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Ivy scents!

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Has this been done before? It's so tricky to place Ivy in with another word to get a search result! So far, though, i think I'm clear.


When Litha was released, I was thrilled by the inclusion of Ivy. I haven't had a good ivy scent (pumpkin patch notwithstanding) since dissipation. Could there be one I'm missing out there? Any suggestions are welcome- even if it just SMELLS like Ivy and doesn't really have it! Yaaay! :P

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I think Strangler Fig's too warm to be as crisp as ivy... but it really, truly is a slightly creamy, real leaf scent.


*awaits big bottle*

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I think Strangler Fig's too warm to be as crisp as ivy... but it really, truly is a slightly creamy, real leaf scent.


*awaits big bottle*



Strangler Fig, huh? Thank you, Lycanthrope! That's one I never would have looked twice at. :P

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A scent that's a bit underrated but that I personally adore, and that has ivy, is "The Black Tower". It also has galbanum, which accounts for the green scent, and as I don't know exactly how ivy smells (I'm guessing green and bitter?), I'm not sure which I'm smelling. But it's mixed with wine, ozone and leather, it's a complex scent, not a pure ivy/greenery one.


I think that I also smelled a bit of ivy in Harvest Moon 2005 (I think 2004 may also have it, not sure, though), but that's much more difficult to get your hands on, and it's also a really complex blend with loads of different scents colliding into each other. *sighs happily*

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The Black Tower sounds fantastic, no matter what's actually in it :P I forget how reading a page or two of forum reviews changes my opinion.


It has been on my wishlist for a while, but was a low-medium priority up until now. I think I should bump it up a few spots- thank you, Meg!

Edited by couscous

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The Black Tower sounds fantastic, no matter what's actually in it :D I forget how reading a page or two of forum reviews changes my opinion.


It has been on my wishlist for a while, but was a low-medium priority up until now. I think I should bump it up a few spots- thank you, Meg!


You're very welcome! :D I had the same thing with the Black Tower, I'd forgotten it on my wishlist and didn't bother to go back and read the description again for a while (my reason was the leather, I'm a junkie). Then suddenly I went back to read about it and just at the same time, the Lab sends it to me as a frimp! It was instant love, got a 10ml, though I don't think I'll ever use that much. :D But I fangirl it all the same, really magical. :P

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I get an ivy scent from House of Night, along with some evergreens and flowers.


Thank you, mountaingrrl! I could have sworn that I'd tried House of Night, but maybe I'm getting it mixed up. See, this is what happens when you slack on your spreadsheet. :P

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We used to have ivy growing all up the shady side of our house in Missouri, and Black Tower does really remind me of the way that it smelled. Of course, Black Tower is a bit more complex than that, but it's pretty awesome anyhow. I'm wearing it now and really enjoying it :P

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Although the forum search engine wouldn't pick up "ivy" because of the four-letter minimum thing *trouts search engine* believe it or not, I have read this entire subforum. And we haven't covered this!


I need to go through and revisit a lot of my super-green scents and figure out which ones remind me the most of ivy if I am going to contribute anything of meaning to this conversation. My house is surrounded by ivy so I am very familiar with the scent of real ivy - it's quite distinctive. You don't really smell it until you walk through it, cut some of it, let the dog in after he's been running through it... It's very green and a little sharp, something I wouldn't really like alone.


I remember Dissipation (long discontinued) listed ivy as a note, but it was overwhelmingly sassafras on me.

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Hiya Ivy :P


With the three letter minimum, I tried "English Ivy" and "green Ivy" and then Ivy*- in case someone once slipped and said that they'd "landed in a big patch of Ivys", or something, but then I got stuck for another word. In hindsight, I could have tried climbing Ivy, maybe...


I'm thrilled to hear that this isn't a repeat of some sort- though, truth be told, you could warn me anyway for not putting it as a reply post in "green scents" and I'll totally back you!! That was option 2, and I'd considered it, but I just got so excited over this particular plant when Litha came out. I can't wait for it!


Dissipation was lovely. It probably would have sold better under the new Rappaccini umbrella, but who knows? It was pretty straight Ivy on me, and you are right- it is so distinctive. Mildly spicy, too- I guess mistletoe would be a fair enough substitute, right?


Odd that you got sassafras from it, but hey- sassafras is gorgeous, so you lucked out either way! :D

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Well, I hope you all have noticed this is a very liberal area of the forum when it comes to duplicate topics - since most posts are uniquely tailored for one person's requests, I usually just watch for duplicates of things like a commercial perfume smell-alikes, recommendations for a single note like vanilla or lavender or rose, etc. And I think the majority of topics here are started by brand-new forumites and we're always lenient with people who are learning the ropes.


Nerd that I am... I went through my Word document of scents with descriptions because I knew I could search for "ivy" there. In addition to Litha, The Black Tower, and The Ghost, the following all included ivy in the list of notes:


Dissipation - Strands of bacchanal ivy wind through sweet wormwood, pungent poppy, and a sliver of murky sassafras.


Harvest Moon 2004 : The autumnal blooms of clematis, chrysanthemum, narcissus, sunflower, sage and lily twined with Dionysus’ sacred grapes and ivy, a bounty of apple, pumpkin, and ripe berries, and the amaranth and lingum aloes of Janus, all touched by a gentle breath of festival woodsmoke and sweet wine.


Harvest Moon 2005: The autumnal scents of gladiola, chrysanthemum, aster, dahlia, anemone, bergamot, marigold, sage and verbena dust a blend of wine-soaked apples, plums, and red pears, mulling spices and brown sugar, the ivy leaves of Dionysus and Janus’ amaranth and lingum aloe.


Mabon: The Autumnal Equinox. The Second Harvest of the witches: a celebration of rest after labor, and repose after the rigors of Initiation. This is the mark of the completion of the Harvest and giving thanks for the previous season's abundance. In ceremonial magick, this is a time to begin the search for one's Higher Self anew, to celebrate rebirth and new life, and to revitalize the spirit. It is an Osirian time, contractive and catabolic. At this time, the Eleusinian mysteries were observed, celebrating the drama of Kore and Demeter. Blackberry wine and apple cider with hops, apple blossom, English ivy, hazel, sage, oak bark and myrrh


Ophelia: Wistful and vulnerable: lotus, water blossom ivy, stargazer lily and white rose.


Pumpkin Patch 5: Pumpkin with five woods, English ivy and galangal root.


I'm sure that one of the green smelling blends is probably the best match for the pure scent of ivy when it comes down to it, but that's a more complicated project for me.

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You like pit bulls, let me slide on one plant instead of a scent family, and then you searched the word document for me.


Let's get married!! :P

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