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Red Musk

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Let me start out by saying that any musk reviews I do are pretty likely to be different based on body chemistry. Musk scents just tend to do something funky on me, although I wish it were otherwise. That disclaimer aside ...


Red Musk is almost fruity on me. It starts out that way, anyhow. It's sweet, and mildly animalistic, and it's very sexy. It's also the musk scent that stays closest to bearable on me, as well. It's not loud, I don't turn it into rancid cat pee, and it melds into a second skin better than any of the other musks on me.


It has a faintly artificial and chemical note hiding at the very, very bottom. It's faint, and I can't tell you if it's my skin, or if it's the scent itself. Unless I sniff very closely, it's not obvious - but when I do, it's an instant headache for me. Because of the disclaimer in the first paragraph, take that with a grain of salt, please - because this is definitely something I'd like to wear by itself and on a pretty regular basis.

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When wet slightly fruity and I can smell ripe sweetcorn (maize) just drifting in the background.


This didn't change much on the dry-down and still smells great. I love the perfumes I have tried that contain red musk and I love it by itself. I need a big bottle of this.

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I got this in a swap from clover.


First Impression: Earthy and deep, sexy and almost sweet. I get the animal vibe slightly at first sniff.


Second Impression: This is the note in Loviatar and Wanda that I loved so much but without the horrible leather smell. It's also the reason that I love Lust, Scherezade, Satyr and Caberet.


Final Analysis: This works very nice alone but I'm also going to try layering with some of my sweeter favorites to deepen them. It's got good throw yet melts with my skin so it's not overpowering. Quite good staying power.

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When Beth described red musk to me in an email, she called it "sweeter, bolder and rounder" than the traditional musks. There's not much else I can add to that description, except to say that red musk is unbelievably sexy (although not overtly in-your-face about it). I am so glad that I got a bottle of this before the single notes were discontinued!

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A decant from temptete! :D


Right now I have BPAL's red musk on one hand and an unknown brand's red musk on another. The difference is striking. While the unknown brand's musk has a sharp, metalic, chemically "bite," BPAL's is softer, slightly sweeter, and earthier--the sensory equivalent of red earth. This is definately the main component of Scheherazade, and is sexy, earthy, and full-bodied. Gorgeous!! I will be treasuring my imp :P

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Single Note: Red Musk - This is gorgeous. I knew I loved most red musk scents, but smelling BPAL red musk pure and alone has me understanding exactly what it is that I love about so many of my favorite BPAL scents. I love red musk in general, but BPAL red musk is deeper and swarthier than any other brand of red musk single note I’ve ever encountered. It’s so thick and dark you can’t see through it. The scent is rich, deep, warm, and sweetly feral on my skin and is incredibly sexy. It lasts for a good six to eight hours on my skin and has a really amazing level of throw – a little dab on my wrists will keep me going all day. I love it!

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Red Musk


In the imp: mmm, red musk. Deep, dark, slightly fruity, spicy, a tad feral. Mmm.

Wet on skin: this gets darker, and a tad resinous, with a hint of Smut.

Dry on skin: gorgeous! Gorgeous red musk-this is the beautiful rich musk note in some of my favourites-Scherezade, Hollywood Babylon, Spellbound, I'm sure there's some in Blood Lotus, Sin and Shango. This is the dominant note in Smut…and it's just so lovely on it's own. Rich, dark, deep, mysterious. Spicy. Definitely incense like. Something almost patchouli like. And with an underlying sweetness which has the potential to turn creamy. A twinge of something animal but nothing civety whatsoever. This is wonderfully complex for a single note, and it's very sexy.

After a while: this sweetens a little, and I now get a delicious creamy undertone to this sweetness, under the spicy sexy musk scent. This is still such a stunning scent! It's not as strong now but it clings nicely to the skin, begging me to come closer…

Before I think it will fade, it becomes darker once more, deep and dark and inviting, but still sweet.

Verdict: red musk on it's own is such a wonderful scent. I love red musk in blends but alone its just as fantastic, it's very complex and delicious, exotic, warm, sexy as hell. Deep, rich musk, mixed with soft incense tones, spices and a creamy sweetness smoothing it all out. This musk is to die for. Now I really wish Beth could release single notes again, even as LE scents-I love this and want mooooore!

Emoticon rating: :P

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Whoa, that's some amazingly powerful musk. It actually smells pretty darn good on me; weird, I'm used to only liking white musk. This is a really hippie kind of smell.

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Musks make me nervous... when they're good, they're amazing... when they're bad, they give me vicious migraines. I wasn't sure quite what to expect from Red Musk singlenote.


This is really very lovely though. It's a warm, earthy sort of musk on me. It actually strikes me as very resinous, and more like incense than musk. In the drydown it has an earthiness that reminds me a bit of patchouli (I love patchouli); a sort of dry, warm, earthy patchouli.


Spicy, exotic and rather sexy smelling. My boy is actually fond of this one. Most of the blends that list red musk haven't worked out so well on my skin, but I love this in singlenote form :P

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Oh wow. Just wow. If you do a search for my reviews here at the forum, or look at my top 10, you will notice a theme - certain blends that I tend to think of as a subset "family", which all seem to have a note in common. A note that I couldn't name, but that I love - this is it. This is the note.


It is deep and red and musky and almost...juicy. This is so rich and divine...I am so happy to have lucked into this.

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Definitely fruitier, juicier, and very sexy. Deep, rich, musky.


Red musk hasn't always been my friend, but I'm beginning to think its the OTHER elements in some of those blends as opposed to the red musk itself. ;)

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This is very dark brown in color, almost black. I'm getting a dark, fruity, deep red musk. As it dries, some earthy patchouli emerges. :yum: This is gorgeous.

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got a sniffie of this in a swap. what can i say that hasn't already been said? it's deep, sweet and resin-y to me. red musk works quite well with my skin, so this smells very good. it smells closest to smut on my skin, of the red-musk heavy scents that i can think of. it' s very deep and sexy.

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