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HERMES, draw near, and to my pray'r incline, Angel of Jove, and Maia's son divine; Studious of contests, ruler of mankind, With heart almighty, and a prudent mind. Celestial messenger, of various skill, Whose pow'rful arts could watchful Argus kill: With winged feet, 'tis thine thro' air to course, O friend of man, and prophet of discourse: Great life-supporter, to rejoice is thine, In arts gymnastic, and in fraud divine: With pow'r endu'd all language to explain, Of care the loos'ner, and the source of gain. Whose hand contains of blameless peace the rod, Corucian, blessed, profitable God; Of various speech, whose aid in works we find, And in necessities to mortals kind: Dire weapon of the tongue, which men revere, Be present, Hermes, and thy suppliant hear; Assist my works, conclude my life with peace, Give graceful speech, and me memory's increase. A blessing of wit, opportunity, and skill: yellow sandalwood, bergamot, gum mastic, gum Arabic, lavender, lemongrass, angelica root, and anise. In bottle: Lemon grass dominant, like whoa, with a strong presence from the gums and the bergamot. The lavender supports the lemon grass; the angelica supports the gum. The bergamot winds through everything, dancing with all the notes. Sandalwood is a soft canvas to paint the other scents on. The anise is very understated. Wet: Lemon grass! Lots and lots of it. The gums, bergamot, lavender, and angelica are still discernible, but this is mostly about the lemon grass. It's really disappointing. Dry: Lemon grass and a bit of sandalwood mostly.
JUPITERIAN PHOENIX O Jove much-honor'd, Jove supremely great, To thee our holy rites we consecrate, Our pray'rs and expiations, king divine, For all things round thy head exalted shine. The earth is thine, and mountains swelling high, The sea profound, and all within the sky. Saturnian king, descending from above, Magnanimous, commanding, sceptred Jove; All-parent, principle and end of all, Whose pow'r almighty, shakes this earthly ball; Ev'n Nature trembles at thy mighty nod, Loud-sounding, arm'd with light'ning, thund'ring God. Source of abundance, purifying king, O various-form'd from whom all natures spring; Propitious hear my pray'r, give blameless health, With peace divine, and necessary wealth. A blessing of optimism, prosperity, and sound judgment: sarsaparilla, juniper berries, Himalayan cedar, Terebinth pine, sweet clove, green tea, nutmeg, and hyssop. In bottle: Strongly woody with the pine and cedars doing lovely things together. Hyssop, juniper, and sarsaparilla form a second tier of support. I am not fond of juniper, and it's definitely noticeable here, but it blends well. Green tea is acting as a sort of glue, tying thing together. The spice is soft, but lovely with the other notes, particularly the woods and the tea. It makes me think of the unlaquered interior of a wooden box used to store pungent seasoning and tea. It's lovely in a 19th century sort of way. Wet: even better on the skin as the warmth brings out the individual qualities of the components. Pine is now dominant over the cedar with the hyssop moving into second. Cedar is third, juniper, clove, tea, and sarsaparilla are forth. I'm loving this. Dry: Woody goodness with hyssop support, and a hint here and there of the rest. Lovely.
