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Ina Garten Davita

TKO (fizzyBOOM)

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"Many things -- such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly -- are done worst when we try hardest to do them."
Sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, shea oil, coconut milk, witch hazel, French lavender essential oil, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's Elixir blend.

The TKO bomb smells just like the elixir straight from the bottle. Very heavy for it's size, it made such a beautiful plonking sound when I dropped into the hot water-filled tub.

Good fizzing and really lovely water softening qualities. Being enveloped in a tub scented with a Panacea elixir is very different from dabbing a bit on, it gets into your pores and just works its magic. I soaked until the water turned cool, because I didn't want to leave the embrace of the soft and soothing lavender vanilla.

Oh, sigh. The TKO tub was medicine for a really bad day. The only problem was it turned me to such goo, I had no idea how I was going to get from the tub to the bed. I slept very well that night. Deep, quiet, happy sleep.

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:P Wha, ho...yes. The review.


I have not tried the TKO Panacea oil, but the bomb...oh, it is the bomb.


It is the most lovely luscious lavender vanilla, both in solid dry form and when ploinked into a hot tub.


And the fizz. Seriously, I do not think I have ever experienced a bath bomb with the powerful fizz of this bomb. It was like a Vegas fountain in my tub.


The water was so soft and almost creamy - not bubbly, but emulsified. It was like water somehow made lotion.


Normally, I am one for the big bubbly "movie star bath" as Lush puts it, but these bombs, I tell you - they just don't need anything but the soft sensuality of what they got.


And I did sleep like a wee tyke.

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Dabbing on the delicious lavender-vanilla of TKO is a great prescription for better sleep.


Soaking in a hot tub of water, inhaling the lavender-vanilla beauty of TKO while your body completely relaxes, is a great prescription for an 8 hour temporary coma. I need enough of these to build a little snowball fort in my guest room, then I can disassemble it one by one for months of restful, delicious sleep.


I have to say, the Panacea bombs really have made me appreciate their simplicity. I think I'm tired of cocktailing bright pink bath bombs with bubble bars and chunks of massage bars and half of an extra bath bomb and coming out smelling like a huge pink marshmallow. (Notice I say tired of, not giving up forever :P ) These are so effective and fragrant, they make my baths enjoyable without having to turn them into a street fair. :D

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Like others, I have not tried the oil, but I can't say enough about the fizzy.


For the last two and a half weeks I have had the worst cold of my life. I've been trying to heal it with herbs and lots of sleep.


After doing a dry-brush exfoliation, I prepared a bath. Man, these fizzies are HUGE. It ran around the top of the water, frothing like mad and releasing this inoffensive, calming scent.


I sat in the bath meditating for at least a half hour. My muscles' soreness was erased. My head ceased to throb. My breathing cleared.


I was able to body butter myself after and fall asleep, dead to the world, blissfully, for a solid four hours before I had to wake up to cough. Every night, I have not had even a solid ONE hour until the TKO bath.


It calmed my system enough to suppress my hacking for a long stretch so I could get some uninterrupted downtime.


Thank you TKO. Thank you BPTP.


Addendum: Oh, and when this arrived in the mail it had a languorous hand-drawn black heart with my name penned into the top box flap. I'm going to save it! Handwritten by someone at BPTP. Swoon. I'm such a groupie.

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I didn't know it until I took a fizzyBOOM TKO bath but it is one of the best smelling smells in the world. The bomb fizzed its heart out, the water was creamy and soft and after a long day of covering everything I needed to do I felt like I could let down my guard and let go. I agree with ivyandpeony - I just went through a Christmas-time stash of lush bubbles and bombs and these BPTP are a lot more grown up, a lot more me. :P

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Loved my TKO FBomb! :P



The scent was pretty true to the oil which is one of my favorite of the Panacea series.



PLUSES: Very nicely fizzing and enormous size as well as weight! :)

Scent throw was pretty good.

