, herbal and clean. I love Sagittarius. This is second only to Scorpio in the Zodiac blends so far, in my book, but I know we still have a few to go.

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Rats. This is ALL chamomile ALL the time. I like chamomile fine and all... but I like it better in my tea or bath, and not so much in my perfume. Was hoping for sage and clove, but can't find either one. :P

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Saggitarius is very warm and comforting, like a big cuddly hug :P I get a lot of chamomile and sage, with a sort of creamy herbal tinge that I think is the balm of gilead and dandelion. The clove adds a tiny, tiny ouch of spice, but never overpowers the rest of the notes. This is the perfect scent for those days when you are curled up at home with a good book, or knitting, or something of that sort. I feel relaxed just smelling it now (and today has not been a particularly relaxing day...) I bet this would be a great bedtime fragrance as well. I'm definitely happy with this one, all of the zodiac blends so far have been incredible, and this is definitely no exception.

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Gorgeous, smooth, refreshing and earthey. I was surprised when I read the ingredients, because this really smells like white honey on me, I was sure there was some in there. Yep, white honey with a soft, green clover undertone; intoxicatingly sweet and clean at the same time.


This is sooo unique, and I am so pleasantly surprised by how much i like this!! It's so beautiful; I find it so drunkenly sweet the same way O is on me. I will certainly be enjoying my bottle of this. My only complaint is it only lasts about 2 hours on my skin. Oh well, smells damn good! :P

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holy shit ...yessss!!!...straight sniff from bottle is dandelion....omG....amazing!!!


once applied sage, dandelion and clove...in that order....good heavens, this

is a dream come true...glorious....almost piney, but not quite...chamomile makes

an appearance quite subtly and in the most gorgeous way...



this is so beautiful i could cry

Edited by sookster

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In this imp, this was slightly more astringent than I'd expected-- the chamomile is really reading as tea to me. On my skin, the dandelion develops, and I know exactly what an earlier poster meant by saying it includes the pollen-tickle on your nose and everything! The herby undertones accent this wonderfully.


I love this-- I think it's a slightly less-harsh version of The Apothecary.

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Origin: sniffie from eviltemptressdq's circle


Initial thoughts: This was a freebie bonus, I guess. It didn't occur to me to try it since sage and I don't get along very well and I haven't been ordering the astrologicals in general.


In the Bottle: Very grassy-herby, with the fig in the background.


Wet: Well hi there, dandelion! I'm not sure we've met before. Light grassy floral.


Drydown: Well, wonder of wonders, the sage is behaving itself. The fig has come up sort of under the other notes, adding a fruity dimension to the grass and herbs.


Verdict: Hm. I might have to track down a decant or two of this.

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Well, I've worn this enough now that I should be able to give my impressions.


I'm getting mostly sweetness from this scent. I don't know what it is. I'm familiar with the smell of chamomile, or at least the dried herb. That doesn't seem to be quite what I'm smelling here. Whatever it is reminds me of cotton candy or some kind of sweet marshmallow root. It's more herbal than a really sugary scent, but there's definitely a lot of sweetness. Perhaps fig is doing its thing here, like it did in Lucifer (which is much sweeter on me than I expected). After a while the clove comes out, but not too strong. The mixture of sweet and spicy says 'autumn' to me.


Overall, I do like this. I think of herbal meadows, not 'green' really, but more of an autumn golden scent. It's almost like a lighter, sunnier Samhain or Samhainophobia. It seems suited to rituals, or meditation. I took a chance because if this weren't my sign, I probably wouldn't have gone after it. I'm glad I did.


Edit: I wanted to add that I can't pick out dandelion very much if at all in this scent....at least, not like I know it from One To Tie, Two To Win. This is totally different from that scent on me.

Edited by Forspecial Plate

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In the bottle: This is a gentle scent. A flower/fruit sweetness, not sharp - fig? - over something herbal. Faintly bitter round the edges. It doesn't smell wintry to me; more like a wet spring.


On the wrist: Whoa. Suddenly I am wreathed in what seemed a faint scent, and it's lovely. Softly sweetened herbs and fruit, with a bitterness close to the wrist that must be the dandelion, with only the tiniest hint of clove.


One hour later: The throw is much fainter now, but still a soft, sweet herbal, with the clove a little stronger adding warmth. Close to the wrist it's mostly sweet and figgy, with just the faintest trace of dandelion. Nice.


It lasts about two hours, but it's a nice two hours.

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Stronger than expected, and growing on me. In the bottle, loads of sage and chamomile and mountains of dandelions. It smells like shifting seasons, like rolling down the hill at my grandparents' house as a child.


On, there's immediately an unexpected butteriness, a creamy lushness that I didn't expect these notes to offer. I wanted to love this, and so I've pushed myself to it, but the scent, on, is doing the job, too. One streak across my inner arm and it keeps wafting up to me, a nostalgia, a suggestion, an image of the wildflower bouquets my best friend and I brought our fourth-grade teachers. I wouldn't be surprised to se a trillium in the backyard, with this scent floating around; it smells nothing like a trillium, but those perfect flowers are nonetheless the image that comes to mind. Sagittarius is golden and glowing and smells like honey-colored hair and afternoon sun, a hint of something musky, a fallen petal, a line of dust on the table.


Finally, a hint of clove, an evening scent suggesting baking and kitchen warmth.

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Completely and totally dandelion on me! Sadly it doesn't last very long.


Its my sign (Sagg) and I adore it, my co-workers I've tortured into sniffing me adore it....need more!!!!!! This will end up being an atomized one or a scent locket scent....


But c'mon.....pure DANDELION!!!!! Its like being a little kid again!!

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I love Sagittarius and so wish that I had been smart enough to get a big bottle instead of a decant. It's like a single note dandelion on me - cheery, sunny, and reminds me of being a little kid. This blend captures the milky smoothness, unique sweetness, and cool herbal qualities of the dandelion perfectly.


This is pure dandelions on me. And it's fantastic. I love the quality of bpal's dandelion oil. Dandelion oils I've tried from other companies never managed to capture the scent so perfectly. Sagittarius is a perfect dandelion.



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In the bottle:

Herbal, but somehow almost creamy.



Sweet and herbal, still with a creamy note. I can definitely smell the dandelion, and after a while I can pick out the sage and chamomile as well. So far, no clove, but it looks like it took a while to come out for most people.



The wear length of this is pretty short, but I like it a lot better than I expected to. Yummy dandelions, tea, and a soft creamy scent that holds it all together.

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Very sweet with a touch of green in the bottle. Fades into my skin immediately, so I can't really say anything more about that. Sad, because I heard it's very dandelion on some people.

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In the imp, this is very herbal - I get sage, chamomile, and clove.


On my skin, it's more of the same - still heavy on chamomile, with sage and clove.


When it dries, it's strange and herbal - not really my bag.

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