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BPAL Madness!

Enraged Bunny Musk

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Extracted directly from the twitching nether-regions of the wild Eastertime bunny rabbit: a snarling, slavering, buck-toothed, fluffy, floppy-eared, horny-as-hell Springtime beast. Soft cotton blossom, white musk, baby's breath, clover and pale powder notes.

When I first looked at the bottle, I feel in love with the cuddly-yet-ferocious Bunny snarl, it looks almost like a bunny roar!! So I was doubly convinced this would be my scent! I mean, the description sounded amazing and the right scent for spring and for a cozy, comforting scent!!

On though - oh my gosh, Enraged Bunny Musk turned to Crazed Cedar Cabinet!! It smelled JUST like the cedar shavings we used to put in my bunnies cages when we changed them! But this wasn't quite the scent I had in mind, sadly!!!

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In the bottle

I love this bottle, LOL.

It smells like yummy goodness of some kind inside.


I have no idea what is in this, Musk of course, but also...orange maybe? Lemon, and something sweet and maybe floral... honey? And a fresh, spring "outside air and green grass" scent underneath. Whatever it is, it's entirely sexy.

30 minutes

It hasn't changed much and I love this. It's a cross between foody, musky and green with just a whisper of sweetness.


Yes, more than average.

Scent category:

Musk(animalistic)/ Fruity/Green?


A sexy, gender neutral scent. It's fresh and green, yet musky, slightly sweet and sexy. The spring air quality of of this blend is a more male scent and the musk more feminine smelling and sweet imo. I can't stop smelling my wrist.

This has great staying power.

Purchase again?


1-5 rating (5 being best)


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i don't get the lemon that many people seem to have gotten from this. it does have a bit of a sharpness to it. i think i mostly smell the clover, white musk and cotton blossom. i am not a big fan of the cotton blossom scent because it's too baby-powdery, but once it fades into the background, this is becomes a soft, pretty scent.

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Yes, it's very silly. The label is a hoot. SNRRRRR! GRRRRR!


This is a lot more floral and girly than I usually like, and for the first hour or so after I applied it, I thought it wouldn't work out. I think this smells more like regular commercial perfume than any other BPAL I've tried.


However, after a lot of drydown, the white musk comes forward and I am reminded that it's truly one of my favorite notes in all of BPAL-dom. This is probably the strongest white musk I've experienced so far-- it's satisfying. Or maybe I really do like the sweetness of the flowers, and just don't want to admit it!


This seems like the kind of scent that would cause someone in the office to say, "you smell nice". Nice seems like a good one-word description of this scent.

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Sadly, this is not for me at all. It's not that it smells bad--it smells nice--but it turns very masculine. It would be fantastic like this on a guy, but the musk is nauseating to me.


I don't know if I can blame this on the white musk or not, since there are other blends with it that I love. It may be the combination of components going wrong, as I don't get any green or lemon--just a dime-store aftershave aroma. I'm sure it's my chemistry making mincemeat of this mad bunny, and it's also possibly a monthly issue. I'll hang on to this and try it another time before I give up.

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The musk is so light in here! It barely shows up at all. Mostly this is all about the clover and baby's breath. Most oils fade after time but Enraged Bunny Musk seems to get stronger the longer it sits on my wrist. Incredibly lovely!!!

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Oooh, pretty. On my skin it is soft spring flowers brightened up with the clover. The white musk and the powder notes are in perfect balance with the other notes. I had no idea what to expect, but I'm surprised how light and pretty this is. I was expecting something sharper and angrier from the bunny.


A few hours later I sniff my arm (I've been doing a lot of that lately) and it has changed into something completely different. It is no longer light and airy, but deeper from the musk and the floral notes are fuller. It is so gorgeous and I'm sorry that the bunny is not so readily available. My skin absolutely revels in musk.


If I could, I would order a bottle.

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Hmm. I ordered this because I thought I'd regret it if it turned out to be wonderful and I didn't have a bottle.


On the other hand, I can trade it....


It's nice. A delicate little floral, not much throw on me. However, I'm not into delicate little florals, even nice ones.

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In the bottle: Soft, spicy green, if that makes sense. I went 'oo!'


Wet: Smells like a spicy powder. Still going 'oo!'


Dry 10 minutes: It smells like nuzzling a bunny feels. It's white and soft but there's something more that gives it substance, which is probably the musk.


