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Blue Moon 2007

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... Mugwort and bay, for psychic sensitivity... Juniper, for divination through dreams... Orchid and galbanum, for complexity, wisdom and noscere... with a potent lunar-charged blend of exquisite Asian woods, moonflower, Madagascan ylang ylang, Florentine iris, Greek cypress, davana, green tea absolute, palmarosa, cucumber, Clary sage, melilot trefoils, wood aloes, and pale creeping buttercup.

Hmmm...this smells...blue. Soft, a touch powdery, deep...not aquatic at all, though...I can't really pick any single note...

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You ever hear a song that inspires you to create something? I think this scent was inspired by a little bit of Billie Holiday's version of Blue Moon.


I envision a woman standing alone, without a dream in her heart of a love of her own....in the soft gentle light of the blue moon.....*sigh* this is one of Beth's most awe inspiring creations.... :wub2:

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I was frimped a drop of this... I'm so suprised anyone was able to part with that one drop!

This is beautiful, very watery, springy, green.

Its such a light, wet fragile scent.

I'm usually not big on florals... but this is a definate "thumbs up"!!

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I don't know why I haven't reviewed it before, but I'm doing it at last...even though many people have written better reviews before this and have really already said all that could be said. But I'm going to say a bit anyway. :)


After I was totally gutted by the mint (or at the least, mint-like) note in Blue Moon 2004, I was very nervous about this Blue Moon incarnation. I needn't have worried at all. No mint. Not a bit, not a trace, not a smidgen. NONE. Yay! Instead, a cooling blend with a delicate floral tinge but a definite (to me) cucumber edge makes the night magical. There were so many different floral notes listed I was a little afraid this blend would be overwhelmingly floral, but it isn't at all. It's delicious, and I mean that in a totally non-foody way. Delicious!

Edited by stellans

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Blue Moon 2007 - Gorgeous white and blue musk combine with a fresh and elegant combination of florals. The cucumber is very quiet and subdued, but it keeps this from being too fancy and lends an element of fun. It doesn't turn soapy on my skin, which is a welcome change. My only complaint is that it fades relatively quickly after 2-3 hours or so.

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On sniffing the bottle it smells very sweet/tart like a flower liquor!! Very Blue


On my skin the tartness fades away and the floral comes through much more. It’s a very blue and sophisticated scent on me. It’s also nice and clean smelling.


A few minutes later the floral has died down a bit and the greenness is trying to push through. LOVELY!!!


I feel like one of those Winter Fairies ice-skating in Fantasia!


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This is in the same vein as Gibbous Moon, but slightly sweeter and a bit more mysterious. For cucumber haters--and believe me, I'm one myself--the cucumber in this isn't prominent at all; it's just an element of the coolness in the blend, not detectable as a distinct "cucumber" scent. The bouquet of night-blooming flowers is sweet enough but not cloying, and the Asian woods account for a good part of the allure. For some reason, it makes me think of blue fairies flitting in the woods on a summer night :lol:

Edited by Invidiana

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Oh, this is beautiful, and I never would have tried it on my own--thanks arcadelane! :wub2:


In the bottle, I get lily and buttercup, with a tiny hint of sandalwood.


On my wrists this opens up into the smell of a bouquet of orchid, wildflowers and daffodils (don't know where I'm getting the daffodil--maybe the buttercup?) if you held it upside down and sniffed the wet stems. That's probably the cucumber and the aloes, I'm thinking. Also the woods/sandalwood are HERE! It's not a bad thing, but I think it's stopping me smelling the other notes for now.


As it dries down, the woods are fading and the orchid is stronger. It's coming across as a nice herbal with some floral notes hanging around. A beautiful blend for people who don't usually do florals but want to try it out!

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To preface, moonflower amps on me and anything with moonflower smells pretty much like the other moonflower blends. So on me, Blue Moon is quite similar to Nuit and Midnight, it just doesn't last as long. But Blue Moon is really beautiful, and creates a wonderful mental picture for me. I smell moonflowers floating on a very still pool of water in the moonlight. It makes me think of glass-surfaced water without being an aquatic. The light reflecting off the surface is silvery blue, and if I focus, I can smell florals, like there's a carpet of flowers surrounding the pool. I imagine a ring of trees standing dark against the deep pool. Blue Moon is such a nice oil, it's unfortunate that the throw gets so soft and fades away.

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In The Bottle

Ylang ylang and woods


On Application

The iris quickly comes to the fore with it's vaguely violet-like scent


Dry Down

This definitely has a blue feel, or more like deep lavender. It is not exactly smooth but it is deep and complex. Morphs from creamy floral to woody to herbal and flits between these.

Rating (0-5)



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Bottle: There's a general floral mix with a touch of something I don't think I like, with a sudsy layer of soap.

Wet: A hint of cucumber amidst what I think is the iris and violet. Something vaguely like gardenia is itching my nose.

Drydown: Floral soap with something clean and fresh floating underneath it.

Dry: Just a generic, floral soap to me. I imagine someone else would love this more with their skin chemistry.


My rating: 1/5

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In the bottle this smells almost of ice tea...

Lemon ice tea, that is...I guess it's the mix of all those flowers and the tang of the cucumber that make me believe that...

Wet on my skin it keeps that tartness for a moment... but it really doesn't last long.

It becomes very soft and almost unnoticeable...

It's a very very light scent, it's beautiful, soft and floral... I don't smell any cucumber nor cypress on my skin... and all the flowers are really well blended...

I really need to slather when I use this one, if I want to smell it past the 10 minutes...

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Sniffed: An airy, sweet herbal-floral.


On skin: Blue Moon has many notes all too blended for me to tell how each is contributing, but the overall outcome is gentle, cool herbs and airy, sweet, pale flowers. Both aspects contrast well and take turns showing their full depth: now the cool, green herbals are more obvious, now the lush foresty florals become more prominent. While it is cool and clear, it also feels heady and deep and mystic.

I've only tested one other Blue Moon, Brian's 2009 version, but I can tell that they are variations on the same theme. This 2007 version is comparatively warm and definitely feminine, yet also mysterious, contemplative and serene. Colour impression is a pale herbal green touched with a blue-white glow, much like a moonstone. I also can imagine this scent as a graceful elf woman, wise with many years yet still gentle and young at heart.


Verdict: Blue Moon 2007 is a truly beautiful and evocative herbal-floral blend. While it's not a top favourite, I still like it and will be keeping this around.

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This Blue Moon is very different from the '04 version. Initially, it smells a lot like the original Scorpio. As it dries, that goes away and it's floral and watery--not aquatic, it just has a cool, watery feeling, maybe from the cucumber? It's really very pretty.

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On me, this incarnation of Blue Moon tends to stay just this side of soapy. I have it more for archival/comparison purposes than anything else.


It goes incredibly commercial-perfume-like on my skin for the first hour or so, to the point where it almost gives me a headache.


As it dries down, it's a actually quite pretty: juniper and mugwort backed by dark florals. I wish it went on like that and stayed!

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