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Taurus 2007

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Fixed Earth: the essence of possession.
Rose, daisy, apple blossom, violet, poppy, columbine, thyme, and mint.

I am enjoying this more than I thought. The rose is not all that prevalent in this blend. It's a soft, aquatic sort of floral.

It goes a bit soapy on the drydown, but I am pleased that the rose didn't dominate this blend. Edited by zankoku_zen

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Taurus 2007


Taurus 2007 is oddly spicy on me. Thyme + daisy + mint with maybe a bit of violet. Dry, I think I get some poppy, but I'm sadly missing the apple blossom.

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Bottle: Sweettarts.

Wet: Limes and flowers.

Drydown: Florals with a hint of lime, and something smoky and earthy (fitting, considering this is an earth sign, I think). The lime note is keeping this from being too heavy. After a couple of hours, it's soapy.

Overall: The initial stage is so good. I haven't worn this in about a year, and my skin is reacting to it differently than I remember. I don't recall this going soapy. :cry2: I'll have to try it again.

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Taurus is a bright, sparkling spring floral. Wet, it smells cheerful and pink, almost effervescent, with a liberal amount of thyme and mint. It's just a little bit sweet. The rose adds richness and I can smell the dryness of the violet, but otherwise, the florals here are very well blended. Nothing really stands out. If I had to guess, I'd say there were carnation and phlox. Those are not listed in the notes, but as a bouquet, they flowers remind me of those notes. Apple Blossom sometimes smells like apples, but here it does not.


The mint balances, as it usually does, as it dries, but the thyme remains pretty strong. The mint has a more herbal quality than peppermint candy quality, and the thyme smells almost spicy from a distance.


So, in short: this is a cheerful light spring floral, with an airy, herbal overlay of mint and thyme.


It reminds me a lot of the East, minus the red currant.

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In the bottle - I'm finding this surprisingly good for a floral blend. There's just a hint of mint for zing and a decent amount of thyme for an herbal edge. The rose -is- a bit soapy, but it's white. The daisy is a lovely, cheerful top. Not overpowering at all, thank goodness, just a light blend.


Wet - Ever more floral.


Drying - The rose is really coming forward, sadly. It's making this very, very floral and very soapy. It's no longer that nice, white rose that I enjoy, it's starting to turn either yellow or pink, drowning out some of the nicer elements to this.


Dry (2 hours) - Hrm, this is very generic floral. Very light. Very unassuming.


Overall - Nope.

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i bought this for the rose, and stayed for the apple blossom! i only got a hint of rose when i sniffed it in the bottle and when the oil was wet on my skin. after that, apple blossom dominates in its juicy kind of sweetness. there is a bit of mint and thyme lurking softly in the background. there is a tinge of spiciness to the sweetness of this scent.


i'm not too sure if i'll be keeping this one. i like it, but i'm not really crazy over apple blossom that much and i feel a little sad that i didn't get my beloved rose from this. i'll have to try it again to make sure though, this really is rather pretty!

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This is probably not the best review because I am pretty bad at telling notes in floral/herbal scents apart.


Taurus 2007 is a light and soft floral, bright and spring-like. None of the floral notes stood out very much on me but I could definitely smell the mint in there for a while. Like most florals on me it dries down to a rather sharp and not too great scent and fades fast, unfortunate chemistry it seems. It is nice when wet but not for me.

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This immediatley smells like a slight mint, VERY slight mint and flowers. It's really nice and the violet is keeping it slightly airy (If that makes sense) It's not heavy The wet stage is a crisp clean kinda scent. This is all soon to change... DUN DUN DAAAA! *the sound of an impending flowerbomb music*


As soon as the scent warms up a bit on the skin which takes literally minutes..no mint...no violet....no airyness...it' MUCH stronger now. It's WAY floral. Still pleasant but could get too much if applied to strongly. This stuff has punch! It starts to sweeten up quite nicely after a while too and the fruit is there now..it's a very bright scent and will be lovely in the spring. It could be too overpowering in the summer.


Sweeter still as it's dry..it's fizzed into a solid scent, very well blended. It makes me think of the colour pink for some reason and it's hard to pick out notes. It's got a slight effervesence to it...like a gentle fizzy smell.


The opening is gorgeous, the scary bit in the middle is strong but still ok, and the dry stage is yummy too. Overall...a winner and not what I had expected.



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First sniff: A distant, cool, minty floral, and a tiny hint of apple.


Wearing: The immediate skin-scent is dead gorgeous. But I fear violet. And for good reason; within ten minutes it’s gone powdery. Blast.

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Working my way through my BPAL collection, I come to the end of my Ts and into the homestretch, almost ready to finally create both a comprehensive swap list and a comprehensive (though surely growing) wishlist. As part of my hyper-organizational prep, I read through all of my OLD reviews (admittedly, I no longer have many of the scents I reviewed for one reason or another), and remembered how very, very much I loved the original Taurus, as you can read here


So, reading these reviews and being a huge lover of Ferdinand the Bull, I thought, okay, so maybe rose is the only note that remains the same, but I still want ... no, NEED ... to try this. And was fortunate enough to find a forumite selling a bottle ... it is from that bottle that I decanted the imp I tested here.


IN THE IMP: A deep and slightly fruity floral. Complex and striking but definitely not the light and lovely airy spring scent I loved way back when.


Applied some to my wrist and into the crook of my arm.


WET: Deeply purple, maybe the violet creating that image in my mind. The violet is definitely amping in the crook of my arm while my wrist just smells ... perfumey. For a brief moment I get a brief throw of something more like the apple blossom, that springy and light scent, but it's quickly overpowered by rose, which is never a good sign for me.


DRYDOWN: Soapy, clean, flowery, perfumey. Not getting any mint, I don't think, though that could be what is giving me the soap vibe.


OVERALL: Sadly, this is just very very very perfumey on me. A nice perfume, but a perfume that I could get in a store. I think it's the rose that does it. It's also very clean and soapy to me. It's not quite a wash off but it is very definitely not a keeper.


On a scale of 1-5, a 2.5.

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This has aged quite nicely. It is predominately apple blossom drenched in soft aquatic notes, with hints of honeyed rose.

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