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We are having furious thunderstorms here at the moment -- the kind complete with bolts of lightning, loud cracks of thunder, and big, heavy drops of rain. It's hot, humid, dark, and gloomy!

So naturally, my thoughts turn to -- what fragrance would complement this mood?

I have:

Snake Oil
Dragon's Milk

I haven't tried them all, so if one of those strikes you as appropos, do let me know, won't you? I'm also open to suggestions beyond that list.


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I have tried Spellbound, Snake Oil, and Persephone of that list.

Spellbound on me has virtually none of the rose that people talk about. Persephone is wet like rain, but on me at least, both Persephone and Snake Oil are too warm for me to think of rain.


I haven't tried it, but the limited edition June Gloom sounds perfect for that description!

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I haven't tried it, but the limited edition June Gloom sounds perfect for that description!


It definitely does!


I agree that the warmer, sweeter scents aren't quite the ticket. I am thinking something mildly floral, but not really powdery or feminine . . .

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Tempest is a rainy scent. Out of the ones you have on your list, I've tried Persephone, Snake Oil, Venom and Dragon's Milk. Persephone is very bright and bubbly, so I don't think it really complements hot summer rain. Snake Oil is spices and vanilla and doesn't shout rainy weather scent to me, nor does Venom (which makes me think of posh department store ladies). Dragon's Milk has a bit of a Snake Oil feel--warm and comforting, without the spices. It doesn't bring to mind rainy weather, but it is comforting, so it might suit you when you're locked inside, waiting out the storm.

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I've tried a little Venom on my wrists . . .


It seems somehow appropriate, because it's a little bit dark, but also wet and kind of sultry. On the downside, it smells kind of like (I hate to say this, but) perm solution . . . but I have a cold AND it's "that time of the month" so I don't really trust my nose *or* my body chemistry to give me a reliable review right now!

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Another vote for June Gloom, haven't tried it yet but it sounds ideal.


Sorry summer, another addition :D Embalming Fluid = A light, pure scent: white musk, green tea, aloe and lemon. Although in saying that, I haven't tried Phantasm, which looks similarly suitable.


I find Libra very adaptable, so would suggest you try that too.


Have fun :P

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I'm definitely interested in playing with Libra -- I am a Libra (and a prototypical one at that!) so I'm curious to see how it develops on my skin! Thanks for the suggestion!


Wouldn't you know, the rain has stopped now . . . :P


But I'm still interested in all your suggestions, as it's sure to be back!

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Endymoin, Persephone and Phantasm are all great for humid weather.


Also, not on your list, but perfect are:

Tears, Jester & Swank (if you like fruity), Tempest, Danube, Szepponay (spelling), but my 2 all time fav's are"

Lightning & Hurricaine...........I love them in the humidity and rain and what could be more perfect for a name. They are absolutely lovely with my body chemistry!!


Let us know what you decide on.


ETA: I'm a fellow Libra.......I think Libra is a bit heavy (believe it or not) for humidity, but Venus is gorgeous in the warm weather. You must try Venus, my fellow Libran Venusian Goddess!!! You will probably like Endymoin and Tears, as well, as Beth recommended those for me from my astrological rec's.

Edited by lorajc

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June Gloom, yeah - especially after reading blackrayne's review! But of the ones you actually have, I'd go with Twilight - it's a fantastic warm purple floral that smells like a garden in the rain.

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When it's rainy and blustery outside, do you tend to go for scents that match the weather (i.e., dark or aquatic), or do you choose something brighter to counteract it?


It's a stormy day today, and I just can't make up my mind about how I want to greet the elements, fragrance-wise.



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I'm probably weird, but most days, I don't have a subjective way that I actually choose my scents. It varies because of my mood, or I can instinctually feel how my chemistry is going to react to something, and I unconsciously pick that one out of 20+.


The only time I actually think about what fragrance I'm going to wear is if I'm drawn to either Blood or Snow White -- Blood because it gives me a wee touch of a headache, and Snow White because I have so precious little of it and do love it so much. :P

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Well, we had a cloudy day recently, so I picked up Lampades. I put it on because it makes me think of red (to counteract the grayness), but it's not so fruity or bright that it's inappropriate for autumn weather.

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for wet, cold, blustery days I'm most drawn to warm, spicey, honeyed scents.

It's kind of like applying a comfort blanket in a bottle, the colder, foggier and damper the day the better that kind of scent clings to me, it's lovely, like making a cup of bengal spiced tea and getting the warm spicey steam.

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Rain? What is this thing you call... rain? *lives in Southern California* Okay, kidding, kidding. It rains here. Sometimes.


