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Old Seaside Village?

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This is an oddball request, but I am looking for a scent that would call to mind

an old Breton village, with the scent of the markets (florals, fruits (especially apples)), etc mingling with the smoke of the chimneys and the waft of the sea breeze in the air.


Not sure if anything will directly reflect this, but maybe layering can acheive this?

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I can't think of anything directly, but layering would probably be your best bet. You may want to start with something like F5, which has a sea spray foundation. After that, just sort of pick and choose. Sorry I'm not more help!

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Caliban is ocean with a crushed-stems green scent, and the barest hint of wine. No smoke though, and no fruits/apples. Maybe Samhain layered with Caliban? Can't imagine what that would smell like, though...


edit: I think that Kingsport has more of a misty, rustic feel...it's another ocean blend, however without the other notes you're looking for. It's also rather hard to get a hold of. :P

Edited by Forspecial Plate

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hm. I definitely second the Caliban reccomendation. Brimstone is a pure "smoke" scent on me, so maybe you should get an imp of that and try layering it with aquatics, etc....


Also, Port Royal might be a good bet if you layer it with a floral or light fruity scent.

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I like Penthus for a seaside town scent, but it's more of a floral-aquatic, like a flower garden by the sea. Might be worth a try though!

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hmm. I might consider Sea of Glass for the ocean-y part your layering, easier to find than Kingsport as it's GC - also, when you layer, I'd do a single application of one scent on one body part and then another on another body part--like, say, Samhain on your wrists and Sea of Glass in the crease of your elbow/cleavage, let it mingle in the throw rather than all right on that one spot, it might get kinda busy/acridly strong that way. good luck!

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Black Pearl says "seaside village" to me, although maybe not with the specific notes you're looking for. I'd still recommend it, though, it's so wonderfully evocative.

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