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Everything posted by MaidenGenevive

  1. MaidenGenevive


    Bliss As soon as Bliss arrived, my husband wanted to smell it. "Mmm, that smells so good, you should wear this!" But, I was already stinky from a bad review, so I put it on him. Today I put it on myself. Twice. Bliss, to me, is brownies, or hot cocoa mix. It's not dark chocolate, but it's not exactly milk chocolate either. Chocolate it certainly is, though, delicious, gorgeous chocolate. And it's not waxy, like some chocolate scents I've smelled before. Other chocolate scents just feel like yummy chocolate... candle. But not this. This is fresh brownies, or a mug of hot chocolate. It's warm, and not overpowering. My biggest problem with this scent is that it gives me this overwhelming desire to bake brownies or sip on hot cocoa. Not such a hot urge when you're trying to lose weight! [ 5 - Love ] I've been thinking about getting the Bliss soap, but wanted to sniff an imp first, and yup. I think I'm going to have to get a bar. Let's just hope it doesn't ignite a ravenous chocolate craving.
  2. MaidenGenevive


    Omen Another imp I picked out with my husband in mind. Oh, hello patchouli, I see you and myrrh have become friends. Right away I know this is neither a scent for me or my husband. That's not to say it's bad, that's just to say it's not "it". This is warm and golden, but a bit sharp. I think, perhaps, that while I don't mind patchouli (and sometimes it really works) that I don't especially like it, either. [ 3 - Like ] Interesting, but no thanks.
  3. MaidenGenevive


    Oblivion This is one of the scents I had picked out for my husband. This reminds me of aftershave, and something else that I can't quite put my finger on. It's musk, spice, and green. It feels like the holidays, and somehow, the doctor's office. There's warmth, but it also feels wet. Men's deodorant, it's as if I'm in the deodorant isle sniffing, trying to find the right one for him. This is one I smell that has possibility, but doesn't feel quite right. I think it's too mature, so I put it back on the shelf. [ 3 - Like ] Truly masculine, not for my wearing. It feels like an older man. Certainly not for my young husband.
  4. MaidenGenevive

    Queen of Sheba

    Queen of Sheba Honeyed almonds with gritty spices. I expected this to be dessert like, but there's an Earthen feel that takes me by surprise. The spices seem to get stronger with wear; it has a bite that's both self assured and sassy. [ 3 - Like ]
  5. MaidenGenevive


    Hurricane Wet and Earthy, with a minty edge. This is smelling like harsh cleaning chemicals or bug spray. It's astringent and reminds me of Burial, which is not a good thing. It was mildly okay in the very very beginning, but has ceased to be even remotely pleasant for me. [ 1 - Hate ] Well, I've hated 3 of the 4 Dark Elements, so I'm thinking this probably isn't my category.
  6. MaidenGenevive


    Tempest The "ozone" smells like clean mountain air and drier sheets. It actually reminds me of linen perfume. Yes, that's exactly it. Linen perfume. Which I hate, because linen fragrances never smell the way fresh linen actually smells. [ 1 - Hate ]
  7. MaidenGenevive

    Machu Picchu

    Machu Picchu Fresh, wet, fruity and clean. Very citrus, like orange and grapefruit mixed with a bouquet of flowers. Tangy and energizing, yet feminine. As it wears, it becomes soap like and almost powdery, and very perfumey. [ 3 - Like ] This reminds me of something I could get from Bath and Body Works.
  8. MaidenGenevive

    Drink Me

    Drink Me Buttered popcorn that evolves into caramel which then evolves into pineapple cherry candy, all the while remaining buttered. Now it's mostly cherry, a sharp artificial cough drop cherry with butter notes in the background. The cherry quiets, the butter rises, it's drippy and almost makes me feel greasy. As it wears, the notes blend together more thoroughly. [ 3 - Like ] To me, this is all fruit and butter; it has a dessert like quality. Although, I don't really care for smelling like butter.
  9. MaidenGenevive