Dry 30 minutes: It honestly smells like nuzzling a bunny feels and I can't get over it. Soft and green and white and musky...nuzzling a bunny, not just some soft fluffy thing.


Dry 1 hour: Wears down to just the musk and florals, but it's a green-ish white floral. I miss the spicy, but this is still nice. Honestly, I expect this given my skins desire to eat any scent not heavily grounded with incense.


Dry 2 horus: It IS an enraged bunny. It was more than happy to be nuzzled at first and now it's not that happy. Musk and powder-green.


Final notes: This scent definately lives up to it's name. It's probably a perfect spring scent. I sort of wish I'd ordered another bottle.

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In the bottle, it smells softly lemony with just a hint of powdery softness.


Wet: It is more lemony, but it is not very strong or sharp. There is a sweetness mixed in which kind of makes this like a powdery lemon meringue. Mmm.


Drydown: This becomes less citrusy, more powdery, more sweet, more musky. Gorgeous. I find this to be quite similar to Dorian in that zesty-soft musk way, but minus the sweet tea note. The cotton blossom and clover add a soft "clean" backdrop, which is not what I'd associate with typical floral notes. This is my favorite Enraged anything so far.

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For something snagged from an animal as enraged as this:

a snarling, slavering, buck-toothed, fluffy, floppy-eared, horny-as-hell Springtime beast.

this musk is deceptively soft.


This one doesn't change too much from bottle to skin, thank god -- it's splendid in the bottle. It's like the most perfect rendition of a "cotton blossom" scent ever, fresh and light and clean. Like being wrapped up in a fuzzy sun-warmed towel.


I wish it weren't quite as light as it is, but it seems to fit the scent, so I won't complain too much.

Edited by karen

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I got this as a frimp in a decant circle (Thank you, Originalwacky)! It is not something I normally would have chosen but I decided to try it and see.


It's much softer, lighter and greener than the scents I normally go for. The musk saves this one, I think. The scent does not go sideways on me like many of these light ones do, it stays very soft and true. It reminds me of a warm spring day and clean sheets dried in the sun.


I will keep and use up my imp as this is a beautiful and soft warm-weather scent.

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I bought this on a whim after reading reviews that suggested the "powdery notes" weren't the focus. I'm glad I did. This is a soft, soft, pretty scent. The citrus people are getting is the clover, I am fairly sure. I enjoy that particular note a lot. The musks are so gentle. The sweet is present, but not overpowering. On my skin, I keep thinking it has faded to nothing, but then I get that gentle softness again. In the scent locket, the clover lingers more, keeping a brightness in it.


I keep thinking this smells like a clean, happy baby.



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Bottle: powder and greenery

Wet: is it the powder notes that are giving me the aquatic-like headache? maaaan. this is sharp and chill and...owie.

Dry: I can still barely detect the musk. The florals are barely there, a hint of green behind the blinding headache on my wrist.

Later: Sorry, can't wait til later - must wash this off now. Yikes!!

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First on this is light, citrussy, powdery and a tad soapy underneath. The citrus-note vanishes within the first few minutes and now it somehow reminds me of laundry detergent.


After about an hour something starts to smell a little off. When I tried it another time it additionally started to get very loud and unpleasant. It seems that this doesn't go along well with my skin chemistry, so unfortunately this is no scent for me.

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In the Bottle: The first thing that hits my nose is musk. White musk. Then, gentle powder. Soft, sweet. Not what I expected from an 'enraged' scent!


On Application: Mmm, faintly lemony; fresh and clean. Very soft and fluffy. Bunny indeed! It's only after about 5 minutes or so that any musk comes back out. Again, a very soft musk. After about 10 minutes, the musks come out very strongly, in that they start to dominate the scent. They're still definitely a white musk. Slightly powdery, slightly lemony still.


On Drydown: It's much stronger now than when it was first applied to my skin. It's a soft, floral musk, slightly powdery, slightly lemony.


Comments: Very pretty, but rather strong; I'd only need a drop or two of this to wear. It's very soft, and very feminine. I like it.


Verdict: I'm definitely keeping a bottle for when I want something very soft and feminine. I don't think I need two bottles, though.

