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Event Horizon

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A disconcerting scent, heavy and oppressive, through which no light, no matter, and no spirit can escape. Black opium, labdanum, opoponax, black orchid, and benzoin.

In bottle/imp: Strong, dark opium.

Immediately on skin: The opium is very strong and there is a more resinous scent under it (the labdanum I'm guessing). I can smell the orchid, but it is lurking underneath the other darker and almost bitter notes.

After a few minutes: This has turned sweeter on me (I usually amp sweet, so it might not happen on others). I can smell the black orchid and the benzoin just slightly. The black opium is strong, but this blend is no longer as bitter as when I just put it on. The smokiness is still there, but it's like smelling incense when standing next to a big bouquet of sweet orchids.

Overall Impressions: Because of how this changed from an opium-dominated blend to something sweeter, it might not morph as much on others. The opium is very evident, so this may be good for those people who enjoy that scent, but it's playing well with the other notes. It's sweet on me without being floral or foody, and I quite like it. The scent changed to something almost effervescent, but still quite mysterious.

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I love opium scents, so I was really excited to try Event Horizon. It starts off as strongly soapy opium, but the soap gradually gives way to deep, dark resiny notes. During the transition from soap to resin, the scent manages to convey a sense of hollowness, like it's a shell around a void, which is very apt given the name and description (the only other scent which has evoked this feeling for me is Nuclear Winter). As the resins settle in, the scent becomes heavier and yes, oppressive feeling.


At this point, I'm not sure whether I'll graduate to a bottle, but I'll keep the imp because I definitely want to wear this scent again.

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When this was wet, it was saturated opium. 30 minutes later.... maaaan this is nice. I don't exactly know what labdanum and opoponax smell like but i think it lends it a dark and murky tone. Although, I can detect the black orchid and benzoin and they have me swooning! They add a floral sweetness to the sinister opium.


overall, im really surprised at how much i like this. its a nice dark floral fall scent. i'll be wearing this often. :P

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I thought this would be a black hole of scent and manage to smell like a pit of despair, but Event Horizon is a lovely perfume. A bit commercial and I feel like I've smelled it before, but it's still lovely.


My nose is overwhelmed by the floral notes, not the resinous ones, and the opium here is much more in its classical alluring form than its grimy counterpart. (Opium and I have a very tumultuous relationship, you see.) As the drydown begins, I get the labdanum and opoponax, which makes this blend smell very incensey. The "black orchid" -- which I'm going to assume for now is a particular vanilla -- shows up too. Ironically, it's a calming smell, considering its name... but then again, given that opium is a dominant note, maybe my calm is justified.


Unfortunately, such a saturation of opium turns powdery on me, but the vanillic benzoin remains behind and behaves. I categorize this scent as floral/oriental, and for those of you who like vanilla but not "I want to smell like cookies!" vanilla, the resin and orchid notes in this might suit you.

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Earthy, balsamic, slightly sweet incense.


I am familiar with the notes listed here and the opoponax is in the forefront.


First on this is a bit much. Even for me, a die-hard incense/resin lover.


This takes a while to develop after application. When it does settle down and allows the orchid to bloom, it seems all embracing.


If you liked Minotaur, give this a whirl.


This blend will age spectacularly well so I may eventually have to invest in a bottle.

Edited by Heavenlyrabbit

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When Event Horizon dries down, I'm smelling a lot of opium tempered and sweetened slightly by the other notes so that it ends up a deep, smooth, rich and resinous scent. I really like it. I can't stop smelling my wrist, but I don't think it's really "me" and I probably won't wear it much. I'd love to smell this on someone else though.

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Beautiful deep rich opium and incense. It is a medium throw blend and very pretty indeed. I would recommend that it be worn in a scent locket because it will go away surprisingly quickly on my skin, so you would want it to linger and so you would want to wear it in a scent locket!

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Event Horizon – This is a strong opium scent. It’s got that smoky, dreamy quality of opium, and there’s something a touch spicy in there, and all sorts of dark, sweet scents. I really cannot get over how sexy this scent is. It’s very romantic in that dark, brooding, Victorian sense of the word. This is a nighttime scent and one I imagine will be worn often. The throw and staying power are both about average.