    Delphi Sweet booze that has a pungent quality. It also feels powdery and reminds me of deodorant. As it wears, the pungent quality disappears and it becomes a honeyed perfume with a decent throw. [ 2 - Dislike ]
  10. MaidenGenevive


    Bewitched Initially, Christmas candy; sweet and almost minty. The mint becomes more berry. The Christmas candies transform into berry flavored cough drops. Now it's a berry bathroom air freshener - you know, the round kind that you stick to the side of a toilet. I'm conflicted, it's a nice smell, although it's not what I'd wear for a perfume. The berries have a fake quality to me that's conjuring all of these strange associations. [ 3 - Like ]
  11. MaidenGenevive

    French Love

    French Love A sweet floral that's almost berry-like. Dragon's blood and lilac. This feels perky and reminds me of bubble gum for some reason. [3 - Like] I expected French Love to smell like a cheap whore, but it's innocent and floral, so that was a nice surprise.
  12. MaidenGenevive


    Bastet In vial, cloyingly sweet almond. Wet on skin, this feels just like sweet almond massage oil, thick and luxuriant. It's heavy and has a wild spice lurking within the almond. The spices eventually mellow, leaving this feeling like a holiday dessert; a honeyed almond spice cake. [4 - Really Like]
  13. MaidenGenevive


    Shango Fruit explosion! This is fruit candy, where you have a vague sense of familiarity, but it's such a mash of scents you can't really pull them apart. I start to smell the tartness of apples, but it's up against something else, pineapple perhaps, and it's sweetened. There's more to it than that. This is sweet but not cloying, fun, and energetic. [3 - Like]
  14. MaidenGenevive

    Embalming Fluid

    Embalming Fluid A light, pure scent: white musk, green tea, aloe and lemon. Ahh, refreshing and clean. This is just as described. It reminds me of my Method handsoap. This would be good for a day where you want to feel bright and fresh. [3 - Like]
  15. MaidenGenevive

    Blood Kiss

    Blood Kiss In vial, quite nutty. On skin, nutty with musk. The nutty scent is quite strong, it reminds me of peanut butter. This is strange, I wonder if its the combination of honey/vanilla with poppy. Honestly, it's hard for me to get beyond that association. I can detect a faint hints of other notes, but really, what I mostly smell are sweet nuts. [2 - Dislike] When I think of peanut butter and jelly, I don't think of vampires. And when I think of vampires, I definitely don't think of peanut butter. Yet, that's all this makes me think of, disappointingly.
  16. MaidenGenevive

    White Rabbit

    White Rabbit Initially, it's all, "what am I smelling? What am I smelling?" It's sweet perfume, but what is it. There's a bite of ginger, and the brew of black tea, a tiny spike of pepper and it's all sweetened. Honey and vanilla like to mash together into one sweet note. There's a tartness that's almost citric, but I think it's just the ginger. There's a freshness, like starched perfumed linens. I'm not sure how I feel about the linen, my past negatively prejudices any linen perfumes. To me linen is cold and crisp off of the clothesline, something a fragrance couldn't really touch. But, I'm liking the sweetened tea aspect of it. Although, the ginger reminds me of a ginger tea I had recently, and really didn't like. [3 - Like] Well, it's interesting, it's been fun for my nose, but I think it really isn't me.
  17. MaidenGenevive

    Sudha Segara

    Sudha Segara This is warm ginger cookies with milk. There is no better way for me to describe it. It's comforting and feels indulgent, like fresh baked cookies always do. However, as it wears, it transforms into a sweet, but zesty, ginger tea. [3 - Like] I wish it stayed in the cookie stage.
  18. MaidenGenevive

    Dana O'Shee

    Dana O'Shee Honeyed almonds. It's sweet and round, subtly nutty and milky. Almond isn't listed as a note, but grains can, and often do, come off nutty. As it wears, a soft vanilla comes in. This is lovely and light, sweet without being cloying. Honestly, it reminds me of my current morning favorite: Quaker's vanilla, almond and honey multigrain hot cereal. The longer I wear this, the more the stronger the vanilla seems to get, practically quieting any other note. [3 - Like] This would have been a 4, but it's so faint, and the subtleties fade once the feeling of vanilla sweeps in.
  19. MaidenGenevive


