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Posts posted by mudspinr

  1. I can't believe I have not reviewed Dirty before, as it is one of the first BPAL imps I got!


    In imp: clean, somewhat floral, airy. I really don't get any specific notes.


    Wet on skin: same as imp, quite strong. I usually don't like florals, but this is not sweet. There may be some citrus in there. I can undertand the repeated "fabric softener/soap" reviews, but this doesn't smell fake or chemical.


    Drydown: softer and closer to the skin, but not much morphing. Very clean and simple appearing, which probably means it is lots of stuff really well ballanced. Definitely an outside, airy, "white," impression. Medium throw. Seems to be surviving on my scent-eating skin.


    Later: Continues pretty much as it started, a clean, "not wearing prefume" type scent which would be great for work or days when you want to smell good without banging people in the nose with your BPAL. I like it quite a lot, which is suprising as I generally go for the spice/incense scents and avoid the dreaded "white florals," which tend to do awful things on my skin.

  2. Rose doesn't like me. Rose Hates me. Rose goes all nuts on my skin and stomps around wiping out any other notes that may be present. I was not optomistic when I read reviews that mentioned this scent having a rose note, but luckily for me I don't get any actual rose from seance.


    In imp: green leaves and wet wood, almost cedar, but not quite.


    Wet on skin: Rosewood, definitely wet rose leaves. The cedar-like note is very sharp for a short period then mellows right down.


    Drydown: Soft rosewood, a faint hint of the roseleaf, a soft incensy sweetness, maybe the hazel? A woody, rather than floral smell. Not strong, and I don't think much throw.


    Later: Fades, but doesn't morph. Maybe it would last longer in a locket. A subtle, airy scent, which is noticable without being in-your-face. Different than the spice-incense scents I usually like, but I may need a bottle.

  3. I thought I would love this scent based on the notes--honey, almond, and spice, what's not to love, right?


    In imp: light and sweet, but not really identifiable.


    Wet on skin: Yow! Marzipan almonds! Almond extract and cherry. It smells exactly like a shampoo I used to use. Not what I was expecting. Luckily this phase fades fairly quickly.


    Drydown: a much drier scent. The cherry has left the building, unfortunately taking the honey with it. I'm left with an odd, dry kind of embalmed almonds scent. :P It isn't---bad---particularly, but it also isn't what I want to smell like. There is also a sort of lingering soapyness in the background.


    Dry on skin: I seem to have struck out with this scent. No honey, no really identifiable spice, and (maybe luckily) very little throw. All I am getting is dessicated almonds and a little soapiness. :D


    Later: The faint soapiness hangs around for a fair amount of time, but the rest of the scent faded quickly on me. Also, it seems to have given me a slight headache. Imp off to the swap box, too bad.

  4. I was worried about the gum/wax tart descriptions of this scent, but lucky me my skin seems to like it!!


    In bottle: musk and incense. Musk is light rather than dark. Not a heavy scent.


    Wet on skin: spicy carnation/chrysanthemum and booze. It smells like one of my favorite dark beers--strange but yum :P It must be the plum note. There is some sweetness and overall it is very smooth. If I were reviewing a beer I would say it was malty rather than hoppy. Moderate throw, kind of layered. The spicy notes stay closer to the skin.


    Drydown: the musk reasserts itself a little, but the rest of it stays pretty much the same. I keep getting little sniffs of it and wondering what smells good, then realizing it is the bandersnatch. I never get any plum unless that is the note my nose keeps telling me is dark beer--now I want some.


    Later: lasts pretty well on my skin--which is to say I can still smell it 2 hours later. I will try it in a scent locket soon. Little morphing. Nicely spicy without any potpourri or baked goods overtones. Has a good presence without being overwhelming--something that smells attractive without being a drop-dead-sexy scent. Glad I got a 5ml. :D

  5. I bought this just based on the notes without testing an imp first and I am glad!


    In bottle: sandalwood and amber with just a hint of vanilla. Warm smelling.


    Wet on skin: sweetpea. Starts very fresh and sweet, not cloying. Suprisingly light note but completely hijacks the scent while it is wet.


    Drydown: notes meld nicely. Sweetpea backs off and the sandalwood/amber returns. The vanilla stays in the background but works as a bridge between all the rest of the notes. Scent remains warm and intimate, doesn't cross the line into either cloying or vampy. Doesn't go powdery or "old lady perfume" either. Medium throw.


    Later: Only lasts a couple hours on my scent-eating skin, but doesn't morph much. Lasted entire day in scent locket and still going. :P


    Very nice scent overall. Would be appropriate for wearing at work as well as going out. Partner likes it enough to sniff and cuddle. :D Mine is a happy mouse!

