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Skeletal limbs of birch and fir coated in a thick, impenetrable blanket of snow. This is the death of the year personified.

This is a strong evergreen on first application, intermingled with the sweetness of sap. I don't get a snow note, as I did with Skadi and Snow Bunny--instead, this is dried needles and slivers of ice underfoot. It's fresh, but close to frozen.

This blend is faintly aquatic, and I think it could be a masculine scent, but it reads more neutral to my nose. I'm not in love with this scent yet, but I like it a lot, and I'm definitely keeping my bottle. Edited by Shollin

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Talvikuu....Ohhhhhh yeah!


When I ordered this I was thinking that it was silly to get another forest scent when I already loved Nocnitsa. But the reviews finally convinced me (okay, I was doomed at the "Cthulhu pops" comment because I'm a Lovecraft geek, mmkay?).


This isn't like Nocnitsa, that's for sure. I can smell pine at first and then a sweeter scent that I guess might be the Birch. The aquatic/slushy notes are very apparent as well. I think this might also work on my husband. Though I don't find it particularly masculine I can see where some people would. Seems like there might be some kind of light musk or something in here as well.


This probably won't bump Nocnitsa out of my favorites but it's very nice. It seems to be fading faster than Nocnitsa on me.


EDIT Yep, it was gone in an hour, except for a faint sort of musky smell. Still, lovely while it lasted :P

Edited by fiddlehead

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In the vial: Is it me or does Talvikuu smell exactly like Nuclear Winter? They have the same sharp, clean, chilly smell.


Wet on me: Still quite similar, but while Nuclear Winter is minty, Talvikuu is more pine-y


Drydown: It turns softly sweet but the pine is still there.


Verdict: Talvikuu is a lighter, crisper icy scent. A bit masculine (but I'm okay with that). In fact, Mr. Mandrake has staked a claim on my imp, might be needing a bigger bottle. Why do I keep falling in love with LE scents? :P

Edited by mandragora

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Talvikuu is, for me, very much like Skadi, only a little darker and more masculine. It doesn't smell as artificial as its female counterpart, but at the same time it possesses that evergreen-and-berry combination that is a bit cloying on my skin. At the same time, I get some aquatics and a faint trace of mint backing that up.


Though the description mentions death, this is so not dead to me. This is actually pretty alive, with the sharp evergreen and sweetness from whatever is causing the berry scent. It smells like the outdoors. While it does smell good, especially in the throw, I'm afraid that, again, it's a bit too cloying for me--that, and I'm not too hot on smelling like evergreen. I'll probably swap it off for something I think I'll like more.

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this is icy and piney on me. since i havent tried to many other snow/pine scents, i cant really compare like many people above have. but it's a neat scent. i find it to be pretty gender neutral, and cold and crisp. maybe an ozoneness to it? but im not sure if i exactly know what the ozone note is, but it smells snowy, icy, airy and piney to me. it's very pretty.

Edited by theseagrows

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Rating (on skin): 4/5

Summarised in a word or two: Dublin - Rose + Nuclear Winter - mint


In the imp: Oh oh oh, I know something in this from Nuclear Winter. Loving it so far.


On skin, wet: Very, very similar to Nuclear Winter, but with pine. They both share a similar grassy-aquatic quality that I love and hate at the same time.


On skin, dry: Not nearly as strong as I was expecting -- kind of... sweet, in a strange way. Birch, pine, grass and snow in that NW-esque way.


Conclusion: Dublin meets Nuclear Winter, sans rose and mint. Thing is, it's close enough to both of them that I don't really need a bottle of both -- I already have a bottle of Dublin, and will hopefully find (another. WHYDIDISELLMINE?!) a bottle of Nuclear Winter.

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In the imp: citrus and pine. smells like a kitchen cleaner.


On me, wet: pine and citrus - am I mistaking beech for citrus here? - over earth. like kitchen floor cleaner on a *really* dirty floor.


On me, dry: mmm, there's more resin now, and some sweet fresh aquatics. still a lot of pine, though, to me, and maybe a small amount of herby green notes.


Verdict: mrm, this isn't grabbing me - and the resin is slightly powdery on me, too. Not terrible by any means, but not especially amazing.

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Talvikuu is strong and surprisingly sweet. I get the same sweetness out of Dublin so I guess it's the pine or fir (don't remember which it is). It's not just a skin chemistry thing either because right now I'm wearing it in my hair and it's still sweet. I don't mind the sweetness in Dublin, it's sort of a hot, sunny, sappy pine forest, but in Talvikuu, which is supposed to be more wintry, the minty "snow" note makes the sweetness more candylike. Almost like evergreen flavoured hard candies, if that's conceivable. I have yet to find a truly natural forest scent and in the meantime I don't think I need to keep this.

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almost lemony… wintery.



seems like lemon at first - but yes, that's an evergreen tree scent.



a mild evergreen scent- not too masculine. Nice, perfect for winter!



it's a nice scent but I don't see myself ever reaching for it. Maybe in winter. But that's a big maybe.


rating: 4/10

Edited by HennaFairy

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When I first put Talvikuu on I smelled the fir and ice/slush that I recognized from by beloved Snow Moon (only without the flowers). As time went on the slushiness turned into an almost masculine ozone sort of smell. It ended up a lot too masculine smelling to me, although I imagine it would be delicious on a boy...

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the first time I tested this was from my Enabler (it was *oh the horror* in the swap pile!). I loved it! I took it home, happy as can be...


so, well, I just tried it again so I could write my review... and, WOW. Umm... not sure the difference in body chemistry today, but I have a Dollar Store Pine Tree Car Air Freshener on my arm, and it is burning my nose. LMAO.