    Samhain 2007 I received my bar of Samhain soap right at the beginning of Autumn. Immediately, I was struck by it's beauty. I couldn't bring myself to actually use the soap. I unwrapped it, and contemplated using it, only to re-wrap it. It has sat in my bathroom untouched, the edges of it's wrapper slightly open. There is not a day that goes by that I don't enjoy it. When I'm washing my face, or brushing my teeth, I can smell it. It's become a daily smell for me that embodies both Autumn and home, especially my new apartment where it's spent most of it's time. When I received my bottle (first bottle ever!), I was at a loss as to how to apply it. The first time I tried it, I accidentally overapplied. I don't like to slather, and Samhain isn't the same in overabundance. Today, I clipped the cotton off of a Q-Tip, but most unfortunately, the shaft is hollow and drank up it up - again leaving me slathered. I need to find something I can use to apply lightly, and easily. Regardless, Samhain is one of my favorite blends. It is woods, with it's evergreens and the dead leaves. It is baking spices, that I use with my harvest of apple and cider. It is warm, yet cool at the same time. It really is Autumn, as it embodies what nature is doing, and the feeling we get (or at least, I get) during this time of year. [5 - Love]
  20. MaidenGenevive

    Wolf Moon 2007

    Wolf Moon In vial, trees and spicy berries - it's the holidays! Wet on skin, tree, beautiful majestic evergreen. There's a warm spice to it. I feel as though I'm walking through the woods in the winter, the spicy scent of evergreen, weighed down by crisp snow. There's a hunger to this that feels urgent. It's motivating, yet soothing at the same time. [5 - Love] This feels like home, somehow.
  21. MaidenGenevive

    Budding Moon

    Budding Moon Beautiful! I'm first struck with peony, then comes white musk, and lastly, plum. Lotus is there, too, but I don't smell the ginger. This is a round, feminine scent, that truly does feel like Spring. It's clean yet sweet, and dewy. I can imagine peonies with fat raindrops on their petals. [3 - Like]
  22. MaidenGenevive

    Fruit Moon

    Fruit Moon In vial, fruit punch. Wet on skin, there are so many different notes, it's hard to pick any out singly. If I really concentrate, I can start to, but they are so well blended that none really pop. This is no longer fruit punch, however; it briefly reminds me of a fruit gum I had as a child. This certainly is very fruity, sweet, but not too sweet as it has a tangy edge. There's a tartness, too, and I daresay it's almost alcoholic. Lastly, I get a feeling of waxiness, or plastic. [3 - Like]
  23. MaidenGenevive

    Flower Moon 2005

    Flower Moon Bright, youthful florals that have a sweet, yet clean, quality to them. This is refreshing and vibrant, feminine and fun. But, the more I wear this, something about it strikes me as being an expensive spray perfume at a large department store. [3 - Like] I like, but I think it might be too strong for me.
  24. MaidenGenevive


    Judgement In vial, deep and woody, slightly nutty and a bit on the boozy side. Wet on skin, patchouli and amber and musk. As it dries, it warms up. This stage actually reminds me of Snake Oil, but with a mild patchouli bite. [3 - Like] I like this, but it really reminds me of too many other things. I don't need to fall in love with a discontinued scent, so I'm going to let it go.
  25. MaidenGenevive


    Peace Very first impression was pine, but then it immediately morphed into lavender. There's more to it than lavender, but I can't seem to pin-point other notes. It has a dusty, powdery feel to it. It's a feminine, minty clean floral, just as lavender generally is. There's a very slight sweetness to it, as well. [3 - Like] Lovely, but this isn't peace to me. Lavender reminds me of a bad roommate I had; I used to spray lavender in the room because she made the room smell. Now, a lot of times, strong lavender fragrances remind me of her, which was not especially peaceful times.