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Ridiculous! Kumquat, white pepper, white tea and orange blossom.

Hmmm..I get the best scent of orange sugar cookies...I used to buy them in tins from Crabtree and Evelyn, but I haven't seen any for a long time. Usually foody scents don't appeal to me, but I love this one. It softens nicely on me and has some staying power.

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bottle: i can smell everything from the description here. foremost is probably the kumquat and pepper.


wet: strong orange and kumquat with a pungent spiciness from the pepper.


dry: nice, spicy pepper. everything else is a sweet backdrop. a favourite of mine.

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Initially this was really citrus and tart with a cookie backdrop. It reminded me of lemon tea cookies.


It almost smells too young for me. It also has a creamy plastic quality in the drydown that reminds me of strawberry shortcake dolls.


I do, however, love it when combined with its twin...such a good combo.

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in the bottle: sweet fruits and citrus. Not very exciting, but maybe my skin will change it a bit. The idea of white pepper has perked my interest

wet: still fruity. i guess that's the kumquat? A bit of orange.

dry: pretty much the same. Um. kind of like a sweeter version of Clinque's Happy (which I love, oddly enough)

verdict: 1.5 out of 5 Just not me. I wanted something a little crisper and I was put off by the sweet scents. If the tea and pepper came out more, I think this would have been nice for the summer months. Maybe I'll have better luck with his brother?

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In the bottle: Hmmm... smells like orange cake. Ridiculously yummy orange cake. I wish I could eat this.


First applied: Juicy, drippy orange lollipops. I want to lick my wrist. Mmmm.


Dried: Tweedledee, you are so orangey. I don't smell really any of the other notes. Orange blossom doesn't smell like oranges, so it's got to be the kumquat.


Verdict: The smell of oranges is one of my favorite smells. But I don't know if I want to personally smell like an orange, except perhaps when I'm by myself, as a scent that's strictly for me to enjoy. I think I'm going to mix this with Tweedledum to see how it smells.

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For me, Tweedledee has the brightness of the kumquat with the heat of the pepper when I sniff the timp directly.


On the skin, it's still kumquat, pepper - and just a hint of orange blossom.


Curiouser and curiouser - the kumquat got stronger as it dried. I love it! It's backed by a foundation of the sweet tea, while the pepper has completely faded - another winner for me from the Mad Tea Party collection.

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Bottle: Peach


Wet: Citrus and sugar! This is so amazingly good!


Drydown: It's so sweet and juicy! Very citrussy, good for a snowy cold day like this!

4.0 outta 5

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Imp: Bitter orange (which is how kumquats smell to me.)


Wet: still bitter orange, with a vague floral, and some pepper coming out


Dry: Not as bitter, still orange/kumquat, and a dash of pepper. I'm not sure I smell the tea, but I don't know quite what it should smell like, either.

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Just opening the imp makes me smile. This is a really happy scent.

In the vial-citrus

Wet on skin- sweet, citrus-y bakery scent.

Dry- tea comes out a bit and it's still sweet citrus.

This isn't really an orange smell, but it feels like citrus, so that's why I say citrus. What does kumquat smell like anyway?!

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When I first popped open this imp and brought my nose to it I got hit with a whiff of Orange Pez Candy! :D Not a bad smell, but not something I would necessarily want to smell like all day.


When this was wet on my skin, that's when the other notes started to come out. First the pepper starts to poke out...then the tea...and oh...this is morphing into something quite lovely. Pez is growing up!


And then when it fully dries, it is wonderful! You can really pick out all the notes and it blends into something gorgeous! Such an interesting combo! A bright, happy, unique citrus scent, good for all seasons, that has been added onto my "must buy" list! :P

Edited by Suu4LC

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in the imp: the pepper is STRONG! there is also a faint note of floral under that.


wet on skin: the floral and the citrus mix, so make some lovely sweet orange thing that reminds me of creamsicles. yum! :P


dry down: this *totally* smells like the strawberry shortcake dolls of my 80's childhood! sweet, fruity, and totally not real, but in a gentle, childhood way.


in all: this would be a good one for your friends that are into Bath and Bodyworks products that you're trying to convert. for me, however, it's not -quite- what i'm looking for.



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In Vial:Yummie sweet orange. Smells like a tropical drink


Wet: Orange with a buttery sugared scent. I smell the hint of pepper, keeps it from being too sweet.


Drydown: Foody. Buttery. Almost like orange flavored butter cookies.

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Very fresh and citrus-y. I don't care for the tea and pepper combo. It's a food scent so I wasn't expecting to like it anyways.

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Source: Imp from the Lab


In the imp, this one is just lovely and foody and heavenly! As several other people have mentioned, it smells like orange-flavored sugar cookies, with a just a hint of pepper. It's a sunny, cheery scent, wonderful for days when you need a bit of a lift.


Unfortunately, this hardly lasts on me at all! :P In less than two hours, it completely disappears, leaving me searching for Tweedledee on my wrists and neck! I haven't had a chance to try it in my scent locket yet, so that may yield better staying power!

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In the bottle: Tea (it's almost creamy), pepper, citrus.


Wet: The citrus is now distinctly kumquat, and the orange blossom (and maybe other florals?) has emerged. Still a bit peppery-spicy with something creamy lurking. It's fresh, floral, and a little foody all at once.


