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BPAL Madness!

Red Devil

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A sinfully playful lust blend. Inspires sexual spontaneity, a little bit of kinkiness, and new and inventive ways to get dirty.

In the vial: Red, slightly floral, and candy-like—a bright, sweetened, slightly artificial scent.

On me: Heavy florals and a touch of spice over that candy-red background. The florals is predominant throughout wear, a heady, fleshy, potentially tropical flower. The red background is probably dragon's blood resin, but this is it's candied form, sweet and thick and fruity-floral. The spice is very faint, perhaps a drop of cinnamon. Scent color is a pinkish red. Throw is moderate to high. I can't judge wear length, as I expect I'll wash this off shortly.

Verdict: This scent doesn't really spark my sexual proclivities—probably because I don't feel comfortable in this scent, and so it has a difficult time making me outgoing or otherwise randy. The heady florals here are just too much for my tastes, intended use aside. I washed it off, and I'll trade away my imp. Edited by Juushika

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red, resinous and floral. It's going a bit sour on me, and I'm guessing that's jasmine. It smells like red fruit and candy in the background, but the floral is ruining it for me. off to the swaps.

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Starts off promising. Sugar, fruit, and florals. Yum. But then it quickly dries down to something that smells like a cleaning product. Not for me. :(

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Hoooooooo boy, this is freakin delicious, and absolutely sinful and lusty. This one gets my senses tingling :eek:


So what's in it? Err.. I dunno, I'm guessing something like dragon's blood, and a red musk of some kind. I think there could be maybe some violet or jasmine in there, but all the red bits are keeping those florals away.. which I'm pleased about, since jasmine turns into poopy nappy smell on me.


If this were an outfit, it would be your highest black stilettos with a tight black pencil skirt and a low-cut red slinky top. And black lacy undies too, of course.


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When wet, this smells to me like a whole lotta jasmine! Jasmine and maybe a bit of wood..and possibly vetiver. It's not a terribly complex blend to my nose. And not that pleasant when wet because I'm not really too fond of Jasmine.


It only changes slight when it's dry and the Jasmine fades a bit. Sometimes when it wafts in this dry stage it REALLY reminds me of Khajuraho. Really strange. It's in my top 10 LE's so..that was a nice surprise.


It goes much sharper when it's dry and slightly more woody. But...overall this is a strong Jasmine blend on me.



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Wet on my skin, this is red musk and floral. As it dries, it's turning into a sweet, soapy scent. Not terrible, but nothing I would reach for on a regular basis..

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I got this as a frimp with my Flower Moon order.


Unfortunately, this smells like a thick floral to me, consisting mainly of jasmine, one of the few flowers I even avoid in real life. On top of that, there's a strange bitter smell I can't place.


Too bad, no lovey-dovey feelings from this one! Off to a more loving home it is.

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I had high hopes. I indeed liked the smell wafting around me. However, someone said that " Here, something smells like hajji misk..!! ", and I was sitting behind her :o I was very embrassed :blush: To me it smelled alluring, hot and attracting. But guys were more interested in me than usual.... :werewolf:

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In the imp: Sandalwood and something sharp! I'm not quite sure what it is though!


Wet: Spicy and red! Still can't place that floral, but it's really nice, and not rose. I do get a hint of rose, but thankfully it's not as strong as usual on me.


Dry: Sexy! I like this.

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Juicy and delicious--what is this stuff? It reminds me of those giant cinnamon gummy bears that stick to your teeth like Jujubes, seriously, on me it smells exactly like them :yum: I have heard that cinnamon helps spark male arousal, so I"ll have to test that out for myself... :twisted:

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In the imp: The first time I opened the imp a few days ago I smelled all spice and cinnamon, a touch of almond in the background. Today, It's all almost, a bit of cherry cinnamon in the background. Generally, spicy almond scent.


Wet: All almonds. Like Queen of Sheba, but spicier, redder, juicier. This is sexy almonds. Yum!


Dry: Getting a floral. This doesn't have a lot of throw, but it does last a long time. Very cherry cinnamon. Sweet cinnamon. Some floral in the background, dunno what. Like synthetic yankee candle lilac. Heavy sweet floral.


Overall: I don't like it much in the imp, I'm not a fan of almonds, but When this dries it smells sexy! I will wear this, definitely!

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In the frimp, there's a herbal/resinous edge to this, not really sure what to think. It's pretty much the same on my skin. Not really feeling exceptionally kinky tonight with this. We'll see how this goes. Ehh. Pretty resinous, borderline cough syrup. Going to pass on this.

Edited by Venneh

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Imp: Light, citrussy floral. Probably lotus.


Wet: Yep, it's lotus. A lot like the lotus from Tenochtitlan--very sour and angry on my skin. A little cinnamon.