Fabulously relaxing!!!!



My bomb did not make it in one piece though it didn't have to make too far via the USPS (just across town).



I agree with andrabell about the ooey gooey aspect of the FBomb. You're definitely TKO'd! You need to make sure you are going to sleep right after! :D



All in all? I would definitely purchase this one again! :D

Edited by VenusFlyTrap

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TKO FizzyBoom


Now, I’m one of those very few people who wasn’t keen on TKO (the oil)…sadly it turned to burnt rubber vanilla on me which was so heartbreaking. However, I love the TKO bomb so much! :P The scent is like a fluffy duvet of lavender with a bit of vanilla, both when the bomb is dry and when fully dissolved in the water. No burnt rubber here.

The bomb fizzed very nicely, leaving a very slight froth and making the water very soft, smooth and milky. It’s a very luxurious bathing experience, and the scent in the water was nice and strong. I stayed in there until my skin went all prune-like, which seemed to take longer in this bath, probably because of all the nourishing oils.

And I slept really well. I went to bed earlier than usual and had a lovely undisturbed sleep and woke up without problems either. There were a few weird dreams but apart from that I’m very impressed with the TKO bomb and will get more-they are a fantastic insomnia cure! Come to think of it, I’d love to see TKO lotion or body butter as well.

Emoticon rating: :D :D

Edited by yeahbutnobut

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The TKO Panacea oil is one of my favorites, so I was excited to try the bomb. I've been having issues with my insomnia again, so I decided to take a bath with this one at around 2 AM today. I was already exhausted and had a throbbing headache from lack of sleep at that point.


The fizzie in its packaging was pretty nicely scented. Once it hit the water it faded a lot and became barely noticeable. I also ended up liking the scent more in oil form. The Panacea oil is lavender, sugared vanilla, and spun sugar on my skin. The TKO fizzie left me smelling like baby powder (which I hate) and hints of vanilla, while smelling more herbal and powdery in the water.


Thankfully I wasn't awake for very long, so the smell didn't bother me. Hot baths are my cure-all for all that ails me (depression, muscle aches, insomnia, illness, headaches) so I love having an aromatherapy bomb to throw in there as well. The only negative thing that I noticed was that my legs got sort of itchy and red, though I'm not even sure that was from this bomb or just a stress reaction on my part.


Eh. Anyhoo. Lightly scented water that wasn't exactly a pleasant smell, but seemed to do the trick. This wasn't really moisturizing either. As far as I can tell, this worked for its purpose of knocking me out. I wanted to sleep right there in the tub. When I finally did drag myself to bed (with my hair still soaking wet), I was laying there and trying to think and felt really muddled, like I couldn't really pull one thought together and my brain was done. I forgot to put on my engagement ring (it drives me crazy when I don't wear it now) & turn on my fan (drowns out the noise of my family fighting and being inconsiderate). I just stayed in my bed for several minutes debating how much I really needed either of those things, lol. All in all, I think I fell asleep within 10 minutes of getting out of the bath.


I'm not crazy about TKO's scent translated into bath bombs... I like LUSH's Dream On a lot more for my insomnia baths (sunset orange color, super moisturizing, love the Dream Cream scent). This has been my favorite of all of the BOOMs that I have tried, but I doubt that this will be a repurchase either.

Edited by Blood onmy hands

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This is a little premature, because I don't have access to a bath :P


But I have to say - I put on the shirt that was in the box with this baby, and soon after had to take a nap. I don't really nap :D


This smells like vanilla, and orange, and it's weird but I get almost no lavender, and fizz (like Emergen-C tablets, which might be why I think it smells citrusy to me).


I'm gonna hang it right by my bed, and I'll edit this when I get to take a bath!

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We have been having freezing weather here, and my feet are much happier after having been soaked in TKO. The bomb was surprisingly hard, but nothing Mr. Hammer couldn't handle (you only need a little bit for a foot bath!).