  6. Another imp I've had for a while without reviewing.


    In imp: dry cedar


    Wet on skin: dry cedar and dirt(it's strange how perfume oil can actually smell like a handful of dirt, but it does) Not too strong.


    Drydown: not much throw, at least on me. Cedar is getting softer, and there is maybe a hint of patchouli. Dirt note is still there. All fairly close to the skin and subtle. Not at all what I expected. I wonder what this would be like as a sachet to keep with wool?


    Later: still there, mostly close to the skin. Didn't seem to morph, although there seems to be a little more throw now than there was earlier. This isn't an unpleasant scent, but doesn't really strike me as a body scent. I may actually try it in a sachet--I'm pretty sure moths wouldn't like it.


    I got this imp based on the amber and cedar notes and the "golden light' description. Promises, promises...sigh :P

  7. I haven't even tried this until now because rose usually doesn't like me, but I'm trying to arrange my imps into keep/pass on, so here goes.


    In imp: oh dear--avon roses


    Wet on skin: moonflower and a hint of something watery, which is doing battle with, and slowly being overpowered by the incredible-sumo-attack-rose avon roses scent that my skin morphs the BPAL rose note into. :D


    Drydown: the roses have won and are trampling the landscape making me sneeze and making my eyes itch. :P No other BPAL scent has done that. This scent has throw, but it is kind of double layered. I can smell(can't avoid smelling) the sumo-killer-rose without even moving, but if I actually sniff my wrist the moonflower/dew scent is still cowering there close to the skin. I don't think I actually like that scent either, as it is quite floral/perfumey. It also may be what is bothering my eyes. This is another wash quick and hope to avoid the headache scents. :D

  8. Just got this imp from a forumite and couldn't resist sniffing and testing...not sure if its me.


    In imp: magnolia---very magnolia--looking around for Scarlett O'Hara magnolia. I'm worried...


    Wet on skin: now I smell like Scarlett O'Hara, too bad I don't look like Vivian Leigh. :P Magnolia is definately the top note, but toned down with something behind it. It actually isn't too bad, not smothering, kind of bright, maybe the mandarin...I'm not sure I would recognize oleander.


    Drydown: still bright, clear, magnolia-with-something-else. Medium throw. I was worried that it would be a drowning in flowers, thick, heavy scent but it isn't really. I don't get musk or spice, but I get hints of what is probably the mandarin. Seems to stay fairly well.


    This is an interesting scent. Not at all what I was expecting and probably not really "me" as it is very floral and perfumey. It is not cloying, sickly sweet, or old lady like many florals go on my skin. I don't know if I will keep the imp or pass it along. I'll give it one more try before deciding.

  9. This was my first BPAL love, but I haven't reviewed it until now. Aglaea is a soft bright scent on me that reminds me of sunshine and picking peaches with my family.


    In bottle: peaches, yummy ripe peaches, still on the trees just waiting to be picked.


    Wet on skin: still peaches on top, with something keeping it from becoming too sweet, maybe the musk or myrtle, but I can't really isolate it. This is a nicely blended scent.


    Drydown: stays pretty much as it started, mostly lovely peach, but with added complexity and something keeping the sweetness in check. I don't get any amber that I recognize. Throw is very restrained and, unfortunately, it doesn't last as long as I would like. The scent is so lovely that it makes up for the short time it lasts :P I want to keep sniffing my wrist--like the first time I had it on I was driving one handed half the time because I kept needing to sniff :D Iwill always need a bottle of this in my collection.

  10. Unlike my normal test first routine, I bought a whole 5ml of Dr John Seward just on the basis of the notes listed. Boy am I glad I did! :D I don't actually get most of the notes listed when I wear it, but I really love the way it smells on me.


    In bottle: Warm, complex, a little sweet. Tonka, I think, with a little floral and the opium. Not opium smoke...no smoke at all...just opium.


    Wet on skin: Close to what it smelled like in the bottle. A bit stronger, but not in-your-face. Maybe some spice, but very much in the background. I do not get smoke, but I do get tobacco. Really expensive pipe tobacco. Decent throw, but it isn't cloying or overwhelming.


    Drydown: Pretty much stays the way it starts, which is good since I like it. Opium mixed with really good pipe tobacco, with that tonka/floral note keeping it from being too masculine. Not that I would object to a guy who smelled like this! :P Unfortunately the guy doesn't do scents...he liked it on me though. Lasts very well, even on my skin I could still smell it about 6 hours later. In a scent locket it was still going strong late the next day.

