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I want to smell like Kauai

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My boyfriend's mother lives on Kauai, one of the islands of Hawaii. I visited her (obviously along with my boyfriend) this past December and I fell in love with the island.


You step off of the airplane and your surrounded with this wonderful scent. It smells like fresh greens, pavement after rainstorms, tropical fruits, a hint of flowers, salt water, and warm sand.

But then, as you travel around the island, you can smell the sugar plantation, which fills the air with molasses and grass, and the coffee plantation, which smells like dirt and just brewed coffee. It's everywhere in the air, and it's just unbelievably enchanting.


Maybe I will have to mix two or three oils for this?


I HAVE regarded other posts, but many seem involved in the idea of the fruity smell. I don't want something overly fruity, and I would love to get something with the fresh forest scent and that hint of coffee and molasses in there. it's hard to describe, but the wikipedia entry on Kauai has two photographs of the island that I feel describes the scent I want.






Thanks for any advice!



PS: I walked along top of those mountains! incredibly terrifying/thrilling. there's about an 8 ft wide trail and then a sheer drop to the ocean.

Edited by lamenteuse

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Have you tried Caliban or Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid? Both are aquatic, but Caliban has a lot of the lush green vegetation. The only thing that I can think of with fruit and a tropical feel is Manila. Well it's lightly fruity on me, but others seemed to get mostly banana, but it's worth a try. :P

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The only thing I can think of is to mix something tropical (I love Xiuhtecuhtli!- it's very green and jungly, but with a nice fruity note) with a tiny bit of Misk U, but that sounds pretty disgusting. Maybe put them at different points- Xiuhtechutli on your wrists, and Misk U behind your knees, so you just get little whiffs?

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I absolutely love Kauai. I can't think of anything that especially smells like it but my mom, who grew up on Oahu, has decreed Pele the only realistic island flower scent that she has smelled. I love the "X" (Can't pronounce it) and Sea of Glass--which are sort of beachy--they remind of the beach, if not a Hawaiian beach (I live in southern california, in a beach town). Also, Obatala, which doesn't work on me, smells like coconuts pretty exclusively so that might add something to the mix. I will keep trying different oils to let you know what I think....I haven't run across anything yet that just screams it to me, but those three have the right "colors" if you know what I mean.

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portalkat: I think that caliban would be a good base, thank you for the suggestion!

Ahania: You probably right, mixing the scents might not work, but applying oils to different points might. thank you!

willowtreeling: pele sounds good, but I'm afraid it might be too floral (for me, at least, i can't really do too flowery scents), but maybe as a light, added note?


Please, keep the ideas coming!

Edited by lamenteuse

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Tezcatlipoca may have some of what you are looking for. To me it smells of coffee, molassess and warm spices. Its missing the aquatic, sea air and florals that you're looking for but it might be a start.

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The only thing I can think of is to mix something tropical (I love Xiuhtecuhtli!- it's very green and jungly, but with a nice fruity note) with a tiny bit of Misk U, but that sounds pretty disgusting. Maybe put them at different points- Xiuhtechutli on your wrists, and Misk U behind your knees, so you just get little whiffs?



I had this idea as well... perhaps misk U and Pele?


Oh maybe even Pele alone.


Minus the coffee note, Enraged Orangutang Musk (Forum Only LE unfortunetly) and/or [ele may have that green, tropical scent you want.


Perhaps, mixing one of those w/ Mata Hari? Which has a touch of coffee, but also florals - unlike Misk U, and will clash less w/ the other scents?



Also, based on the description, I for one would LOVE to see this place have it's own scent in Wanderlust. Perhaps you should put it in the suggestions thread as well :P

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I find Pele to not be very floral, actually--it just smells really clean, like a wonderful shampoo...I personally can't do most florals, either--my body amps them like crazy.



I had another thought--to add to the oils at different points option--you could look on one of the sites mentioned in the Retail Therapy thread, like Jojoelle or Elementals or Tickled Pink Scentsations and look for a lotion that has the coffee or molasses note---since there are hundreds of basic foodie scent options--and then layer on the elements that you want with different oils. You could even do a shower gel, lotion, body splash, perfume oil layering routine to get your smell....



I would freakin' LOVE Kauai to be a Wanderlust scent!!!!! Or Oahu...or even San Diego!

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Thank you for the recommendations, everyone!!!! You've all been a big help, especially since I am very new to the boards and BPAL in general.