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Event Horizon


In the bottle: deep, rich Schwarzer Mond-ish incense with smoky opium.

Wet on skin: opium and wonderful black orchid mingles with sweet, dark resins.

Dry on skin: oh wow, this is good stuff. This is like Opium Poppy meets Schwarzer Mond/Minotaur. The opium is very nice in here-not too overwhelming but definitely fitting in, adding it's smoky incense scent. The orchid adds a little bit of floral, and the resins are just fantastic, with dark, sweet, myrrh like opoponax taking the lead. This is the kind of opium I like.

After a while: now I get a little more smoke, a slightly burnt aspect to the scent which increases the dark, pitch black feel this scent has but doesn't smell too charred. It smells like the burning myrrh note I've smelt in Black Lotus. It smells like the incense resins in here are now smouldering along with the opium, but there's still that sweet benzoin/opoponax note. Contrasting with the blackened notes I smell orchid, which is ethereal and delicate, like the last glimpse of light being sucked into a black hole. At this point it reminds me of Eshe, another favourite of mine, but without the herbs or dust. Something about the papery yet heady poppy note in here reminds me of the paperwhite note in Eshe.

The scent loses it's brief burnt note but still smells smoky and hypnotising. It also smells sweeter, a little more floral-resinous now. The opium and resins become strong again after a few hours, before the scent ends as a wonderful amber-like smoky opoponax drydown with a hint of opium. Something about it reminds me of Oblivion even though the scent is different, the feel of the scent-the dark, shadowy depth of it-is similar.

Verdict: I'm picky with my opium scents so that note concerned me, but as an astrophysics student who recently did a group project on black holes, I couldn't resist the name, and had to get a bottle of this scent, and I'm pleased I did. It is heavy on the opium but this is an opium scent which works…dark poppy smoke wrapping around black orchids on a base of beautiful, dark incense. The resins are the same wonderful sweet deep resins as the likes of Schwarzer Mond and Minotaur, thick and rich and gorgeous opoponax and benzoin with tones of amber and myrrh. Damn, I love resins. At times the opium gives the impression that the resins are burning dryly, and the orchid adds a floral smoothness and a resemblance to the Emathides. I love this blend of absolute darkness, it lures me into its blissful black hole of scent and I can't stop sniffing it. I think this is my new favourite dark opium scent (with Kubla Khan being my new light opium favourite) and I am so glad I bought a 5ml straight away.

Emoticon rating: :P

Is it a keeper? of course!

If you like this, try: Emathides, Opium Poppy, Minotaur, Schwarzer Mond, Eshe, Medea, Oblivion

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In Bottle: Resin love!


On Skin: This is the mother of all resinous scents. So thick and sweet… Absolutely gorgeous and sexy. This is dark, slightly spicy, sticky, brooding and warm. It’s incensey but not in a church-like way… more like an opium pit surrounded in cones of expensive resins seducing all that come near. I am a total sucker for resin scents… (loves me Mme Moriarty, Schwarzer Mond etc etc) and this one wins me over right away. I want to make lotions from it, spray, soap… yes yes yes. And I know my hubby will love it on me. It’s more sweet and mellow than some of the other earthier resin scents I love so it changes things up. A great scent for fall, when I want my hubby to grab a blanket and just curl up with me. Drop dead gorgeous. Strong throw and average wearlength.

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IN THE BOTTLE: Dense and smokey.


WET ON SKIN: "Hi! My name is opium!"


DRYDOWN: I don't have names for the different notes here, so I'm just going to go with my overall impressions, and those are smoke and resin. In a weird way, it reminds me of exhaust fumes, except that sounds unpleasant and it's really not.


OVERALL: Heavy, smokey, dark. I like it, but I can see how some might find it overpowering. This also tickles my inner science geek to NO end, and is exactly what I would expect from a scent called Event Horizon.

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Ahhh... this is very much like the blown out candle smell of Darkness, but improved.


