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Which scent fits this poem - Baudelaire's "Even When She Walks"

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There is a Baudelaire poem that I love that I found on the BPAL LiveJournal community a while ago. I had never read it before, and I found it so beautiful and moving.


Even when she walks she seems to dance!

Her garments writhe and glisten like long snakes

obedient to the rhythm of the wands

by which a fakir wakens them to grace.


Like both the desert and the desert sky

insensible to human suffering,

and like the ocean's endless labyrinth

she shows her body with indifference.


Precious minerals are her polished eyes,

and in her strange symbolic nature

angel and sphinx unite,

where diamonds, gold, and steel dissolve into one light,

shining forever, useless as a star,

the sterile woman's icy majesty.


Which BPAL perfume do you think fits this scent? I think that the Black Phoenix perfumes really do a perfect job of capturing feelings and personas (Arrrr, matey! I feel like a pirate every time I touch Anne Bonny!), and this poem conveys something I want to feel in a scent. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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The closest I've smelled yet is Venom - it struck me as a very elegant but ice-princess sort of scent.


And I completely agree with BP capturing characters so well - Ophelia and Oberon are both shining examples of that, and you should have seen me freaking out when I read the characteristics of Saturn after posting my review because it matched so well and I thought my brain was just being weird when I fixed on the image of a scowly male schoolteacher.

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Perhaps Phantom Queen, Le Serpent Qui Dance, La Belle Dame Sans Merci...


:P *I just love Baudelaire!* :D

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I'd have to say...


- Siren

- Glitter

- Ophelia



Just based on how they smell... not really their story or names.










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