I have been dying to try the scent, and found it comforting and relaxing. And if I used it for a whole bath, it would very likely smell like "sugared baker bosom" to paraphrase an early review.


Fortunately, this didn't knock me out, since I was taking an on-line test at the time - so I guess it just made test taking a whole lot more relaxing. It could have interesting uses for other stressful situations: dentist?, horror movie? meeting from hell? A ton of these would be just the thing!

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In the solid boom form, the TKO boom had a lot of smell, and I was i n heaven. I had set it on my bedside table to smell it as I went to bed and awoke. When I dropped it into the tub, the boom fizzed a quarter circuit around the tub, releasing a white film (presumably the shea oil and coconut milk). I got in, stretched out, and thought, "Where's the scent?" My TKO boom had no scent in the water. I tried putting my nose just over the surface, raising up, moving around, but there was no scent in the water. What a disappointment. I will say that I enjoyed how slick the water became and how soft it made my skin, but... No scent in the water. :P

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This smells just like the Panacea Elixir of the same name. I'm impressed by the smoothness of the bath bomb, and the way it fizzes so evenly and I'm especially taken by the fact that it doesn't sink to the bottom of the tub, since a sinking bath ballistic is one of my pet peeves. I'm sort of indifferent about the TKO oil. It relaxes me, but doesn't really knock me out like I had hoped. The bath bomb is a complete different story. I dropped it in the tub, and the entire bathroom was filled with the scent of lavender and sugared vanilla, and I couldn't get over how incredibly strong the scent was. It totally beats out every last one of my favorite LUSH bath bombs when it comes to strength of scent. Soaking in a tub of TKO made me feel like my entire body and being was being infused with the relaxing scent, and before I knew it, I had rolled over on my side, rested my head against the curved back of the tub, closed my eyes , and found myself fading off into la-la land as I soaked in the tub of hot TKO water. My first TKO bath was a bath I didn't ever want to end. When I finally gathered enough energy to drag my butt out of the tub, I could barely keep my eyes open. I dragged myself to bed, applied a little TKO oil to my wrists and temples (even though I knew it was overkill) and went to sleep instantly. I slept like a rock all night long. The TKO bomb is definitely worth the price. However, I'd rather the bomb be smaller, as I don't feel I needed the entire thing to reach my goal of utter relaxation and sleepiness. With the next one I use, I'm going to attempt to slice it in half first, which will also help me justify the expense of both the bomb and shipping costs.

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As with the Grr bomb, it was great fun to watch the TKO bomb run around the tub fizzing madly. The water turned a milky white.


The bomb in the bag smelled just like the TKO oil. In the water, I got an odd floury undertone to the scent. Maybe my nose is weird. The bath was more lightly scented than I like (I wouldn't smell anything for a while, then every few minutes I'd get a whiff of TKO), but I do like the scent of my baths to be quite strong, so take that for what it's worth.


TKO the bath didn't help me fall asleep, but then again, neither does TKO the oil :P. So I'm really just reviewing the fizzy itself -- nice moisturization (less than Fantasy Bath, more than Lush), really fun fizzing, lighter scent than I like.

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I'm one of those decadent people who will dump an entire imp into my bath for the heck of it but even I feel a little bad using an entire one of these for one bath. I even left it sitting on the counter for a week because it made my bathroom smell so lovely and I couldn't bear to do it yet. Finally pushing that aside, I dropped it in. Satisfying plop and a ton of fizz later I was enveloped in a warm blanket of smelly goodness. I actually passed out in the bathtub and woke some time later to cold water but a feeling of such gorgeous relaxation. And my skin was so soft and delicately scented. What an amazing little bomb! I haven't tried the oil yet and I certainly hope it's this lovely because I'm already missing my TKO.


I don't think I'll miss the fizzyBOOMs in general but if there was any way to just keep the TKO fizzy in powder form I would most definitely stock up on it! Otherwise I'll have to try making my own because I'm hooked!

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