I guess this moves to MY swap pile now... boohoo... :P

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Talvikuu – My first impression is, “Where’s the air freshener?!” However, as the blend dries, it gets pretty and soft, and in fact, almost foody in a strange way. It’s a lovely scent, although not one I’d likely wear on it’s own, but I think it would layer really well with… something. Not sure what. I just see it complementing another blend really well – adding a touch of je ne sais quoi. On its own, the scent is light and sticks close to my skin, and only lasts about 90-120 minutes at the very most.

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Talvikuu is definitely a cold, snowy scent. The fir and birch are there but there is a sweetness to them, moreso than I am used to. This gets more woody the longer I wear it. There is almost a very light white floral but I'm not sure whast it is exactly. Talvikuu is something I would want to wear over and over again. Especially on a hot summer day.

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Talvikku is cold, but not too minty ... that gives it the Nuclear winter feel. The pine is there...but Talvikku is one of only a handful of scents I actually like the pine in. There is definitely some dublin-esque in this..but there is a hint of berry in there, that is almost reminiscent of Mabon. I would recommend Talvikku to anyone willing to give pine one last try. =)

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In the bottle: Sweet woods, fir and birch, I think.


Wet: A sweet, aftershavey wood scent, a bit minty and refreshing.


Drydown: Still very sweet wood, minty, with some icy snow notes. Birch starts coming out, it's quite a recogniseable scent. It starts going very woody mint, soft, warm and cool at the same time. As time goes by, the birch becomes more and more dry and sweet.


Overall: This reminds me of Nuclear Winter with birch, they have the similar slushy snow note and some mints. I tend to prefer Nuclear Winter, as the birch goes too sweet on my skin. Somehow it seems a bit masculine to me, like an aftershave.

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Bottle: pine needles and a chilly aquatic note.

Wet: same, with a slight minty..something...underneath.

Dry: the aquatic is taking over, the pine has been engulfed. And no cold woodiness to be found.

Later: yep, all aquatic, now, and one stiff sniff just got me a snootful of sinus-hating note. Ouch, I say. Ouch.

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First sniff: Dark forest, dry wood, eerieness.


Wearing: Talvikuu reminds me quite a bit of Yew-Trees, right down to the unexpected nuttiness of the drydown. I’ll have to hold a sniff-off between them someday, because I don’t think I need both, but for now I’ll hang onto this one.

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I almost bought a bottle of this when the Yule blends came out, and then... didn't. For whatever reason. (And have been kicking myself occasionally ever since.) But, thanks to the lovely and generous Diana, I get to try it! :P


In the Imp: A deliciously clean, cold mix of winter trees, ozone or aquatics and... amber? Is that the "sap"? Or something equally golden? There's a bit of an ice note-- different than the snow note, more brittle and less delicate-- and a touch of something berry-fruity. Beautiful.


Wet: Freshly crushed greenery with pine and fir (similar to cypress, but lighter and friendlier), and just a faint hint of birch. There's a fuzzy sweetness, a flashy, high-pitched ozone very much like the one in Jolly Roger, and.... wow, that's really surprisingly sugary. Doesn't quite seem to gel with the rest of the blend, either. Hunh.


Dry: The background scent is incredibly familiar, but I can't place it (I've been having a lot of that lately.) It's hair-tearingly frustration to sniff it and not know! :D Anyway, the scent on my wrist has emerged from the forest and become a cool-but-golden, pleasantly sweet second-skin scent. It's pretty, but I'm sort of ambivalent about it. I think I will hang on to the Imp, for now, and see how often I reach for it.

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In the imp: A Christmas tree! Albeit a rather dried-out one.


On me, wet: The tree is a bit fresher.


On me, dry: This is a great Christmas smell. It doesn't suit me as a perfume, but I might keep my imp for a room scent.

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Lots of pine. At first it's overwhelming. As it dries it gets a little much needed powder overlay. Does remind me of a stark, snowy day.

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In Bottle: Sweet. And pine.


Wet: More pine, stronger musk. Getting a little powdery.


Dry: Oh! This has such a nice dry-down. It's powdery and woody and I don't get the mood of bleakness this is supposed to evoke at all. I get a warm impression like I'm standing in a kitchen, one where nothing's actually cooking (this is not a foodie smell) but I know that the place is well-stocked with good things and that I could start cooking something delicious any moment I liked. I wonder why I don't think of this as a "cold" scent at all?


Overall: I like!

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It's funny that it took me so long to try this one, as Kettu's had it, and been completely in love with it, for close to a year now. It's one of her favourite LEs, especially for cold weather.


I had held off partly because I suspected that birch might be one of the wood notes that hates me, but it's really not too bad... There's a definite evergreen note in here, and a sense of coldness and dampness -- something aquatic about it, though maybe that's meant to evoke snow. And there's also an underlying dry note that may be the birch -- not sure. Birch sometimes smells liek wintergreen, but I'm not really getting that here.


All in all, it's not too bad, but I don't think I like it as much as Kettu does. I'm still hoping to find the perfect winter scent for me, but this isn't it. It's an OK scent, but it's not really me.


Grade: C+

Edited by Miss Lynx

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In bottle: Sharp and evergreen, but not pine. Birch and fir soound about right.


On me: Definitely evergreen, but not as overpowering as a lot of the more pine-y scents. Very wintery. Not sure about it as a perfume, but it would definitely make a good room scent. (Later) Yup, still evergreen.

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When I was 14, I bought my mother some high end Christmas Tree potpourri- this is Talvikuu, my parents house at night during the holidays. No fire, maybe the faintest odor of recently burned candles. I'm getting lost in it.

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