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Ina Garten Davita

Fertility enhancement blends

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As you may have read in my other post about the fertility goddesses, you know that I have two dear friends who are desperate to get pregnant.


Do any of you know if any of Beth's magical blends could be used as a fertility enhancement? I know these oils aren't designed to treat medical conditions, but they do enhance mood, confidence, feelings...so why not something that could help bring about fertility enhancements?

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Well, if what I've heard is correct about O, that would be a good one. Besides, Milk and honey have definite fertility properties.

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Someone with more tarot knowledge than I can confirm or deny this, but perhaps the Empress from the Tarot series would be a good choice?

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As far as the meaning of the card, yes, the Empress might be a good one as well. I'd know better if I knew what was in it as far as notes.

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Bumping this old thread to talk not only about which oils may enhance fertility, but which oils celebrate fertility or are fertility/motherhood-themed.


The ones that come to mind (and the ones that I use for embracing, celebrating, and focusing on my fertility) are:


Eos -- The Rising Sun. She is Ostara, Easter, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility and the dawn. She is a protector and friend to all children.


Bastet -- Represented as both a domestic cat and a fierce lioness, she truly evidences traits of both. She is the Mother of All Cats, Goddess of Sensuality, Fertility, and a guardian and protector of women.


Tarot: The Empress --

"giving birth

nourishing life

nurturing and caring for others

cherishing the world

expressing tenderness

working with children"


Milk Moon -- May marks the apex of the year’s fertility, expresses the reawakening of the sexuality of the Earth and her inhabitants, and May’s full moon celebrates both the fecundity of the creatures and flora of this world and the vibrancy, rejuvenation and life-affirming energy of Spring. Milk Moon is its warmer, gentler cousin; it is a scent that emulates the closeness of child and mother.


Yemaya -- "Yemaya is a West African creation goddess, often depicted as a mermaid. She is associated with the moon, the ocean and female mysteries. Typically portrayed as a beautiful woman, Yemaya governs the household and intervenes in women's affairs. She is a merciful goddess, invoked by women for aid in childbirth, love and healing. She rules over the conception and birth of children and ensures their safety during childhood. As a creation goddess, Yemaya's womb spilled forth the fourteen Yoruba goddesses and gods, and the breaking of her uterine waters caused a great flood, which created the oceans. From her body the first human woman and man, who became the parents of all mortal beings on earth, were born."


Any others?

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I bought Akuaba charms for three of my friends who where struggling to conceive and who inspired this thread and the other thread (I think it was in Old Paths) where I learned about Akuaba.


One of them is the proud mama of 5 month old Daniel and the other is going to be the proud mama of a baby girl come early September. My third friend is still trying and has just started meetings at a fertility clinic.


And I think Milk Moon would be a wonderful gift for the woman trying to conceive or the woman who is a new mother, or about to be one. I even love it, despite the fact that I only love children when they are in a nice stew. :P


But let's play nice here, please, it's a very delicate subject.


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One of them is the proud mama of 5 month old Daniel and the other is going to be the proud mama of a baby girl come early September.  My third friend is still trying and has just started meetings at a fertility clinic. 


Congratulations to them and good luck to your third friend! I have many friends in a similar situation and sympathize in wanting to support them any way I can.

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I would be happy to re-post my initial post in a separate thread.  I did not do so initially, because I figured that it would be merged with this one (which I understood to be on the same topic) and I would be warned for creating a duplicate thread.



No worries; I think your post belongs quite nicely here. :P Blackrayne said it nicely:


this thread isn't so much about infertility as it is about producing the appropriate mood to get the most out of that fertile time.


So, anybody else have any suggestions to help with the baby-makin'? Even if their descriptions aren't very fertility-centric, I would think that any scent that invokes a maternal vibe (i.e. Antique Lace, or perhaps Dana O'Shee) could be used in conjunction with fertility work...

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I'm infertile also, due to PCOS and thyroid issues... and about to turn 40 at the end of August. Our next recommended step was to try a few rounds of drugs and artificial insemination with my husband's sperm. We decided not to proceed with that for a number of reasons and needless to say, we've had our share of disappointments over the years. So I can understand where Oro is coming from.


But I wasn't offended in any way by Summer's post, and hardly think she deserved to be reamed out nor compared to the insensitive and shallow people Oro's written about in her blog entries.


Fertility isn't the only thing that makes me a woman. And it is a part of all womanhood, so I can celebrate it gladly with my sisters who have had children just as I can support those who are wishing and hoping for them or suffering from infertility. :P


I've always been drawn to the pomegranate - it's a beautiful symbol of fertility. So I'd recommend any of the pomegranate blends, particularly Queen of Clubs with those Earth Mother notes. Pomegranate is also present in Yerevan, Hanging Gardens, Persephone and La Bella Donna Del Miente... A little less conventional would be conceiving a baby because you are wearing the lovely pomegranate martini Swank (then again, martinis played a role for one friend of mine), Mi-Go Brain Canister or Freak Show! Would you want to tell that story at a child's wedding? "Here's the perfume I was wearing when you were conceived..." :D

Edited by ivyandpeony

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Any others?

