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Please don't bite the mods.

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I know that this seems like a heavily moderated forum to some people. Most forums that I belong to, or have participated in previously, were really quite haphazard: there were infinite repeat threads, trolls were left to run amok, huge images clogged my screen, and irrelevancies abounded. In many cases, it was almost impossible to find the information I went to the forum to find in the first place. On a band’s forum that I frequent, HUGE images are quoted and requoted again and again, dozens of times, in a thread, and not only is it a bandwidth hog, but it is profoundly annoying to read. I posted a question about something the bassist had on his instrument at a show, and even though three people answered it, I saw the same question posted five times after mine. I know this is somewhat nitpicky, but in the long run it ruined my experience there, and as much as I love the band, I won’t be back.


All the rules here on the forum were instituted with the comfort, happiness, security and user-friendliness of the participants in mind. If you’re looking for a review, you find it. If you need to know where to get decanting equipment, you’ve got the info. If you want to share the joy of your latest shopping spree, you know people will be able to jump around with you. If there’s someone harassing you, bailing on trades, or exploding your browser with a high-res, two-billion pixel wide image of Stan Laurel eating a banana, you know it won’t be there to make you nuts in a little while.


All of this is possible because of the thoughtfulness and consideration of the forum members, and also thanks to the hard work, conscientiousness and care of the mods here. They work their asses off to make sure that your experience here is as happy, stress-free and fun as possible. If something occurs that you are uncomfortable with, be it with another member or a mod, please talk it out with the moderators and administrators, without expletives, insults, or any tone that you wouldn’t use with your own mother. We all, as humans, don’t always see eye to eye, but we’re mature adults and can discus things in a friendly, open, and civilized fashion. This should be a haven, and a home – for all of us – and the mods, and I, have feelings, too.


Please don’t bite the mods. This is a labor of love, and we all deserve the same respect you’d want to be shown, yerself. =)


So, let’s group hug so I can get on with working.

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