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Forum Going Down Tomorrow Night

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After I get settled after to work tomorrow night (which will be about 8 Central, 6 Pacific, 7 Mountain, 9 Eastern, 2 am Tuesday in the UK, and Tuesday morning for our ladies in Australia), I'll shut down the forum and start the upgrade process which should take 12-24 hours (that figure does include meal and sleep breaks for me, btw), so hopefully the board should be up and running by mid Tuesday evening. If for whatever reason it takes longer, I'll leave a note on the index page explaining the delay.


As I said, while I don't project that this should take larger than a day, please save any information you might need if the board is down for an extended period of time on your computer.


The new forum won't have a few of the features this one does as they're ones I installed myself (e.g. the favorite topic filter, the topic view history) and there haven't been new releases of those code modifications and there are enough differences in the files and structure that I can't easily adapt them myself. I didn't want to wait until updates for these mods were released because there's no telling when that will happen, and a few of the new forum features will save me a LOT of time. Plus, I will be going on vacation in mid October and I'd like people to be pretty settled with the new features before I leave to minimize the confusion. But rest assured, those mods will be installed as soon as they're released as I liked them and used them a lot myself. :P


That all said, if there's any reason you absolutely need to get a hold of me during the downtime, you can reach me at shriekingviolet [at] bpal [dot] org.

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