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nut allergies - oils to avoid

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Hi everyone, I am allergic to nuts (except almonds) and therefore have to avoid any of the blends that contain nut oils.


Maybe this query would be best as an e-mail to Elizabeth since it's regarding actual components used, but I thought that there must be others like me out there who have already bugged Beth with questions like this.


For example, Gluttony - pralines and hazelnut ... if this is actual hazelnut oil, I will be allergic to it. Does anyone know if it's actual hazelnut oil, or is it the genius of Beth that it smells like hazelnuts?

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Hope I'm not duplicating another thread - I searched and didn't find anything...


I've got severe allergies to peanuts and mild allergies to tree nuts. I know that some of the BPAL oils have almonds listed in the description, but I've also read reviews of others (like Dana O'Shee) that apparently smell like almonds but don't have almonds listed in the description. I've emailed the lab inquiring about nut oils in the scents I'm interested in, but my list was (not surprisingly!) rather long, and I'm afraid I won't hear back before the Carnaval Noir scents go out again.


So, my question is, what blends have you smelled nuts (most likely almonds) in that didn't have them listed in the site description, and is there anyone else out there with nut allergies that can recommend some "safe" fragrances (particularly from the Carnaval Noir line)? Limited edition scents are okay by me.


I'll list the blends I'm considering at the bottom... I'll take other recomendations, since I'm here and don't want to create another thread.




Notes I like: Vanilla, amber, tea, books(!), citrus, stargazer lily, roses (the sweet kind, not the sharp, floristy smelling ones), coffee, mint


Notes I don't like: Cinnamon, strong incense, patchouli, booze, tobacco/smoke, apple, really sharp scents


For my first order, I'm considering:

5mL Snake Charmer/Bearded Lady/Berenice (one or two of the three)

Imp Pack (one only, but I'm listing more than 6 scents as I haven't decided)

Antique Lace







Tiger Lily

Black Opal

Sudha Segara

Sea of Glass

Black Dahlia

Moon Rose

Dragon's Milk

Dragon's Heart



I should note that I'd like my first imps to be relatively light scents, as I still have to convince my family that perfume is not a bad thing.


ETA notes to self about oils.

Edited by terrenity

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I don't know when they'll get back to you, but they definitely will. The user Penance has severe almond problems, and I know she got a list from the lab, if you are just looking on that front. Almond is definitely the lab's most common nut note.


eta: you can always check reviews; people often mention cherry when they think of almond, as well.

Edited by darklorelei

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I've heard that the lab is great about emailing people back, which is fantastic.


I've read a few of the reviews (first page-ish) for all the scents that sound interesting to me, which is how I eliminated Dana O'Shee (unless that almond note everyone smells is somehow coming from something else). I suppose I should scour them more carefully and not get distracted wondering what pomegranate and rose smell like together. :P


I didn't realize almond sometimes smelled like cherry - eek! I'll definetely make a note of that, thanks!


Edit: Even my typing is garbled today. XP

Edited by terrenity

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If you have skin allergies at all (just from personal experience here) you might want to be extra-extra careful with things that have cinnamon in them (like Hamadryad). Even people without sensitive skin have had reactions.


And, on a note completely unrelated to allergies - if you're going for light scents, Dragon's Heart is pretty heavy and strong, at least on me. Just sayin'. :P

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Hamadryad has cinnamon? Eek. I guess I'll reconsider that one - I've got skin allergies and don't like cinnamon. :P

...and good to know about Dragon's Heart! Thank you!


I guess I'll have to watch maraschino cherries more closely. That's actually rather scary!

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Here's a thread located in FAQ discussing reactions people have had in general to certain oils. As you can imagine, cinnamon and its relative cassia seem to be the biggest bullies when it comes to irritating skin.


Black Pearl, Hellcat, Danse Macabre and Gluttony all list hazelnut in their descriptions, as did Pumpkin Patch #2 (one of a set of 5 LEs available last Halloween).


Chestnut is listed in the description for Hearth 2005 (Yule LE).


I did find a topic someone started on this subject in 2004 with no responses - I'm merging the two threads just to keep the clutter down. The term "nut" wouldn't show up in the search engine since it's only three letters, and I believe that subtitles don't show up either - that may be why you didn't get any results from your search.


I'm a terrible enabler, but I think you should get all three of the LEs you have listed. I wouldn't be able to choose between them myself. :P

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Danke for the link, advice, and merge, ivyandpeony!


:P I think Bearded Lady is going to be too floral for a first order (my family has even more allergies than me.. I don't want to turn them all off by immediately making them sneeze), and Snake Charmer has something in it that is apparently derived from bitter almond oil, according to wikipedia. So I think Berenice is the most likely candidate, but.. *looks at date* Obviously I'm running a little late.

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I've got severe allergies to peanuts and mild allergies to tree nuts. I know that some of the BPAL oils have almonds listed in the description, but I've also read reviews of others (like Dana O'Shee) that apparently smell like almonds but don't have almonds listed in the description. I've emailed the lab inquiring about nut oils in the scents I'm interested in, but my list was (not surprisingly!) rather long, and I'm afraid I won't hear back before the Carnaval Noir scents go out again.


Did you hear back from the lab regarding the oils? I have a slightly worse case than you-- severe allergies to all tree nuts, peanuts, beans,... (all legumes, essentially). I received my first order last week, ordering nothing with tonka bean or almond notes, but information is good to have for the future orders!

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Hi there yakavenger - welcome to the forum!


I was just going to mention, you might also want to try sending a PM (personal message) to terrenity, in case she/he doesn't see your post here.


There's also an extensive allergy discussion thread in FAQ that may be helpful to you, located here.


Anyone with allergy issues that could endanger his/her health beyond a mild rash should not rely solely on the anecdotal advice of members of the forum and should e-mail the lab at answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com for questions regarding allergens in particular blends.


For that reason, I am going to close this thread and request that all discussion of allergy issues be directed to the thread in FAQ.

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