SOLAR PHOENIX HEAR golden Titan, whose eternal eye With broad survey, illumines all the sky. Self-born, unwearied in diffusing light, And to all eyes the mirrour of delight: Lord of the seasons, with thy fiery car And leaping coursers, beaming light from far: With thy right hand the source of morning light, And with thy left the father of the night. Agile and vig’rous, venerable Sun, Fiery and bright around the heav’ns you run. Foe to the wicked, but the good man’s guide, O’er all his steps propitious you preside: With various founding, golden lyre, ’tis mine To fill the world with harmony divine. Father of ages, guide of prosp’rous deeds, The world’s commander, borne by lucid steeds, Immortal Jove, all-searching, bearing light, Source of existence, pure and fiery bright Bearer of fruit, almighty lord of years, Agil and warm, whom ev’ry pow’r reveres. Great eye of Nature and the starry skies, Doom’d with immortal flames to set and rise Dispensing justice, lover of the stream, The world’s great despot, and o’er all supreme. Faithful defender, and the eye of right, Of steeds the ruler, and of life the light: With founding whip four fiery steeds you guide, When in the car of day you glorious ride. Propitious on these mystic labours shine, And bless thy suppliants with a life divine. A blessing of nobility, leadership, and generosity: Roman chamomile, yellow rose, pineapple, bay laurel, frankincense, heliotrope, and Ceylon cinnamon. I bought this bottle unsniffed. It's got several notes that are good on me, and it sounded very warm and cheerful. In the bottle: Cheerful, faintly fruity, faintly cinnamon. Wet: Unexpectedly powdery, unidentifiably floral, with a touch of fruit and cinnamon. Two hours: Where is the rose? I love rose notes, but I never detected one in this. The cinnamon is very light as well. Nevertheless, this is a warm, slightly prickly soft scent, still a bit powdery. I think the prickly impression is herbal and comes from the bay laurel. This scent is very comforting, the kind of thing I'd like to cuddle up to and just smile about. Four and a half hours: Still soft, warm, slightly prickly and powdery, but the frankincense is more evident now that some of the more delicate notes have fallen back. This one was not a 5 on me, but it's a 4: plenty good enough to keep and wear. As a solar scent, I like it better than Sol Invictus, The Sun (Tarot), or The Sportive Sun.
MARTIAN PHOENIX Magnanimous, unconquer’d, boistrous Mars, In darts rejoicing, and in bloody wars Fierce and untam’d, whose mighty pow’r can make The strongest walls from their foundations shake: Mortal destroying king, defil’d with gore, Pleas’d with war’s dreadful and tumultuous roar: Thee, human blood, and swords, and spears delight, And the dire ruin of mad savage fight. Stay, furious contests, and avenging strife, Whose works with woe, embitter human life; To lovely Venus, and to Bacchus yield, To Ceres give the weapons of the field; Encourage peace, to gentle works inclin’d, And give abundance, with benignant mind. A blessing of strength, energy, and courage: dragon’s blood, thistle extract, galangal, opoponax, tobacco absolute, cactus flower, peppermint, black pepper, cumin, white fig, and bloodroot. Can't say for sure which is which in this blend but I'm reminded of some sea salt potpourri I picked up once upon a November. I'd gotten a Mint Mix and some Dragon's blood. I ended up putting them in a little metal sifting canister, made the area smell just like this. It's dragon's blood entwined in mint in a metal canister. Salt, rust, and something else lingers. But that's just my impression.
VENUSIAN PHOENIX HEAV’NLY, illustrious, laughter-loving queen, Sea-born, night-loving, of an awful mien; Crafty, from whom necessity first came, Producing, nightly, all-connecting dame: ‘Tis thine the world with harmony to join, For all things spring from thee, O pow’r divine. The triple Fates are rul’d by thy decree, And all productions yield alike to thee: Whate’er the heav’ns, encircling all contain, Earth fruit-producing, and the stormy main, Thy sway confesses, and obeys thy nod, Awful attendant of the brumal God: Goddess of marriage, charming to the sight, Mother of Loves, whom banquetings delight; Source of persuasion, secret, fav’ring queen, Illustrious born, apparent and unseen: Spousal, lupercal, and to men inclin’d, Prolific, most-desir’d, life-giving., kind: Great sceptre-bearer of the Gods, ’tis thine, Mortals in necessary bands to join; And ev’ry tribe of savage monsters dire In magic chains to bind, thro’ mad desire. Come, Cyprus-born, and to my pray’r incline, Whether exalted in the heav’ns you shine, Or pleas’d in Syria’s temple to preside, Or o’er th’ Egyptian plains thy car to guide, Fashion’d of gold; and near its sacred flood, Fertile and fam’d to fix thy blest abode; Or if rejoicing in the azure shores, Near where the sea with foaming billows roars, The circling choirs of mortals, thy delight, Or beauteous nymphs, with eyes cerulean bright, Pleas’d by the dusty banks renown’d of old, To drive thy rapid, two-yok’d car of gold; Or if in Cyprus with thy mother fair, Where married females praise thee ev’ry year, And beauteous virgins in the chorus join, Adonis pure to sing and thee divine; Come, all-attractive to my pray’r inclin’d, For thee, I call, with holy, reverent mind. A blessing of beauty, passion, and kindness: red rose, benzoin, apple blossom, lemon verbena, red sandalwood, rose mint, sweet cherry, hibiscus, cardamom, tonka, tomato leaf, and vetiver. This is a remarkable scent--if you like CB: I Love Perfumes, this will be right up your alley. You can literally smell each individual scent: the red rose is the strongest in the bottle and on first application, but little by little, each individual note comes out to take a bow--the lemon verbena, the tomato leaf, the apple blossom, oh, there's the rose mint...sweet cherry. They are like musicians warming up pre-symphony. It is a very complex and morphing and subtle perfume. It is not for me, but as I said--there will be people who can't get enough. My first first review.
