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Imp issue Clarification

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One of the trends which we would like to address is the widespread use of "IMP" to describe e-tailer perfume samples generally, not just BPAL. We know that no one means any harm when they refer to an "imp of XYZ perfume company sample" or "So and so was so generous, she included a frimp of 'something not BPAL' in my order", but every time someone uses the term "IMP", which as we all know is short for the Lab's trademark, IMP'S EAR, as a general term, it decreases, or tarnishes, the value of that property - Beth's original idea - to the Lab.


So, what we ask, as members of the community, and more importantly, as friends of Beth & Brian and fans of the Lab, that everyone try to think a second before using the term Imp to refer to non-BPAL. Also, don't be surprised if occasionally one of the mod staff pops in to a retail or swap thread with a gentle reminder, as we have asked for their help in their capacity as "the management" of this forum. Our goal is not to call anyone out, but to help address a problem that has been bothering the Lab and its legal folks for some time.


Thanks for your help!

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