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BPAL Madness!

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Hi all! Sorry I’ve been a little out of communication. As much as we love winter, this time of year is always a little nutty for retailers. We’ve been busting our butts to make sure order-to-ship time narrows, and we’ve been hard at work on the new scents for the Dead of Winter: the new Carnaval installment, new imp cases and lockets for Trading Post, ouanga bags for Twilight, fizzy and bubbly this and that, and the Lunacies for the first half of 2007. In addition, Lupercalia is just around the corner, and if there’s one thing we go apeshit over here at the Lab… its love and sex.


The Carnaval update is going to go live a week or so later than projected. It is a very intense series to work on, and between the scents themselves, the artwork, and the tchotch… it is taking a little longer than projected to get it perfected. Thank you all for your patience. The freak show segment of this series is very complex, and means a great deal to us. We just want to make it as stupendous as inhumanly possible.


Some labors of love are simply very laborious! :P


For 2007’s Lunacy series, we’ve decided to go back to basics. We’ll be jumping around like mad like we did for the first several years, instead of going with a specific theme like 2006’s Chinese Moons. My Piscean brain just can’t stick with a specific theme for another twelve months! We’re going to do what we do best, and that’s go with what inspires us, regardless of convention.


January 3: Wolf Moon

February 2: Hunger Moon

March 3: Crow Moon

April 2: Pink Moon

May 2: Milk Moon

June 1 & 30: Rose Moon and…


What ho?! Two moons in June? Well, you know what that means…

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