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Purple Phoenixes, Bitter Moons...

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Happy anniversary to us! Four years, baby, and we’re still chugging along! A sincere, heartfelt, and loving thanks to all of our clients for being so supportive through all our trials, for giving us the opportunity to pursue our heart’s desire, and for gifting us with an unrivaled extended family of the most phenomenal, fascinating, and multi-faceted people on this planet.


Now, before I get all sappy – as I am wont to do – let’s get on with the show!


Bitter Moon is live!



Kokoro no oni ga mi wo semeru. The body is tortured only by the demon of the heart. Nepal poppy, lotus root, wild rose, and blue hibiscus with blackberry, tonka, sage, lavender, peony and vetiver.


Our Doodle Goddess, Jennifer Williamson, has provided some incredibly sexy artwork for the Bitter Moon tee – artwork that is amazingly appropriate for the BPALiversary, too. It will be live, along with a few more new items, on the Black Phoenix Trading Post site tomorrow.


With this, we close the Year of Asian Moons. Bitter Moon will be live at Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab until November 7, 2006.


To commemorate our anniversary, we’re bringing back some discontinued scents. Live until December 1, 2006…







Vengeance can be yours.



Deceptively gentle and lethally alluring. Jasmine and rose, touched with sparkling heliotrope.



Created in honor of the fiery, vicious Princess of Hell and bloodthirsty general who governs thirty-six legions of infernal warriors. Her lust for bloodshed and manslaughter is matched only by her love of the classical arts and sciences - definitely a woman that we respect. A seething, fiery blend of dragon's blood, deep myrrh, red and black musks, civet and thick red patchouli, glistening with drops of rose and ylang ylang.



All flash and glam: white wine, heliotrope, d'Anjou pear, and lotus.



As oftentimes the too resplendent sun

Hurries the pallid and reluctant moon

Back to her sombre cave, ere she hath won

A single ballad from the nightingale,

So doth thy Beauty make my lips to fail,

And all my sweetest singing out of tune.


And as at dawn across the level mead

On wings impetuous some wind will come,

And with its too harsh kisses break the reed

Which was its only instrument of song,

So my too stormy passions work me wrong,

And for excess of Love my Love is dumb.


But surely unto Thee mine eyes did show

Why I am silent, and my lute unstrung;

Else it were better we should part, and go,

Thou to some lips of sweeter melody,

And I to nurse the barren memory

Of unkissed kisses, and songs never sung.


Unspoken love. Inspired by Oscar Wilde's poem. A scent brimming with pathos and memories of longing and loss. Rose touched with ylang ylang.



A fearsome creature from Greek lore. Typhon was born from the marriage of Earth and Hell, and is said to be so terrible in aspect that even the gods themselves flee from his venomous gaze. Our own blend of Earth and Hell: red patchouli, sandalwood, black musk and vetiver.



The Lady of the Snow, Winter Ghost, Snow Queen. A chilling, haunted blend of bergamot, lemon verbena, sandalwood and jasmine.



And finally… this year’s commemorative Phoenix:



Porphyrogenitus, indeed; we worked for it! Not simply the color of royalty, purple is also the color of sorrow and mourning, reconciliation and forgiveness. A regal, majestic, and somber blend of myrrh, plum blossom, African violet, cognac, fig, orris, lilac, wisteria, black plum, and Burgundy wine grapes.


Many things are still on the calendar for this year at BPAL, BPTP, and TAL, so keep poking around! Carnaval Diabolique moves into its next chapter, some long-awaited scents from the 2006 preview are making their debut, spooky new designs and some shiny bling is arriving at the Trading Post, and TAL will have some new tricks up its proverbial sleeve. This year ain’t over yet, friends and neighbors!


Thank you again for four amazing fucking years. Our lives are truly enriched by every single one of you, and we hope that we can continue to share our dreams, nightmares, and perversities for many, many years to come!

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