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Oof (fizzyBOOM)

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Sinus pain relief.
Sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, shea oil, coconut milk, henna leaf powder, witch hazel, camphor oil, rosemary oil, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's Elixir blend.

This bomb wasn't labeled other than "Sinus" so I'm assuming it's Oof.

I LOVE this scent, it is very strong with a Eucalytpus note. Menthol herbal and I think a slight citrus? The bomb is white in color.

I get severe migranes and sinus headaches so this scent is going to be a lifesaver.
I have been suffering from congestion and sitting in a bath with this bomb totally cleared out my sinuses. It was so nice!!!
As with the other bobms it had a nice long fizz and made the water moisturizing but not heavily so. Just a slight slickness, not oily or sticky.

The scent is strong, which is needed for clearing the sinuses. Very nice!

I think I will order a dozen of these. It truly helped my sinuses and made me feel better. It gets an AAAAA+++++++!!!

And as I've said about the other bombs, the bath rinsed out nice and clean. No residue and I didn't have to scrub an oil ring away. Yay!!!

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I have had the pleasure of trying two different bath bombs this week because I have been quite the sickly girl... First it was Grr, with my headache-from-hell[small]tm[/small] and yesterday I was all stuffed up from allergies and/or a cold.


Good times!!


I can't report on the smell of Oof (I'm dreadfully stuffed up, remember? :P ) so I'll have to defer to Slave1's description. I asked my boyfriend to smell it and he said it smells like powder. ...whatever that means?


I can say that a soothing, BPAL-fizzied bath was just what the doctor ordered yesterday! I used Oof in a warmer-than-usual bath and inhaled the soothing vapors as much as I could. I ended up drifting asleep in the tub and when I woke up, my fingers were like prunes and my sinus pressure was definitely relieved and I could breathe better! Granted, the sinus pain was still there, but the pressure had let up giving me some relief.


Heavenly!! I love this bath bomb. <3 BPTP.

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I dislike writing bad reviews. I usually just won't review it at all but was pretty disappointed with my Oof fizzyboom. I used an Oof in my bath tonight and loath though I am to admit it, I wasn't that impressed with this one. It fizzes like mad, which is fun, but has almost no scent once it hits the water. It is white so there isn't any color which is fine but what I was sad about was that mine didn't seem to have any water softening bits or the like. With some bath bombs my skin is super moisturized afterwords but not tonight. I have a couple of others to try but I won't order Oof again.


I feel like such a bitch for writing this

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In the baggie, Oof has a fresh eucalytpus scent, much like its namesake oil. In the bath, it fizzed super fast, and made for soft, fresh water that felt super nice on my congested chest and sinuses, but that was not as moisturising or overtly fragrant as some of the other Booms I've tried. I might keep a couple of these on hand for serious sinus issue days, but this is probably not a bomb I'd choose for a general purpose. :P

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I used my Oof bomb a few nights ago... I was having a major sinus headache... and, well, my headache bomb is backordered. hehe... so I put this one in! I can't handle "saving" things, right? Anyway, I'm glad I did it! The strong menthol/eucalyptus type scent worked well (even just sniffing) to clear up my head... in the water, it fizzed quite a lot!


The only thing I wasn't exactly loving was the "slick" feeling I felt on my skin as I was in the bath. Don't get me wrong... my skin felt nice later! I just have paranoia issues, and was then worrying if I would slip and fall (or worrying if it would make the bathtub all slimy after I got out). WHich, neither things happened... so, this is just a personal issue I have. LOL. I couldn't relax as much as I wanted to.


I am a spazz :P

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I put half of one of these beauties in the tub today when I felt a migraine coming on.



It did the trick. For the first time ever I was able to stave of a migraine without the aid of prescription medication. Hooray for Oof!



This Fizzyboom doesn't have much of a scent before you pop it into the tub, but once you do you Rosemary fills the air. It's delicious. I really couldn't pick out any other notes, but the boquet was a clean and herbal.


Like the other bath fizzies from BPAL this one is has lots of slip in the tub, but doesn't leave you feeling greasy (I have oily skin).




On the ferret scale of yummy 10/10

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