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Olfactory caffeine: Wake up, Stay Awake with BPAL

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anything with Eucalyptus should work, I think?

thingd that work for me are also mints, pennyroyal, pine, citrus oils (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, bergamot etc.), fresh gingerroot, lemon verbena, lemongrass, and tea tree.

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Until Beth comes up with her No-Doz scent, eat an apple.


I prefer coffee, but there's truth in the story that eating an apple is just as, if not more, effective than a cup of coffee at waking you up.


Good thing I'm paying out the nose for a college education so I can learn these things from L.M. Boyd, huh? Personally, this is much more useful information than a formal system of decomposing and analyzing the logical validity of arguments. :P

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Wow, an apple works!?


Why is that?


I should eat more apples.

Eating anything needing serious jaw action increases blood flow to the head, bringing more oxygen to the brain which contributes to alertness. Or something more or less like that...

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Eating anything needing serious jaw action increases blood flow to the head, bringing more oxygen to the brain which contributes to alertness. Or something more or less like that...

I have no idea why, but even if WithCoffeeSpoons was making that up, it was a great answer. :P

Edited by jj_j

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Having read the Bedtime BPAL thread, and taken lots of notes of people's suggestions, I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for specific BPAL oils that have the same effect as sipping a large espresso with your eyes still closed? not coffee-smelling, just waking you up for the day, to tempt you out from underneath warm sleepy cuddly duvet.


Looking at the reviews for the Jabberwocky, I suspect this might be a good one, especially as it fades after 1-3 hours leaving one free to choose another oil for the day once you're ready to face the world!


Any other suggestions?





PS - I did look for related threads, but the closest I could find was this one which is general day-facing quality of bpal oils...

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Cheshire Cat is bright and cheerful, all that citrus. :P Makes me feel awake, and it doesn't last long on me, so you would still be free to scent for the day.

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To me blends with Juniper do the trick, for example Burial and Omen(yes I AM promoting Omen today, my mission :P )

Jabberwocky is indeed nice(and not longlasting)

Cathode is high on mint and eucalyptus, and you might want to order Tuzschla (6 mints)

Other suggestions:



Envy(although it has lavender in it)

Aunti Caroline(to wake and be cheerfull at once)



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In addition to the suggestions of Jabberwocky, Whitechapel, Hemlock, Cheshire Cat and Wolfsbane, I'd recommend Mad Hatter. The pennyroyal is quite refreshing, and the oil tends to fade within an hour or two on my skin.


Embalming Fluid and Phantasm are also good picks.



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Well, I tried Auntie Caroline's Joy Mojo yesterday morning - citrus-y sweetness - on my hand when the alarm went, and I did indeed get out of my bed. That might have had something to do with not wanting to miss my flight, but still :P strong enough to wake me up, faded quickly enough that I couldn't even smell it anymore after my shower


after such a long day yesterday, today's experiment isn't as scientific, but still... Snoozed through about an hour, then dabbed on some Embalming Fluid - green tea - i was still too lazy to get out of bed, but did get up long enough to open the curtains before snuggling back up to carry on reading the rest of 'Aces High'....



Auntie Caroline - success!

Embalming Fluid - not enough to get me going


But I still need to try both again to confirm my findings :D


Edited to add - my sense of smell is completely dead when I wake up, and I need to blow my nose vigorously once I get up in order to have a functioning nose, so my rather one-dimensional descriptions of the above scents is a result of that.


feline.by.design - I've added Mad Hatter to my list; thanks!

I have to admit that I tend to look out especially for your reviews (and a few other people's) because from some of your reviews, I've noticed that our taste overlaps a fair bit. Please keep reviewing stuff! :D

Edited by Galen

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I love Szepasszony in the morning; it's (on/to me) a very clean, light, refreshing scent, which seems to do wonders when I really, really want to crawl back in bed.

Edited by Aredhel

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I would say anything with mint or citrus in it...both are supposed to be energizing.


I found Absinthe to be energizing. Maybe you should try looking up herbal or fresh scents by families on the website. The fresh scents get you going...I would say Shattered or Akuma...Baobhan Sith...


Oh and Mata Hari...coffee is a great pick me up....ditto Miskatonic U.


Tuzschla - couldn't find it on search engine


It is spelled Tulzscha, that's why. It is in the Springtime in Arkam section, you can just hit on that too and scroll down.


I am take aback that Embalming Fluid didn't work for you...that wakes me up so much! :P

Edited by Madame Nyx

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Oh, I meant to add that if I wear Bliss to bed it keeps me awake...so maybe it'll work in the morning too! mmm...Bliss!

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Just reviving this thread to note that the scent association I seem to have built with Auntie Caroline's Joy Mojo seems to be perfect for getting me up first thing.


I managed to stagger out of bed at 4.45 this morning, having used the proven half-asleep method: close-eyes so nothing splashes into them, dab oil on a wrist, snuggle until the lovely smell gives me the push I need to get out of bed. :P


I really shoule try a few, but the brightness of Auntie Caroline, which fades into sweet heliotrope - which I've since discovered that I adore - seems to do the trick for me.


I do promise to review it later this week; I have hardly written any reviews, and I think it's time to give back to the forums as well as taking...

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My vote is for Moxie. It has a zingy, refreshing tangerine/grapefruit peel scent that is a real eye opener!

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I may be paraphrasing someone's review of Moxie, but I agree that it will probably kick your ass right out of bed. I never thought I'd say this, but Moxie is actually a bit too citrusy for me to wear, but I put some in my oil burner yesterday and it made an awesome room scent.

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