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Origin: Decant from LJ


Initial Thoughts: White musk seems to be the one musk that doesn't overwhelm the rest of the notes on me. *crosses fingers*


In the Bottle: Sweetly floral and lightly musk...definitely bunny musk, but where's the "enraged"? :P


Wet: Musky and very, very floral on me. It makes me think of a young girl's perfume, very light and pretty.


Drydown: It eventually musks out, but the florals cling to my wrist with a deathgrip, refusing to be evicted completely.


Verdict: It wound up fading completely after an hour or so, but while it was there it was nice. Then I got an inspiration and tried layering it with Monsterbait: Underpants...holy wow! I felt like sex on legs while that lasted!

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I love what white musk does with my skin chemistry. After almost 12 hours, the scent from my tester patch is still there, quietly doing its work. Enraged Bunny Musk is the smell of line-dried laundry--the smell that so many manufacturers try (and fail) to bottle. It smells like soft, well-worn cotton and a soft, outdoorsy kind of clean. Everything about the fragrance is soft, white, and sunny. It is utterly feminine and girly without being the least bit sweet or overpowering. For me, florals are always too strong, too cloying and perfume-y. This manages a sweet girlish quality without any of those floral or candy-sweet downfalls-- just a combination of soft powders, a warm and light musk, and that cottontail finish. Smells great!

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Enraged Bunny Musk


The name sooooo fits this scent! It's a hella horny rabid bunny who's cute and adorably fluffy with a soft white cottontail.


The color that comes to mind is white. Powdery and soft, this is a pretty scent. Girly without being overly sweet. Crisp and clean and very light.


ETA: Wore this again and man alive! This is such a pretty scent. It's spicy this time, and something perfumey which I take to be musk (I am so clueless when it comes to perfumes and scents). Beautifully sweet! I'm so glad I nabbed a bottle at Will Call!


It's odd because it seems all of BPAL's oils seem to smell different each time I wear them, and they get better and better everytime! :P

Edited by nannan45

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OK, I have to explain myself a little before I write this up the rest of the way. I'm one of the administrators of LiveJournal's Support team, and we jokingly refer to our volunteers as bunnies, because they "hop to it" on the board, "quick like a bunny".


That said? I'm declaring this the unofficial official LJ Support admin BPAL scent. This is lovely - soft and pretty, but there's definitely a "fed-up" undertone to the bunny. It's so well-blended, too - the light musk in here just works so well with the rest of the other notes. I think I need more of this. :P

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Thanks to lorajc for the decant.


Now this is another serial concept that I just adore because musk and I, we mesh well, so I'm all for musk, enraged or otherwise.


Vial: Almost all clover, fresh and lemony. Maybe a little of the cotton blossom beneath.


Skin: The blend remains the same, although eventually the MUSK! emerges and I begin to think that cute fluffy bunny is going to hump my leg any minute.


Drydown: This stays fairly soft, the musk is eventually tempered by the powder and is definitely silky sweet. The fresh kind of sweetness, that is. I can wear this when I want some MUSK! but don't want to alarm anyone in my immediate vicinity.

Oh, and for Ostara, of course. :P

Edited by luna65

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In the bottle: Cardamom and cotton blossom.


First on: Cardamom, cotton blossom and something slightly tangy sweet.


After a bit: This stays fairly true to the initial on me, and I love it. I know there isn't cardamom listed in the description, but I'm 98% positive it's in there, it's the same note I get that I LOVE in Whippoorwill.


A bit more: This is soft, fresh, slightly spicy and clean. A pure comfort scent for me.


This is in my top 5 for sure, and I'm glad I managed to locate a 5ml to purchase, because I'm going to go through this imp quickly.

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Sadly, this one isn't for me. It smelled like the cleaner I use to scrub my tub and it gave me a mild rash. I wonder what caused that, since my skin is usually pretty stoic about these things.


Fortunately for me, it's a gift for a bunny-crazed friend. Hopefully it'll work out better for her.

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Upon opening my imp, i smell....cucumber? Guess that must be the clover, but it really does smell just like a fresh cucumber. On the skin, the light, pretty, powdery musk comes out, but the cucumber disappears. On me, it settles down into a pretty generic white musk. I'm very glad to have tried it out, but not too sad that it's no longer available. I'll keep the imp around, just so I can tell people I'm wearing Enraged Bunny Musk. :P

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This smells powdery even when wet. The cotton blossom is so faint it's almost nonexistent, and it's the strongest note. This could be pretty on someone else, though.

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