LUNAR PHOENIX HEAR, Goddess queen, diffusing silver light, Bull-horn’d and wand’ring thro’ the gloom of Night. With stars surrounded, and with circuit wide Night’s torch extending, thro’ the heav’ns you ride: Female and Male with borrow’d rays you shine, And now full-orb’d, now tending to decline. Mother of ages, fruit-producing Moon, Whose amber orb makes Night’s reflected noon: Lover of horses, splendid, queen of Night, All-seeing pow’r bedeck’d with starry light. Lover of vigilance, the foe of strife, In peace rejoicing, and a prudent life: Fair lamp of Night, its ornament and friend, Who giv’st to Nature’s works their destin’d end. Queen of the stars, all-wife Diana hail! Deck’d with a graceful robe and shining veil; Come, blessed Goddess, prudent, starry, bright, Come moony-lamp with chaste and splendid light, Shine on these sacred rites with prosp’rous rays, And pleas’d accept thy suppliant’s mystic praise. A blessing of imagination, pleasure, and foresight: galbanum, orris root, lettuce, pink lotus absolute, purple lily, bay, jasmine, narcissus, camphor, mugwort, narcissus, yam flower, jasmine, passionflower, parsley, and white papaya. Just got my bottle today! BTW this is my first review on this site In the bottle its smells sweet and spicy with a bunch of floral scents. Wet: Its nice Dry: on my wrists its turning into soap smelling. I will see what it smells like with its mellow.. Just sniffed again, the spice is coming back around!
SATURNIAN PHOENIX ETHERIAL father, mighty Titan, hear, Great fire of Gods and men, whom all revere: Endu’d with various council, pure and strong, To whom perfection and decrease belong. Consum’d by thee all forms that hourly die, By thee restor’d, their former place supply; The world immense in everlasting chains, Strong and ineffable thy pow’r contains Father of vast eternity, divine, O mighty Saturn, various speech is thine: Blossom of earth and of the starry skies, Husband of Rhea, and Prometheus wife. Obstetric Nature, venerable root, From which the various forms of being shoot; No parts peculiar can thy pow’r enclose, Diffus’d thro’ all, from which the world arose, O, best of beings, of a subtle mind, Propitious hear to holy pray’rs inclin’d; The sacred rites benevolent attend, And grant a blameless life, a blessed end. A blessing of stability, manifestation, and wisdom-from-sorrow: cypress, myrrh, white lily, cassia, violet, pomegranate, tamarind, and opium poppy. I bought this bottle unsniffed, and it is full of notes that are good on me. I'm wary of the violets, though. In the bottle: Fruity yet dark. Delicious. Wet: Strong floral note that reads like lily, only very dark and evergreeny. There's something almost aquatic about it; it reminds me a lot of the initial phase of The Ragged Wood, where it was all florals under evergreens beside water. The effect is intense, verging on headachy for a minute or two, but with a pleasant heavy resinous fruity undertone. Two hours: Yes, it started heavy and intense, but it mellowed rapidly into a very round, dark (but not heavy or ponderous), slightly chewy scent with fruit and some slightly tannic note that's probably the violets. Someone who does well with violets might have better luck with this phase than me. Four and a half hours: Pretty nice, and getting even better as the myrrh and opium notes develop fully. Still noticing the fruity pomegranate note, though. This one really loves my skin. There was something about this scent I found very appealing despite the initial difficulties I had with the florals. Although it was dark, it seemed a positive kind of dark, and perhaps even a hopeful one.