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BPAL Madness!

Sexual Energy

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A mood-enhancer. Wear prior to sexual encounters to increase vitality, stamina and to intensify desire.

Wow, so I guess I'm at bat again? Got my TAL order, and though I'll spare people the details, I used a bit of sexual energy on my wrists and along my sacral chakra to see if it could help release some of the tension I've been having.

I don't know if it worked or not, because the opportunity didn't present itself, however, I can comment on the scent.

It's exactly what I wanted Three Witches to be. This smells almost pungently bad out of the bottle, but on the skin it immediately turns into a peppery, spicy, cinnamon and clove whirlwind, and it is slightly warming on the skin. When I got a few snootfuls after applying I almost swooned at how wonderfully spicy the blend is. Unlike the revamped Three Witches, it's not heavy on whatever oil makes the stuff 'smoked ham,' it's fiery spice from start to finish, and lasts a while on the skin.

Perhaps I'll try it again when there's somewhere for me to channel the energy I get from the oil.

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A bit of background: I've been married for 2.5 years and with my DH since 2001. My libido has been almost nonexistent for about four years. I have since come off of hormonal birth control, and while things are a little better, it just hasn't been enough.


From a smell standpoint, Sexual Energy is, at once, woodsy, peppery, and sweet. I can't tell what any of the individual notes in it are, but it is a very unique smell. To me, it is the smell of sex. Even my DH picked up on that.


I applied it to my belly and my heart, and rubbed the remnants from my fingers on my throat. We laid down together in bed and took a nap (unplanned), but when we woke up about an hour later, WHOA! It definitely unleashed something in me that had been sleeping for quite some time. Everything felt better, and I had a lot more energy for it, for lack of a better word. I think it's almost like it allowed me to relax enough to focus on the sex and intimacy with my DH, whereas usually, my head can't clear enough for me to enjoy everything and I usually end up staring at the ceiling wishing he would just finish already so I could go and do any of the list of things running through my mind.


I think that in the future, I would also like to try to incorporate annointed candles into the mix to keep the scent around a little longer. Not that it faded entirely, per se, but as I mentioned before it is definitely the smell of sex and I kind of lost in on myself during the act. Not that that's a bad thing.


Very highly recommended! Thank you so much for helping me in this very sensitive area, Lab!!! :P

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I really love the way that Sexual Energy smells. It's like the spicy blend that I've always been searching for. Not too heavy on the cinnamon, and infused with lots of great spices. I think that I can pick out what smells like sugar, clove, and nutmeg. It's very pleasant and warm.


As for the effectiveness... it didn't really give me any more sexual energy than I have normally. But I normally have a lot of extra energy the second that I'm placed in the same room with my boy (he is my mood enhancer, lol). The boy said that he liked the smell, but was thankful that it didn't make me more amorous, because that might be the death of him.


I agree with Lycanthrope's comment that this is exactly what I had hoped Three Witches would smell like. :P

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BPAL cinnamon always goes bad on me, so the best thing I can say about this scent is that it wasn't totally horrible. But that's just me; someone who likes Beth's cinnamon would probably love this.


It's quite strong also: I applied it to the chakras and the dab on my forehead stung for a good 10 minutes. Good thing I never apply oil directly to the root chakra!


As for the function, I'll just say it was highly effective and leave it at that.

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Sexual Energy is a very strong cinnamon and clove scent on me. It burns a little when applied, but it goes away fast. It clings to my skin and carries this heavy, sexy scent that is alternately musk and cinnamon.


Little background: I've been with my boy for 4 years now and I've had libido issues the entire time. Today was our anniversary and there was no way I wasn't going to be having fun so Sexual Energy came out tonight. :P


I applied it to my cleavage and right behind my ears, putting it on before going out to dinner for my anniversary. The scent kept me intrigued and interested all night. The boy gnawed happily at the spots behind my ears and both of us were very ... happy.


Sexual Energy gets two thumbs up from me!

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This was a TAL that jumped at me immediately from the list. My libido has been a stranger for several years now and it is a frequent source of frustration in my marriage.


The first couple of times, I simply anointed my wrists. The scent is yummy, lots of spices, a hint of licorice and rich floral, very sexy. It also warms my skin but not uncomfortably.


The third time I went all out. I dabbed my chakra points. I annointed a candle to burn in the room. And I dabbed some on my wrist for the scent.


That was a very, very good evening. :P

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This did not work on me at all like I thought I would. I have a pretty strong libido and wasn't really looking to enhance it per se, but rather for something to intensify my existing actual encounters. Unfortunately just the opposite happened; where wearing this doesn't seem to affect the actual sex I have, it has made me even lustier. Yikes.


Scent-wise it's pleasant enough - the cinnamon everyone else is getting is quite muted on me, and instead I get a concentrated aroma of clove, pepper and what I could swear is patchouli. It smells better on my male friend than on me, so I'm just using it to dress candles, anoint my bed, etc.

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Wow this is a strong sucker - in every way!


Sniffing and wearing - LOTS of cinnamon, with a woody (heh heh) and sharp spice note. I'm guessing cinnamon, cedar and black pepper are the main elements in this blend. Lots of throw and long-lasting on me.


Comparison to other bpal - the scent has elements of All Night Long and Three Witches. I like it better than either, though.


Warning: It does leave a red, slightly burning patch upon direct skin application on me. It goes away after about 20 - 30 minutes.


Results: It works. Well.

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I didn't see this located anywhere else...


Strong cinnamon and wood. Slight red sweetness underneath too. It's reminding me of something candy like and edible that's not redhots.. I can't remember! argh! ok so maybe it is redhots..hmm. Well the skin sensitivity didn't happen maybe because it's aged. Very much like All Night Long.

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This oil is potent in both scent and its properties, be sparing of how much is used. I do like the scent which is a bonus, but I feel it had a strong effect on me in general. Very happy with this blend for its use.

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