There are sweet, velvety orchid petals under the opium/smoke, and heated-metal tang of benzoin grounding it all. My favorite from this last order, hands down.

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straight sniff from imp is hot, dark opium...


once applied this is all about the opium...after 30 minutes or so

i sense the labdanum and the orchid...not for the faint of heart

this one will be sure to turn some heads :P

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This smells lovely! I love the black orchid with the black opium, which seems to be most of what I'm smelling. Benzoin and opoponax are always favorite notes of mine, and they're great in this. The benzoin softens up the edges and the opoponax gives it a lovely richness.


It's kind of sweet, but it's a dark floral. Wonderful. I really like this a lot.

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Wet: I get a nice strong shot of opium.


Dry on Skin: This starts out as a strong opium scent much like Sleepy Moon and Lotus Moon. However, it doesn't take long for those resins to come out. I love labdanum and opoponax, and especially benzoin. They lend a dark, dense, slightly sweet incense-like mood to this. The orchid seems deep and dusky and works well with the opium and resins. Dare I say it? It's quite sexy and mysterious.


This is gorgeous, and one that I am definitely keeping!

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  tamburlaine said:
Event Horizon is a lovely perfume. A bit commercial and I feel like I've smelled it before, but it's still lovely.


I agree....I feel like this scent is familiar but still good. Almost woodsy.


I am reminded of a little magick shop in Bristol, Rhode Island called the Magick Mirror. The smell when you walk through the door, that of mingling unburnt incense sticks wafting from their 'for sale' bins - it's a little 'come hither,' very welcoming, and warmly mysterious. I'm envisioning crystal points and sterling silver jewelry and tarot cards and porcelain faeries. And I feel like I'm about to walk behind the hanging tapestry to get a psychic reading....


People who don't like to smell "head shop" or "incense" should stay away from this. Me, I may have to order 5mL. It's just fantastic!


I would imagine a scent named Event Horizon to be cold, murderous, intimidating, and warped. This perfume is a different interpretation - it turns you into the black hole, and you draw everyone to you by smelling frickin AWESOME!

I'm not the one on the edge of space-time doom and non-existence; rather, I am the center of the gravity well and I'll just sit here working my mysterious ways and let you all come to me!


:P :D :D

Edited by AEris

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Count me another Event Ho.

This is a heavy, sweet, scent (orchid can be cloying on me) but the other ingredients add a little earthy bitterness that keeps it from joining its headache-inducing sisters (Queen Mab! Put your dress down!).

I hope this perfume doesn't get overlooked during the avalanche of seasonal LE's.

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This scent very much lives up to its description -- dark and heavy! But in a fairly pleasant way, to my nose at least. On first contact it's a bit off-putting, and I could have sworn there was some civet in there! But as it settles in a bit it softens, and there's some definite sweetness coming out from the orchid and, I suppose, the opium, though I have to admit I'm not entirely sure what that smells like. The benzoin also begins to soften it a little.


At this stage it's got all kinds of interesting harmonics going on, dark and light, high and low, all at the same time. It reminds me a bit of Glasya, actually, which had a similar set of contrasts. Or Darkness if the florals in that one hadn't been so overpowering.


As it settles in further, the scent mellows and becomes more unified. Also, dead sexy. Seriously. I would swear there was some kind of musk in here -- maybe it's the labdanum, which is used as a component in a lot of plant-based musk scents. I really like it now! It's like some kind of dark, mysterious, sex-and-death incense.


It lasts for a very long time, but in the later stages, after a few hours, it takes on a bit of a dusty, nose-tickly scent that I don't like so much. I think maybe that's the opium; not sure.


On the whole, it's got some phases and aspects that I really like, some that I don't like. I guess it will require some further experimentation.


Grade: B- to B+, depending

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Very strong opium in the wet stage, as many have noted, but there's also the fuzziness of something that sort of smells like sassafras (or at least reminds me of Laudanum). On a second sniff, this actually reminds me a bit of ambergris, so clearly its the labdanum. This doesn't change much at all--it remains an opium/labdanum combination. I don't get any orchid at all. :P It is, however, very good at giving the sense of dark and bleak and does capture the notion of dark nothingness!