Oooh. Excellent list. In addition, I'd offer up:


Eden ~ "Go forth, multiply and don't let the door hit you on the butt on the way out." - Yaweh, paraphrased.


Eve ~ The first woman per the Bible, mother of the Jews.


High John the Conqueror ~ a male virility assistant.


Jupiter ~ His Greek counterpart, Zeus, was responsible for a lot of god-mortal pregnancies - discontinued

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I’ve always associated the Harvest with celebrations of fertility, as well as the Spring celebrations. Planting and harvest are all part of the same process. So I would include on the list:





Harvest Moon


I know some had issues with various notes in the Harvest oils, but the last three (I haven’t tried Lughnasadh, but there’s plenty of Mother imagery in the tradition) are to me just full-to-bursting with that sense of abundance and nurture that is the result of the generosity of Mother Earth. :P


I would second Byrdie’s suggestion of Eden, as well, because of the Eve association, and because the fig has a strong traditional fertility association, and in particular a female one. I suspect Fruit Moon belongs on the list, as well (depending on which notes Beth uses, and what association one has with them); I was just looking at my apple and pear trees today, and thinking that nothing looks quite so abundant and fertile as a tree loaded with ripening fruit, and especially the rounded, fecund female shapes of apples and pears. Oh, and maybe add Jack to the list – pumpkins and peaches; more children of the bountiful Earth.


Also, Nuit, since she was one of the Egyptian goddesses associated with Things Maternal.

Edited by Malista

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One of them is the proud mama of 5 month old Daniel and the other is going to be the proud mama of a baby girl come early September.  My third friend is still trying and has just started meetings at a fertility clinic. 

Andra... I am glad to hear of the success that two people had with having babies.


My best friend has been trying to become pregnant for at least 5 years now... her and her husband have gone through tons of testing, treatments and still, they continue to fail in the baby making department. They just recently started proceedings for adopting a baby, as they don't think that in vitro would work for them at this point. I personally am very sympathetic to their situation, especially since I have two wonderful children of my own... knowing that someone is not capable of having a baby when they truly want one and would be an amazing parent is very sad.


Oro, I hope you are able to conceive, and have a perfectly healthy baby. :P

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i'm splitting a chunk of this thread into hijacks as it went into an ugly hijack that doesn't deserve its own thread - if you want to talk about infertility and the frustrations or celebrations (when/if a pregnancy or adoptions happens) about it, you're welcome to start a new thread. to those of you who had posts that were both re the hijack and on topic and asking for more recs, i apologize for not having a "copy post" function. it sucks sometimes to not have that ability at times like this.



and i don't really have anything to add other than beltane! beltane is the fertility celebration - after all, "blessing your garden the old fashioned way" (teehee) for a bountiful garden (beit plentiful flowers or veggies) is basically having a nice bit of sex in it! it's also sowing what's reaped in the harvest :P

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and i don't really have anything to add other than beltane! beltane is the fertility celebration - after all, "blessing your garden the old fashioned way" (teehee) for a bountiful garden (beit plentiful flowers or veggies) is basically having a nice bit of sex in it! it's also sowing what's reaped in the harvest :P


I thought someone had mentioned Beltane, uptopic, which is actually what made me think of adding the Harvet festivals as rounding out the cycle. It was prolly in one of the pruned posts, so I'm glad you added it. Any list of Fertility celebrations looks pretty silly without Beltane. :D

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nope, i wrote that part before i spliced and diced, i was surprised it wasn't mentioned!

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Quantum Spice, thank you so much for splitting. :D


Beltane, yes, definitely!


And I also forgot to include Ace of Hearts: Soul sister of the Ace of Cups in the tarot, this is the Primordial energy of Water: the Heart, emotional release and receptivity, intuition, fertility, and the forces of love, beauty, pleasure and happiness.


I've always associate water with feminine energy -- fluidity, "flow," etc. The Ace captures that beautifully.




Edited to add two more:


Snake Charmer -- I, of course, haven't had the pleasure of sniffing this one yet, but I understand that snakes are a fertility symbol (which makes sense!).


Luna -- I don't necessarily think of this one as a fertility oil, but I definitely use it to get in synch with the lunar cycle. When I went off the Pill, I wore Luna religiously, because I wanted to tap in to her rhythms.



Edited by summer

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From Excolo...


Phantom Queen: An epithet of the Morrigan, crow-winged Celtic goddess of war, strife and fertility. Adoration of this Goddess is expressed both through the ecstasy of battle lust and the ecstasy of sexual regeneration. Black orchid, apple blossom, meadowsweet, and rue over Irish moss, hawthorn and red clover.

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:P I'm slow, but I just got it! Rabbits....


Ha! Very good, and actually, if memory serves, I think clove might have some aphrodesiatic properties. (Especially on the male of the species.) I used to wear a blend of clove, nutmeg, cinnamon and a touch of vanilla that I got custom blended by an old EO provider who has long since gone out of business. Oh, how the boys lerved that blend!

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The Hare itself is a fertility symbol. they used to beleive that hares were always pregnant, conceiving the next, before birthing the last.

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