Dry: Sour lotus (maybe there is lemon in this?) with a faint hint of cinnamon. Unpleasant on my skin and not very sexy. It smells like I haven't been bathing and have chosen to cover it up with cheap air freshener.


Throw: Mild. Mercifully so.


Overall: This is dirty but probably not in the way it was intended to be.

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Not sure what's in this, but I like it!


In bottle: Smells like almond cherry cinnamon candy.


Wet on skin: All of the above plus some floral I can't place.


Dry on skin: Yum! The devil has settled down into a warm, spicy lightly floral smell. Super yummy and one of my employees even commented on how good it smelled.


Verdict: Bottle worthy for me!

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The jasmine in this ruins everything. Totally sour and a bit gross on my skin.

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Received this as a frimp today with my new SCENT LOCKET! :squee:


I have tried this several times today both on my skin and in the locket and all I get is OMG HAWAIIAN PUNCH! :yum:


Seriously, this is so clearly fruity, red, syrupy punch packed with sugar. It's uncanny.


It's unfortunate because it would have been great if it were super spicy, warm, and sexy.


Not sure how I feel about keeping it yet. May keep it for when I feel like I want to be five years old for a day.

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In the vial, it smells dead on like Orange Bubbleyum bubble gum. Yummy! Playful, indeed. Color, red-orange.


Wet on my skin, it smells like orange gum, but with spices. And I dunno about kinky or sexual spontaneity, but it definitely makes me feel a little feisty! >:-)


10-15 minute drydown - I can't stop sniffing my wrist and I've got a big stupid grin on my face... hehe. Nice. I think I need a bottle of this one.

Edited by thepiratequeen

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in the imp: it's odd. i'm not sure what to think about it. it's...woody. woody musk topped with florals.


wet: musky florals. i'm a touch disappointed. florals are the opposite of sexy to me.


dry: it's morphing. it's jasmine or another whitish floral over something deep and red and throbbing. even though it's throbbing, i'm getting more cuddle than sexy. the red starts coming to the front which is going to save this imp.


i don't think it inspires darkly sexual thoughts (sorry, but kink doesn't smell like red jolly ranchers). i do feel more playful though.

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Red Devil


Cinnamon and maraschino cherries.... turning into fruit punch. Mostly cinnamon though. I accidentally got a bit on my face while sniffing my wrist and it buuurns.

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IMP: Orange and spices.

WET: It reminds me of Christmas cookies, a very comforting scent indeed. Sadly the cinnamon oil is making my wrist itch!

DRY: It has almost no lasting power on me.


I got Red Devil as a frimp and even though I like the smell, the fact that it has no throw and my skin is still irritated after an hour sends it straight to my swap list.

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In the Imp: sweet cherry syrup and cinnamon gum


Wet on Skin: syrupy sweet cinnamon with a hint of cherry


While Drying: I'm getting a bit of a reaction in some of the places I applied the oil - cinnamon, why do you hate me, when I love you so much?


After a Little While: not as syrupy now; still fairly sweet; no chapstick scent, so maybe this isn't cherry (or maybe ACJM and similar scents are strawberry not cherry); elbows are very red, wrists only a bit red; a brighter, sweet note (citrus? Not quite) pops up; cherry candy; throw is low but the skin scent is delicious - but not awesome enough to put up with the skin reaction. I should try putting this in my hair.


Later: cinnamon dies back, and it becomes an almost fruit punch smell; a bit of what I think is red musk is coming through.


Final Thoughts: Wow. Just read some of the other reviews. I don't get any jasmine (and I usuallu amp that like crazy) or other florals. No almond either.

Red Devil earns a 3.5/5 on my skin (it would probably be higher if I didn't have a skin reaction to this one).

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When I opened the bottle I smelled sugar and spice. On the skin it wall all cinnimon and I was loving it. But...my sking started to itch...a lot. I had to run and wash it off with soap. Even after I washed it off my skin still smelled sweet/spicy. I will definitely not apply this on my skin but I have a beautiful wolf scent locket that I'll use whenever I want to use this bad boy.

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Gah, in the imp to me this is strong heady floral-like jasmine-totally different than all of the other reviews O_o I almost wonder if this imp is mislabeled. Will have to see what happens when it goes on my skin.


Yeah, this is like suuuuuper strong jasmine with a touch of sweet candyish syrup scent over it.


Annnnd, this like...disappears insanely fast. The strong floral scent died down first, leaving me maybe a syrupy sweet dragon blood scent? Then -poof- nothing! Gonna have to pass this one along!

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Yes, it's red and bright and hot and ......there's something.....reallly....*skanky* going on. Must be musks but this is very fragrant. Off-putting at first but very compelling.


I swear this smells like two people who have just had sex and are getting up the energy to have some more.

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