Dry: Light, creamy, spicy citrusy floral! It's just very slightly feminine, at least on me, but it's almost neutral enough that I could imagine it on a man. Amazing throw.


Summary: After a couple of hours, it's much sweeter. Spicy, creamy-vanilla fruit, with only hints of tartness and flowers It has great lasting power, but I'm not sure I like how sweet it becomes.

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Well then...

In the bottle, Tweedledee was all sharp mismatched citrus, tea, and pepper. The notes really stood out from one another and kept shifting about...there wasn't really one defining the whole thing. I liked that.


As it went on wet, I had a moment of...creamy pastry scent, which abruptly vanished. This was replaced by an overwhelming sweet flower-citrus-tea aroma. The pepper is there, but it is very subtle. This smells like a lovely fruity herbal tea flavor...however, one that is too sweet for my liking. The scent is not a bad one, just too much of the wrong kind of sweetness.


I guess I was expecting more sharpness/sourness from the kumquats, but now that I think about it, that's how kumquats taste...they smell something like how this is on my skin...at least I think they (I might be making that up--now I need to go locate some kumquats). It is, however, tenacious and refuses to be washed off. Blast.


Also, kumquat is a really odd word. Kumquat, kumquat, kumquat!

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In the imp: like others have mentioned, I smell three very distinct smells in the imp: kumquat (dominant), white tea (pretty strong), pepper (not as strong). They're not discordant, just distinct. Tasty.


On me, wet: just like in the imp! Maybe a little deeper.


On me, dry: absolutely nonexistent.


Throw and duration: see above.


Overall: Wish it'd last longer. I barely had time to think about whether I really liked it or not. On the other hand, it didn't outstay its welcome. :P


I'll hang on to the imp. Maybe I'll get a scent locket or something. Y'never know.

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Imp: Sweet, general fruit scent.


Wet: The kumquat comes roaring to the front and centre. It stays there. It's all like "Whatever guys, Lewis Carrol would think that kumquat is a hilarious word. That's why I get centre stage."


Dry: I'm starting to feel like a dirty liar, because I told the world that tea smelled gross on me, and every tea blend since then has behaved itself. This retains the kumquat scent but also smells so lovely, fruity and clean. There's a bit of pepperiness to it, but it's more like when you're at a wine tasting and the sommelier teaches you about the difference between pepper pepper and wine pepper.


Throw: Good. Bright and clear.


Overall: I wound up really liking this. I think it will see sundresses and sandals many a time this summer.

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In the bottle, it smells lemon curdy/like lemon cheesecake.


Wet on skin, it's light and lemony and just lovely.


When it's dry, it gets a few notes popping up then sauntering off again (something green, sometimes a hint of citrus peel bitterness, sometimes 100% sweet, edible lemon (think crepe pancakes drenched in lemon juice and sprinkled in sugar), sometimes a floral touch). It doesn't have a strong throw on me - I thought it had disappeared entirely around lunchtime, then when I got home from work realised my wrists smelled like lemon sherbets. Fourteen hours after application, it's a lemon Chuppa Chupp smell, right up close (I think this is the sweetest and least 'real' lemon juice it's been)...


I really, really like this. I just wish it had a stronger throw!

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This scent is crazy. It's a very... neon yellow smell, if that makes sense. There's something very citrusy about it, and I'm not sure what kumquats smell like, but I can only assume the rest of the strange fruitiness is that. Tweedledee definitely has a sharp, silly bite to it, and I do sense the pepper. It's invigorating in the way that orange scents are classically invigorating, but there's a little wild spice to it. I've never smelled anything precisely like this before: very creative blend. It does not have a strong throw at all; I can barely smell it on myself without getting my wrist right in my face, but that's okay, I guess.


Random sidenote: this imp was almost impossible to open! I've never had so much trouble before. But I think I like this oil (not for everyday wear, but I think it would be good either if I were in a really happy, hyper mood or really needed to be cheered up), so I'll certainly go to the trouble every once in awhile. :P

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In the vial: lemony kool-aid bubblegum fruit punch


Wet: It must be the kumquat, but it's a nice sweet citrus that is fresh and cheery. Almost like sorbet. This could be wonderful in the hot weather.


Drydown: Sweet citrus drydown. It doesn't have much throw and sinks in to be very subtle on me. The bubblegum sweetness is really nice, but I wish it were stronger.


This reminds me a little bit of Xanthe. I saw someone compare it to Cannibal on the LE comparison thread and I see the similarity to Cannibal's first impression, but this is more citrus and less bubblegum to me. Someone who likes this might also try Vampire Tears if they want something a lot stronger.

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:P this had a 'oily' sweet-not-exactly-citrus scent that didn't change much from the bottle to my skin. its...gross. reminds me of coconut, which I am not a fan of. I'm thinking its the kumquat. the tea note is definitely there, but its not helping. arghh, this is very unpleasant. def not a scent for me. and I was sooooo excited about this one!

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Sparkling citrus! It reminds me of Fantasy Bath's Wake Up Sleepyhead.


This doesn't smell like cookies at all to me...this is a sparking juice soda. Light, popping, refreshing...and gorgeous. Mmmm!

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