  11. This is another imp I got as a frimp in a lot I bought from a forumite. I probably wouldn't have tried it otherwise because I have never liked the dragon's blood notes I have tried with other perfume lines. I'm glad to say that this scent is a great success :P

    I guess I will have to try the other dragon's blood based scents(gosh, what hardship)


    In imp: musk and sweet. Not too strong.


    Wet on skin: nice. Sweet, but not icky-sweet, with warm, dark, sexy musk. Takes a little while to warm up, but then has medium throw. It is noticable without being in-your-face, and doesn't have any of the nose catching, headache inducing quality I have always gotten from other dragon's blood notes.


    Drydown: stays very nice, warm and sexy. Develops a slight powdery dryness, but doesn't go little-old-lady. Lasts pretty well on my scent eating skin. Definitely a keeper :D

  12. Recieved this as a frimp in a lot I purchased from another forumite and haven't reviewed it due to my skin's unfortunate tendancy to take Beth's rose note and turn it into something aggressively awful. I keep thinking I'll get lucky and find one that works, but so far no joy.


    In imp: vetiver and a little chrysanthemum, not too strong. I am hopeful...


    Wet on skin: roses...more roses...attack of the killer roses :D Any other notes have given up and run for the hills. I can Taste roses in the back of my throat--ugh!!! And have I mentioned Serious Throw?! I put a tiny bit on my wrist and I feel like I'm being smothered in a velvet blanket of thick, heavy, very perfumey rose. :P


    Not waiting for the drydown, off to wash and hope to avoid a migraine.


    Well, that was interesting. Normally my skin kind of eats scents but this survived a soap and water scrubbing, and scrubbing with water with bitter orange essential oil. I finally resorted to scrubbing with vinegar. My wrist is now kind of red and smells of vinegar, which is a large improvement on smelling like the amazing sumo attack rose :)

    I can actually still smell it a little if I sniff my wrist. Why don't the scents I like stay around so well :D

  13. Another scent gone all confusing on my skin, but lucky for me this is a good confusing :D No leather, no wood, and sadly, no bay rum which is what I was hoping for...but I like it.


    In imp: unidentifiable crisp, almost floral with some salt.


    Wet on skin: clean and a little salt--maybe the seaspray note? It is slightly sweet and sort or reminds me of white rabbit, which also does odd things on my skin.


    Drydown: pretty much stays the same with no morphing. Very clean with a little salt and a little sweet. Very fresh linen on a sunny day. Low key throw. I can smell it without actually sniffing my wrist, but it's not obtrusive or overwhelming. Gets softer over time, but stays fairly well, and my skin pretty much eats a lot of scents.


    Overall: not at all what I was expecting, and I really really wanted the bay rum :P

    but overall a very nice scent for when I want something light and crisp and subtle. I will keep the imp, don't know about a full bottle.

  14. Oh dear, rose does not love me and I don't love rose. Which is strange because I DO love Roses. In any case psyche is not liking me at all.


    In imp: lavender and something brighter...not too strong.


    Wet on skin: roses...roses...did I mention ROSES. :D The roses that ate New York. The godzilla of roses. :P Heavy, strong, avon "roses roses" prefume that my aunt the avon rep used to give me when I was in high school in spite of the fact that I hated it and it made my mother sneeze. This stuff has serious throw too, I can smell it while I'm typing, and I didn't use much.


    Drydown: I'm still drowning in avony roses. No other notes are making it through the sea of rose. I'm being mugged by avon reps....aaaaaaagh!!!!! Going to go wash before I get a migraine.

  15. Another scent I've had for a while and not reviewed because I wasn't sure what I thought of it. Well, I'm still not sure :P I read other people's reviews and sniffed my imp and seriously don't get any of the notes other people get.


    In imp: light, fresh, indeterminate scent. Not bad, just not really identifiable.


    Wet on skin: same as in imp, but stronger. Maybe the linen note?


    Drydown: gets softer but doesn't morph. No tea, no ginger, no pepper, no vanilla :D It isn't at all bad or unpleasant, just nothing I was hoping for. Maybe it is the linen note. It is very clean and fresh without smelling like dryer sheets or perfume. Not much throw.


    Later: stays soft and close to skin for quite a while. This is a very clean sheets hanging in sun/just showered and put on clean clothes/opened the windows and aired out the house kind of scent on me. Almost anti-perfume. I'm still not sure what I think of it, but will keep the imp for winter days when I miss the sun and fresh air.

  16. I've had this imp for a while, but never got around to more than sniffing it. This is a big change from my normal warm, oriental/amber/resin type scents!


    In imp: not much scent--kind of everclear alcohol effect that you don't really smell, just feel in your nose.


