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BPAL blends which use Peony (vs. Wild Peony) as one of it's ingredients: Amsterdam, The Dormouse, Grandmother of Ghosts, Mi-Go Brain Canister.

In the bottle

A lighter, more soapy floral. Springlike and pure smelling.


Oh this is really really lovely. It's almost a rose scent. Not as heady more flat but similar. It reminds me of oh I dunno Two, Five & Seven maybe or something like Lucy's Kiss.

30 minutes

Doesn't become more soapy on the dry down which is what I was iniiitally afraid of. Nope, it gets less soapy actually, and a titch sweeter. It winds up drying down to something more like "Amsterdam". I think my friend Cupide430 would like Beth's Peony SN. It smells exactly like fresh air and sunshine.


more than average

Scent category:



It's a light fresh floral that has fair throw and lasts hours on my skin.

It dries down to a medium light, subtley sweet, fresh airy floral.

Purchase again?


1-5 rating (5 being best)


Edited by UltraViolet

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Oh. Man. This is fabulous.

Amsterdam is one of my absolute favorite scents, so I had to smell this - particularly since I could never pick peony itself out of the blend.


It smells exactly like the flower. This is such an amazingly true floral scent - it's like instantly being transported back ten years, standing in greenhouses with my father while he bought plants for the garden, and I ran around smelling everything I could.


This just avoids becoming too heady, but it's still quite strong, with a fair amount of staying power, and just a hint of something green behind the flower.


I would bathe in this if I could.

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Peony is a note that rarely works on me in perfume. Still, I liked Peony Moon, so I thought that BPAL's single note might also like me. It doesn't.


Peony single note is rare and unique in that this manages to smell both soapy and incredibly dry on me at the same time, lol. It has an almost papery, thin dryness that makes me think of poppy. And a strong undercurrent of dish soap. In the drydown, it becomes more watery and soapy.


Still... dish soap florals.

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Peony - This is very clean and soapy smelling in a floral kind of way. It has the faintest trace of something almost bitter. It's also kind of watery. To me, it's actually one of the more complex single notes - it doesn't smell to me like one note at all, but several that blend very well together. When I first apply it, it's really strong for about 10 seconds and then sticks very close to my skin. Peony tends to be a nice scent on me and I was hoping the single note would last on my skin, but it went the way of Peony Moon, which means the scent faded entirely within 20 minutes. If it weren't so rare, I might be tempted to use this in an oil burner on a beautiful spring or summer day.

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