I've noticed that I tend to pick richer, deeper scents come fall/winter, on average. Like, I've been drawn to Black Phoenix, Blood Rose, O, The Red Queen, Snake Oil, Tintagel, and Velvet the past couple of weeks, among others. I would guess those would be the scents I reached for come rainy weather (this is my first fall/winter with BPAL), or similar scents.

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The current downpour isn't supposed to let up until tomorrow afternoon (thanks, Jeanne) and if I don't get my new stuff today (which is a moot point, because it WILL be there when I go check the mail in the monsoon), I'll be wearing Dana O'Shee. When it's wet and miserable outside, I generally gravitate toward a scent that feels like a hug.

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Rain? What is this thing you call... rain? *lives in Southern California* Okay, kidding, kidding. It rains here. Sometimes.


I've noticed that I tend to pick richer, deeper scents come fall/winter, on average. Like, I've been drawn to Black Phoenix, Blood Rose, O, The Red Queen, Snake Oil, Tintagel, and Velvet the past couple of weeks, among others. I would guess those would be the scents I reached for come rainy weather (this is my first fall/winter with BPAL), or similar scents.

I'm here in San Diego, and we haven't seen the gray stuff in awhile, but I'm ready for it!!! I think I would wear scents like Jack, gluttony, Horn of Plenty, Tintagel, Gingerbread Poppet. those seem like fall scents to me. (I haven't been around during the cold weather yet, so I'm not exactly sure which ones I will choose)

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Here in my part of Texas it almost never rains, so when it does I like to amplify the effect. There's an imp called Peace that I like to use because it has a cooling effect on me. That plus the rain makes for a really wonderful day!

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Hrm...it tends to honestly depend. On days that I'm a grey mood and like the rain, I'll wear something refreshing and ozoney like cathode or blue moon. Usually though I like something comforting and warm on rainy days so I'll shoot for Dana O'Shee or Old Morocco.


To be honest I'm so caught up in trying new ones half the time I don't have a chance to wear the old ones :P

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Thinkng about It, was two that came to my mind and I agree with tart about lampades now that's one and the other one is neo-tokyo maybe I'm going with what these scents does for me, that they make me happy and a feeling of warmth. :smilenod:

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well, i ALMOST wore ophelia because today is horribly rainy, since it's the only aquatic scent i've kept, but i decided that i was chilly and needed some warming up. i put on hellcat layered with jack ii. :P this guy sitting next to me in my third period class was like, "man, i could really go for some brownies or something."

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Funny lots of you mentioned Dana O'Shee, because that's what I ended up choosing on this blustery, blustery day! Dana O'Shee layered over a drop of High John the Conqueror. It somehow made the storm seem exciting and fun!

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I haven't tried Dana O'Shee, but if I were to pick a "rainy day scent", I'd probably pick Hecate, for the smoky almonds. I've heard people say that Dana O'Shee has a similar almondy-flavor even if there isn't any almond in it. It depends, though, somewhat, on what *kind* of rainy day it was. If it was a drizzly day - Hecate for sure, but if it was more of a downpour, something a little less smoky and lighter would be better, maybe even something very cleansing or purifying like Cathedral. And a thunderstorm would warrant something really strong, like Tintagel or Kweku Anansi...

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For warm rainy days I like High John the Conqueror (good pick!) or Dissipation. For cold rainy (or snowy/slushy) days I like warm spicey scents, like Old Morocco or my Kathmandu blend (or Old Kathmandu by itself), or carnation... pretty much anything warm and comforting. Dana O'Shee is good too, but it isn't spicey.

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Generally, any scent that I love will usually do the trick, however, I find Dana Oshee and Sudha Segara to be extremely comforting scents. They make me feel better when I'm having the worst of days and I feel like nothing can help me.

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I wear namaste when it rains. It clears my head out and brightens my mood. Totally relaxes me too which is good becuase rain and fog bring me down and depress me. Im also more prone to stress outbreaks when its rainingn out. I find that since i got namaste that has been a thing of the past.


Just for example, we are moving our office and we needed more boxes. It was abotu 4:30 pm and i leave at 5. My boss told me to go out to staples and get more boxes (HI I AM A GIRL, and these boxes weigh a lot). So i said are you serious. He yelled at me and told me to find a way to get them. So i went out and it was POURING rain (after effects of Hurricane Jean in NYC) and brought back abunch of boxes that i could barely hold. I got soaked and so did the boxes. When i got back.... he didnt say thanks, and decided we didnt need them that night!!!! :D GRRRRR.... but you know what ... i was wearing Namaste and i was suprisingly calm. :P

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