    Wet on skin: sharp clear juniper and something else. Suprisingly not heavily alcoholic. Sort of a cold scent, not in a bad way.


    Drydown: still juniper with an edge of citrus. Still very clean and crisp. Pretty decent throw. I smell little waves of it as I move around, but not overwhelming.


    Later: Still here, still clean juniper/citrus. Throw seems to stay pretty well also. Doesn't seem to morph or get eaten up by my skin like some things. It also remains "cold" which is unusual as most things seem to turn "warm" on my skin.


    Verdict: I like this scent...wasn't sure I would, but it is great for when a "clean" or "refreshing" scent is the thing. I don't think it will be a bottle purchase, but I will definately keep an imp around. It kind or reminds me of a rendition of one of the "clean unisex", high end mainstream commercial perfumes, but with more character. :P

  17. I was worried about this scent because I don't like wine and roses don't usually like me. I finally tried my imp and am pleasantly suprised that Lilith seems to work for me! :P


    In imp: something warm and sweet but not powdery sweet.


    Wet on me: wine and incense, with maybe a hint of rose. Not icky, cheap, 4 Roses-in-an-alley wine, but dark, expensive, dinner-in-a-5-star-restaurant wine. Nice. Usually rose gets totally nuts on my skin and I end up sneezing and scrubbing it off, but this stays quiet and subtle.


    Drydown: the wine fades somewhat and the incense notes, musk and myrrh? return. The rose is still quietly in the background.


    Throw: medium. I can smell it on my hand as I type, but not continuously or really strongly.


    Staying power: only a few hours on skin. In scent locket still going strong at end of day, but the wine and rose notes fade. The longest lasting effect is a warm, incensey, slightly sweet scent.


    Not at all what I expected, but quite nice. Also, my partner likes it. Always a good thing. :D I will probably keep an imp on hand.

  18. I was kind of worried about this scent working for me because I don't usually do well with florals. I was hoping the myrrh and opium would keep the narcissus in check.


    In imp: narcissus, whole fields of them with me in the middle.


    Wet on skin: narcissus over something like incense, probably the myrrh, this is better.


    Drydown: narcissus fades leaving soft incense smell, slightly powdery. The opium note shows a little, but mostly blends into the overall scent. I can't tell if it has throw or not. I can smell it when I sniff my wrist and it doesn't seem strong, but I'm also getting little bits of scent as I move my hands to type.


    Later: never seems strong, but hangs around on my skin for quite a while.


    Verdict: as soon as the drydown starts this becomes a very wearable scent for me. I may eventually get a bottle, my partner said he liked it :P He doesn't usually comment unless I wave it under his nose and ask.

  19. I really wanted to like this scent, both for the general slinky, sexy, coolness of the name and for the orange blossom which I usually love. Unfortunately, no such luck.


    In the imp: sharp neroli with a little of the mimosa/orange blossom sweetness


    Wet on skin: ouch! lots of neroli. Lots and lots of neroli, with something sort of powdery


    Drydown: the neroli backs down a little and there are hints of the lovely mimosa/orange/clove, but the powdery smell gets stronger too


    Dry on skin: sharp neroli with powder. ick. I think I'm going to have to wash it off as it also has pretty good throw and I'm getting a headache.


    Verdict: I don't like neroli, and it doesn't seem to like me. It absolutely overpowered all the other notes :P

    Too bad, I guess I'll keep this to swap sometime.

  20. This is a use review rather than a scent review, but I find Has No Hanna to be a fairly heavy floral, maybe jasmine, with a strong throw and good staying power. It is a little too floral for me as a pefume, but that isn't what I got it for.


    As for use, IT WORKS!! I recently had a situation where my property was required to pass a review by a county official. After putting a lot of work into getting ready I knew that if the official looked at one small section of the property I was toast, despite the rest being above the requirement. The night before the official was due to inspect I did a ritual aimed at directing the official's attention away from the one place which would not pass muster. I used Has No Hanna to annoint the candle and the cord I used for the spell. The next day I waited nervously, but nobody showed up. When we called to check, the official said that the property had passed! Apparently he chose to just drive by and look without even knocking at the door!! I am very happy with this blend, and will plan to keep some on hand for when I need a little extra luck.

  21. hi all,


    I am pretty new here, but am showing distressing signs of BPAL addiction. I recently got a batch of imps from e-bay including one of aglaea, which I really like (also my partner really likes) I have found recent reviews on the review thread, but cannot find it on the BPAL site. The search tells me it is to be found under the gratiae, which are not listed in the catelog?! Is this scent discontinued? or am I somehow missing it when I look?



