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Harvest Moon Live at BPAL & BPTP

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While the pains of moving are coming to a close, and we are well on our way to catching up on everything, things are still in a bit of a jumble. Thank you again to everyone that has been there for us during this extremely difficult and challenging time. Your kindness and support has meant so much to us!


This update is a very small one. Harvest Moon 2006 is live at both BPAL and the Trading Post, and as always, we have the lovely and psychotically talented Macha to thank for the gorgeous artwork on the tee!


We should be near to closing in on the 10-day turnaround again within July, and once we’re satisfied that our ship-time is back within reason, we can start to grow again. We’re gearing up for three massive overhauls on the BPAL site (which will include updates to our links, Coterie, the FAQ, and other long-neglected sections of the shop), as well as a scattering of GC oils, and the long-awaited arrival of Carnaval Diabolique.


Meanwhile, things are also stirring at the Trading Post. The scent lockets are being restocked soon, and there’s a heap of new items on the horizon.


After a rocky springtime, we’re looking forward to an autumn of renewal and rebirth, and an ass-kicking winter!


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Harvest Moon is celebrated in almost every culture, and the bounty of the season is marked in a myriad of ways. Harvest Moon touches the Equinox, the festival of Janus, the culmination of Homowo, the “crying of the neck” in Cornwall, and the Women’s Festival of the Moon. This is a day that celebrates abundance and beauty, fertility and progress, and the light of this full moon blesses new undertakings and reunites lost loves. This Harvest Moon oil is a merging of autumnal scents from all over the globe: chrysanthemum, pomegranate, cane sugar and dusty wheat, sorghum, green tea leaf, rice flower and rice milk, Russian sage, bamboo shoot, elderberry, black cherry, wild plum, red haw, hazelnut, red apple and shagbark hickory.


Harvest Moon at BPTP

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