Willowtreeling, I have a coffee scrub that I could use in the bath, and then pair it with one of the suggested tropical scents, so thanks for the idea! I'm not sure if the coffee scent will last long enough, though, but it will smell nice for a bit.


Since a few of you did seem interested, I will suggest Kauai as a Wanderlust oil; it would be nice to have an oil that is simply "Kauai-esque"

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Pele, to me, smelled just like an orchid farm I visited in Maui near Io Needle. Also, try Black Pearl for a beachy scent. And Jolly Roger has that salty sea scent. I wonder what would happen if you layered Pele and Jolly Roger?

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Ooo a realistic Hawaii fragrance would be amazing! I have been to three of the Hawaiian islands and something that would smell like them would be wonderful. I think I'll try some of the combos that are recommended as well.

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You step off of the airplane and your surrounded with this wonderful scent. It smells like fresh greens, pavement after rainstorms, tropical fruits, a hint of flowers, salt water, and warm sand.

But then, as you travel around the island, you can smell the sugar plantation, which fills the air with molasses and grass, and the coffee plantation, which smells like dirt and just brewed coffee. It's everywhere in the air, and it's just unbelievably enchanting.


Oh wow. You just brought back some vivid memories for me! I lived on Kauai for a little over 5 years, and Oahu for 3.

I am just remembering the first time I was on Kauai, which was in 1985 and the airport was nothing but a tiny building then. My parents friend met us there and gave us plumeria leis. *sigh*


If you find a good mix of oild, please let us know. I would love it!

So far though, the only one I have tried that really reminds me of the islands is Pele. I am not a very floral person, but it is beautiful.

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Have you tried Jezirat Al Tennyn? It's got this amazing rainforest smell with exotic blooms a hint of fresh earth.


Manila sounds like it would be lovely too. (A tropical, humid, lush scent, with a faint echo of Pacific breezes, jungle blossoms, and deep wet woods. Sampaguita blossoms, banana leaf, palm, and narra.) As would Machu Picchu (Sweet tropical fruits burst through deep, wet rainforest boughs, enormous steamy blossoms, over thin mountaintop breezes, mingled with the soft, rich golden scent of Peruvian amber.).

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Have you tried Jezirat Al Tennyn? It's got this amazing rainforest smell with exotic blooms a hint of fresh earth.


Manila sounds like it would be lovely too. (A tropical, humid, lush scent, with a faint echo of Pacific breezes, jungle blossoms, and deep wet woods. Sampaguita blossoms, banana leaf, palm, and narra.) As would Machu Picchu (Sweet tropical fruits burst through deep, wet rainforest boughs, enormous steamy blossoms, over thin mountaintop breezes, mingled with the soft, rich golden scent of Peruvian amber.).


I've been waiting for someone to post a recommendation from "The Phantom Islands" (under the Wanderlust section)! Thanks, erraticprophet! :)


My husband and I vacationed on Kauai for 2 weeks about 6 years ago, rented a Mustang convertable to cruise 3/4 of the Island (the remaining 1/4 can only be reached by helicopter, horseback or hiking...and we did ALL THREE!) and we had the time of our lives! The helicopter ride took us over the area of the Island that can only be reached that way (a rocky cliff dropping not accessible by beach), where 'South Pacific' and 'Six Days and Seven Nights' were filmed, among others. We drove past the lush, tropical forest area where 'Jurassic Park' was filmed, we ate ice cream next to a local soap company at what looked like a General Store off the side of the road.....just *pure romance*! The smell of the Island? :D


Others have posted how many things it has to be stored inside this little bottle and I do agree for the most part. Mixing from some areas of the older general catalog would get this effect but the closest without having to mix and match scents are (IMO) from The Phantom Islands:


The Isle of Demons

Kumari Kandam

Jezirat Al Tennyn


And if your chemistry will allow this one: Uruk (from Wanderlust)


Depending on your mood and chemistry, these are the 3 (or 4) closet IMO. In our time there, I never experienced everything Kauai had to offer in one day so I'm thinking.....If I hit the volcanic side where South Pacific was filmed and feel in that mood, I'd pick The Isle of Demons, etc.... :P


You get the idea. I know the Island is small but we didn't see or experience the whole thing in one day.


Thank you for bringing me back to a wonderful vacation and helping me experience the priceless memories! :D

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I've been waiting for someone to post a recommendation from "The Phantom Islands" (under the Wanderlust section)! Thanks, erraticprophet! :P


:D Glad to see someone else who loves Jezirat Al Tennyn as much as I do!

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