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BPAL Madness!
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Common Courtesy

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Please do not ply non-BPAL / TAL / BPTP vials, bottles, lockets, etc on eBay or in private sales using our name. Using “BPAL” or “for Black Phoenix” to sell items that are NOT BPAL / Black Phoenix items is extremely uncool, and bothers the hell out of us. It just isn’t a neighborly thing... using our name to sell items. It is keyword spamming, and that isn’t nice. This practice is extremely disrespectful to us as a company, and frankly, I’m tired of letting it slide.


When you are decanting, please do us the courtesy of using our name on the label. We are the ones that created the oils, blend the oils, and sell the oils, and while we have no problem with aftermarket sales in general, though we strongly frown at the concept of professional reselling, please realize that credit goes where credit is due. Putting your name on a decant of a BPAL or TAL oil is simply unacceptable.


If we have to start cracking down on unacceptable secondary sales and trademark infringement, we will. There’s a fine line between being kind and accepting and being played for fools.


Once again, I’d like to remind some people to please treat us the same way that they would wish to be treated. Golden rule, etc.


Thank you for understanding, and thank you for treating us with respect.

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