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Balkan fir sap, dark mosses, Greek Mountain tea flower, black pine, salty ocean spray, deep black earth, and a moon-touched magickal incense of sandarac, frankincense, and ravensara.

This is very similar to Ocrober on me. The moss comes through as leaves on my skin, I think. Dark, spicy, and earthy. Very sinister and murky smelling. So glad I have a bottle!

Edit ot say that as this has settled it's blossomed into a fantastic sun-warmed forest scent! Beautiful clouds of summer forest scent are billowing up to my nose from my arm. You know it's a good oil when you ifnd yourself repeatedly looking down at your arm, distracted by the yummy smell :lol: Edited by Shollin

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In the bottle this has a sharp scent of leaves and green peppers, very similar to the notes in A Blade of Grass. On my skin, however, it blooms into a gorgeous resinous, piney, salty mossy goodness. It is the "wooded" scent that lacks the sharpness of ones like Yggdrasil and Nocnitsa. The pine is light and warm, like sun shining through the trees and the earth and moss come across as almost sweet in an earthy way. There is the barest hint of powder, but it compliments the scent. A really unexpected win!

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Oborot starts off pungent at first, to the point where I was seriously wondering whether I should swap it, but the trick with this one is that you have to give it a chance to dry down. It is strong, so just a little will do for women at least. But once it dries down, you reap great rewards. ^_^ The pungent haze clears and you can really feel the entire scene through the scent; the dark evergreen forest, the salty spray of the ocean, and the resinous sweetness of the incense that balances the first two out. There is also an unmistakable feral quality reminiscent of that in Wolf Moon, a fierceness that I can best describe as seeing this entire picture through the eyes of a wolf. I can imagine this was probably a very difficult scent to blend, but it was done with a great accuracy that really brings out its complexity and beauty.

Edited by Shollin

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In bottle: The moss is strongest. The woods, incense, and ocean are soft, but well blended. Wet: The trees strengthen. This is a rich outdoorsey scent, suggesting trees on a dark shore and a hint of wicked incense from some dark rite. Incense strengthens as it warms as does the wood. There is something not entirely pleasing here, but it’s not prominent I’m guessing it’s one of the incenses I don’t recognize. Dry. It’s all heavenly woods and rich incense. The less fortunate note fades right out. It’s glorious on my skin.

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First sniff: Earthy green incense, smoke and seawater. Near the beach house my family rents every summer, there’s a brick fireplace-and-chimney standing by itself where the house burned down around it, standing in a clearing between the woods and the sea. Forest-smoke-sea all together, that’s this scent.


Wearing: Dark, foresty, resiny, and a few hours in it developed a really interesting dark-honey sort of sweetness. Nice.

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For about ten seconds, this is a warm, furry scent on my skin, and then it immediately shifts to a salty fir and moss with a very faint undertone of fresh roots and earth.


The rootiness continues, and a slight sweetness appears, and a faint incense. Other people have commented that it's lighter than they expected, and I am finding the same -- the first minute or so is pretty intense, and then it lightens up. It's like…hm.


It reminds me of being in a grove of trees near the sea at night, somewhere wild and untouched and pure.


There's a little bit of incense after a while, but it's not strong, more like the smoke is drifting in from a temple some distance away. And it is a little smoky, in a pleasantly light vetiver-y way.


This is not a scent I would have chosen for myself, but like Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone on the Winter Solstice, which it reminds me of a bit, with the incense and damp and dusty aspects (this is more foresty, that is more mountainish), it surprises me into enjoying it a great deal. I wore this to work during the holiday rush and it was -perfect- for keeping me calm and mellow for the worst of the day.


Throw is mild, scent fades fairly quickly but leaves a faint dusting of sweetish moss, light pine, and incense that lingers for quite a long time.

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In vial: Foresty, sharp & green.

Wet: Seemed quite masculine at first, with the fir sap, pine and sea spray quite heavily present. I wasn't thrilled as it was vaguely soapy, but within just a few minutes it tones down. Something lightly floral peeks through, maybe the tea flower? It's gentle and luminous.

Dry: The moss that is detectable at this point is sweet and dense, backed by a clean earthiness. Hints of smoky sandarac & frankincense waft by, seeming so sweet as to almost emulate a resinous cloud of candy floss, spiced by the clove & nutmeg-like qualities of ravensara.


Verdict: I was preparing myself to have Oborot turn sharp, ozoney or filthy on me, as evergreens, aquatics, and dirt scents often do. Yet there must be some true magic in the incense and moss, because it was redeemed and turned out to be really pretty on me. It's subtle enough that it could be worn with confidence to work, yet striking enough to be intriguing if detected in close quarters. Without knowing the notes beforehand, I don't think I'd be able to say what's in it - impressions of earthy yet clean coziness are what I get. It seems a bit familiar, though I'm not sure what other blend I could compare it to - a smokier version of Oak Moon, perhaps? Something about the green, translucent sweetness they share is similar.


Today was actually a rare day when I didn't feel like wearing perfume at all - Oborot turned out to be the perfect remedy. I don't feel like I'm billowing out clouds of scent, more like being just gently draped in the natural, soft aroma of heavenly bare skin in a moonlit seaside forest glade.

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Bought on impuls when hunting something else.


I won't regret it.


I grew up in the swedish forest, there were moose and wolves and even the occasional bear back then (some 20 years ago, when I was old enough to lol around by myself without falling in the local swamp or managing to tumble down the local mountain in 5 pieces)


I used to play in the forest, on the fields and in the mountain - there was a small stream that went rather deep into the forest that I particularly liked.

This smells almost Exactly as the darker parts of the forest by the stream - it takes me back to the fantasy land of childhood and I Love it <3

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