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interesting scent - a little spooky. from the imp i get a deep, sweet smell - similar to honey, and dangerous-smelling; like cleopatra testing poisons...which i had to swap away (sickly sweet, almost). on my skin though, it's different - it turns into something very resinous and profound - a more "spacious" version of schwarzer mond.

opium is iffy on me - occasionally it works splendidly, more often it does not. in this case, the resins are so intense - in a good way - and the orchid adds an exotic edge which, in combination, render this opium the good, smoky-smooth opium, rather than the sickly-sweet opium. i don't know if this makes any sense, so i'll just say: i like this very much for it's intensity and sensuality. beautiful, in a darkly mysterious way.

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I tried this today and like it right away. Did not need to age it, it didn't have to 'grow on me'. I just really liked it, right from the start! This totally reminds me of Laudanum, except without the sassafrass (which makes sense if you compare the notes). Event Horizon seems a bit more complex, and somewhat elegant due to the orchid. I've never had a bad experience w/opium or poppy notes. I don't get 'bitter' from opium at all, although I know some people describe it that way. To me it's a smokey, sultry, incense-y note. This strikes me as a night-time scent, for going out or for a more formal occasion. I don't think you'd want to wear this to the office.


I may not need a whole bottle since I already have a bottle of Laudanum.....but I'm going to think about it.

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In the imp: Dark and slightly woody


Wet: Cherrywood? It really does smell like a sweet wood. I expected this to be awful, really, but it isn't, not so far. It's intriguing and not bad.


Drying: Wow, this one's an eye-opener -- I was positive I would hate it, but instead, I'm just fascinated. I don't think I love it, but I'm not sure. I definitely don't hate it. It's really opium-y, and I swear there's still a trace of fruit wood in there. It reminds me of Belle Epoque, but less sweet and with a cherry-like tone instead of orange-like.

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I read the notes for Event Horizon and thought, “Ugh, poppy, I'll pass on that.” But then it started manipulating me. “You have to try me, Tania, you love black orchid and just look at my list of notes. I'm going to be such a rich, resinous fragrance. Smell me. Just sniff me in my little imp vial here...” So I was like, "Well, I suppose I will sniff you just to show myself that you are an evil poppy demon from hell. It's not like you can hurt me from inside your container. Haha."


I sniffed my imp and exclaimed, “Wow, you are really good. You kind of remind me of Midnight Mass. Those are some deep, rich, smooth, sweet resins you have here.... hey, wait a minute, I smell poppy in you. It's just trying to hide so that it can ambush me later when I've slathered you on.”


“No, no, no,” Even Horizon shook its head, “The poppy is barely here. It'll be good. You love those sweet resins, don't you?”


So, because I am forever optimistic with perfume, I slathered on some oil. I could practically hear the opium laughing as it swung forward to beat the crap out of me - a bit soapy and a lot sharp and cutting. The other notes in this do manage to restrain it slightly and make it a bit sweeter and deeper on me, but it's still a strrrong, razor sharp opium note that manages to give me a migraine :D


I really do think this smells a lot like Midnight Mass. Er, rather it smells like OPIUM on me with a bit of Midnight Mass thrown in. Anyhow, if you like both of those things (or you don't amp up opium like mad), I'd definitely recommend giving this a go. :P

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Initial Impression: deep, dark, hint of smoke


On Wet: floral, deep purple


On Dry: sweeter, more complex, deeper


Final Impression: One of the hardest scents to describe. All I can say is that it smells like dark purple with swirls of black.


Rating (on a scale from 1-5): 3

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I wanted to like this. The description sounds fabulous. I love opium- and labdanum-based scents; Oblivion and Laudanum are favorites of mine.


When it goes on, it smells a lot like Laudanum, only less sweet.


Then the back of my throat starts to get scratchy, like I have a sore throat coming on. This becomes so intolerable that I wash it off.


I tested again this morning just to be sure, because I really hate to write this one off, but something about it really really does not work for me. Boo.

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